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Days: April 17th

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Ugh. DAYS is back to sucking again.

- Nick sucks.

- Willow sucks.

- This EJ story is the same as when I last watched three weeks ago!

- EJ is still so powerful and all knowing. It automatically makes him a bad villain. It's like Alistair. It's stupid.

- Darrin Brooks is even starting to annoy me.

The only good thing about today's was Celeste.

This show is in legitimate trouble. These changes cannot come fast enough.

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I watched like the last 20 minutes today, first time I have even tuned into DAYS at all. It's not all that bad, it seems like alot of focus on young adults though. Though this Nick character looks to be interesting. EJ looks alot older than I would have thought by reading different posts here, Sami and Lucas if they are a couple look like a boring couple, though I only saw alittle bit, so they might be more interesting than they seemed. I really liked Max I think it was and the girl with half her clothes off(don't remember her name) they seemed interesting.

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I'm glad you're starting to watch, Clint. The girl with Max is Chelsea. Believe it or not, Chelsea is Max's adopted niece, lol :lol:

Sami and Lucas are a boring couple. They used to be so good back in the day, but after the 358932596th getting back together storyline, they lost it for me. If you're familiar with B&B, Sami and Lucas are the Ridge and Brooke of Salem. :angry: It gets old!

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LOL! about the adopted niece thing, though I am getting used to the incest on the soaps anymore, sort of like how Holden is Lily's uncle on ATWT. Yup very familiar with Brooke and Ridge, you are right after about the 3rd time getting back together these couples all get boring.

I will probably even tune in tomorrow to see if I can get into it more, Y&R and B&B are snoreville for me right now, so it is worth checking into another soap for a while, plus I can always check out Y&R on soapnet if I have too and vice verse with DAYS. B&B I could careless if I miss, lol.

And yes I just made a bad comment about Y&R :lol: shocking I know.

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I actually got a few laughs out of todays show. Loved when Max asked Chelsea about her Baby hooker look. :lol:

Kate seemed oh so thrilled with EJ's love life. I liked when she said at the beginning "Oh, it's a drinking game" and her being nauseated by EJ's new attitude about love and that he never goes anywhere without three alterior motives (something like that). EJ then spelling out the annagram to Kate, goodness knows I am surprised she didn't get to the internet and firgure out who Brandy Mathas was right then and there.

And, you mean to tell me that Celeste and Sami would have that conversation with Will in the other room, head phones or not, who's to say that he wouldn't have overheard anything. He was right in calling his mom out too about spending so much time with EJ.

I actually like Willow when they do not have her in all of that make-up and her hair done. She looked really good.

I liked todays show. Sure, it wasn't the best I have seen, but I thought it was good.

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I was thinking the same thing. I'm ready to see more cast interaction and stories involving more than 3 or 4 characters. And if all the rumors about cast additons/returns come true, we're going to have a big enough cast that they are going to have to do some kind of umbrella storyline in order to use the vets (as promised by Corday) and the new additions as well.

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I like the small cast episodes...it allows for character development and interaction but I can see the other side of it too as sometimes they can be boring. Today I didn't think was.

I enjoyed the EJ/Kate/Lucas scenes. I like how it seems Hogan is turning Kate into a drunk. She reminds me of Nicole lately. I like the snark between the three of them too. Liked that scene at the end with EJ reminding Sami and saying "Tick, tock."

Sami/Celeste was good and I am liking Will lately. I liked his fight with Sami and Will calling her out. Gerse wasn't bad. Sami looked gorgeous and, for the first time in months, I feel that the writing is building momentum for a big event with the Sami/EJ stuff. The music and just the overall feel is really building alot of tension so kudos to Hogan and Days on that.

Didn't care for the Chelsea/Max stuff. It's a regression and I see why they are doing it for Chelsea's character but I never cared for them together. I am glad that it seems to be just her out for revenge. I did like Max's line about the baby hooker look and Darin and Rachel did a good job with the scenes.

Willow/Nick was alright but felt like filler. This hairbrush stuff is starting to bore me. I was happy to see Roman appear out of nowhere. Those previews tomarrow with him and Willow were...interesting :lol: .

Ok show though. Been an ok week so far but I can feel the Sami/EJ stuff building to big things so I can't wait.

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I can't comment on much today because I didn't see much. The first half was pre-empted and then I got a phone call that took up much of the second half. It seemed Willow was using her hooker wiles on Nick regarding that darned hairbrush.

Why is Willow in the hospital?

(Edited because I realized referencing preview info for tomorrow could be considered a spoiler--sorry!)

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