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Days:Casting & spoilers/rumors

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From Dustin's Rumor page:

April 13 -

From An Anonymous Actor

Two casting calls went out today for new roles on Days. Note: The roles haven't been cast yet so consider them spoilerish rumors for now! Also some soaps have a habit of putting casting calls out for one character with the intention of casting the role of another.

The first role is for Jett Carver, described as an African American male in his mid twenties. He is in the Air Force with Jeremy Horton. This character is set to become involved with Chelsea. He and Jeremy are up to something involving high rollers. (Jett is obviously somehow related to Abe, a nephew?)

The second role is Jeremy Horton, who is the son of Dr. Mike Horton and Robin Jacobs (last heard they were all in Israel). Jeremy is in his mid twenties as well, is described as handsome, dangerous and edgy. He is nothing but trouble. Jeremy is set to get involved with Stephanie Johnson. He also flew planes in Iraq.


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Kenny, Thyme Lewis made fun of me when i met him at a fan event...I was like 14 or 15 and shock his hand...he told me my handshake was too ACDC...i had no idea what that meant and i stupidly replied "oh i don't like rock music"...little did i know he meant girly...That bitch....i'm glad he got let go...

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Now these are newcomers I like. They add to existing families and, in the case of Jett, add diversity. Stephanie/Jeremy sounds good and I have a feeling you will see a triangle made out of Jett/Chelsea/Nick. I do wonder what this means for Max though. It's is good news considering the loss of Ashley but I still think they should recast and bring her back later on like they did Stephanie. I just hope we get balance and that we don't have these two shoved down our throats. Hogan did say more Horton's and he did seem to like the Carvers so here you go.

I have a feeling Jett is Abe's nephew like Drew said. This is good news for me and I am glad others here agree since other boards are cursing this citing that they don't want to see any newbies, regardless of connections to the canvas. If it were Benjamin, I don't think the last name would be Carver on the casting call but it could be a cover. I never did like Thyme Lewis or any of the actresses that played Wendy except Yvonna Kopacz but the character was still a waste. Both Jonah and Wendy were dropped despite major hints of a story with Benjamin so I don't think Days would look to that well.

This also does not mean Lexie isn't coming back. If anything, the current casting decisions suggest that the Dimera's and now, if this news if true, the Carvers are going to become very prominent so there is room for Lexie. I still think we will she here at one point and it won't surprise me to see Mike return too as a love interest for Billie and because there seems to be a major shift towards the Horton's coming up.

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This sounds interesting. I would love for Jeremy to come to town, especially if it helps pave the way for Mike Horton's return. And he would be a possible love interest for Billie, who really needs a decent, unattached man (Mike, that is, not Jeremy). As for Jett, his character description sounds like Chelsea's type so that could certainly slow down the progression of her romance with Nick, which was moving too fast anyway. Like others have said, balance is going to be key here. Introduce the new guys gradually and don't shove them in our faces four or five days a week!

I'd forgotten about Wendy/Jonah/Benjamin, but now I remember how annoying it was because they were dropping all kinds of hints about a story concerning the baby and then it was abruptly dropped and they left town, never to be mentioned again.

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Ehh, I have mixed feelings about this. It's good that they are bringing in two characters with connections to established families as opposed to random people like Willow & Gabby. Rebuilding the Horton family is critical and I remember posting a few weeks ago that Jeremy Horton would be a great addition. That being said, these are two more unfamiliar faces for viewers to have to digest (three counting NuStephanie). When Corday commented on returning to the core of DAYS, I hoped that meant a temporary embargo on newbies. I'll reserve judgement for the moment but if these two get more than one/two episodes a week, this will be a bad move.

I tend to think the Jett casting counts against Lexie returning. Abe is at a loose end with only Celeste to interact with so they are presumably bringing this guy in to beef up JR's airtime.

Booo to Chelsea & Nick having an interloper.:angry:

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So our cast for the summer is looking to be...

1. John

2. Marlena

3. Bo

4. Hope

5. Steve

6. Kayla

7. Billie

8. Kate

9. Roman

10. Lucas

11. Sami

12. EJ

12. Tony

14. Stefano

15. Victor

16. Shawn

17. Belle

18. Phillip

19. Gabby???????? (i'm thinking she'll kidnap claire)

20. Nick

21. Chelsea

22. Jeremy Horton

23. Stephanie

24. Jett

25. Abe

26. Celeste

27. Doug

28. Julie

29. Maggie

30. Caroline

31. Shawn Sr.

32. Bart

33. Colin Murphy????????

33. Max???????????

Abby and Willow will be gone....Duck will be gone...Gabby i don't see being longterm...Max is a big question mark, which sucks since i like Max...and Colin will probably just be on to play out the brady/dimera fued storyline, if its true he's returning..

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It appears Salem is going to be quite crowded in the months coming up, if all these returns/new characters actually happen. I have a feeling we're going to be saying goodbye to Willow, Gabby, Duck, and probably even Max, since Abby is leaving. Stephanie is probably being brought back because of Abby's departure, because that would only leave Chelsea and Nick for the younger crowd. And although I love the vets, we do need the young adults, too, so that's why I'm okay with Jett and Jeremy IF it's done properly, with the right balance of vets and newbies. And at least these are characters with connections to Salem, instead of random prostitutes and flirty island girls.

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After my cousin told me what it meant, i just laughed it off...Then over the years i secretly worked on making my handshake more masculine..Even joined a fraternity, where you do a lot of shaking hands...I think i have it down now...

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