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B&B Rate the Characters Game

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I am going to start these going A to Z for all the soaps for 2007. I was going to do it 2 weeks ago and got put in the hospital. I will do the B&B one which will run through Sunday, April 1 - all votes must be PM'd to me by 11:59 p.m. on that day. Results will be posted on Monday, April 2nd.

So far the winners of favorite character have been Tad Martin for AMC and Carly Snyder for ATWT. The least favorites have been Jonathan Lavery for AMC and Brad Snyer for ATWT. Who will it be for B&B?

This time there will be no voting twice. Please follow the rules and vote correctly. Once your votes are submitted they will be counted as is.

Using the current cast list below (children excluded) and rank them from 1 through 20 - with 1 being your absolute favorite character and 18 being your least favorite character. Please try to avoid putting 5 characters down for the same number. I can understand a 2 or 3 way tie but last time we had some who listed as many as 15 characters at #1 or at the bottom. If more than 3 are listed I will either ask you to resubmit your choices or take the first 3 listed and knock the others down to the next available number. I am trying to make this as fair as possible. I even had one submission where someone listed almost all the cast except their favorites on the same numbers near the bottom of the list.

I am only using characters that are currently seen in 2007 - no babies are listed just the older kids. I also did not include anyone who has left the show this year.

Ann Douglas

Ashley Abbott

Bridget Forrester

Brooke Marone

Clarke Garrison

Donna Logan

Eric Forrester

Felicia Forrester

Hector Ramirez

Jackie Marone

Nick Marone

Pamela Douglas

Phoebe Forrester

Rick Forrester

Ridge Forrester

Shane McGrath

Stephanie Forrester

Storm Logan

Taylor Hayes

Thorne Forrester

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1. Stephanie Forrester

2. Pamela Douglas

3. Felicia Forrester

4. Ashley Abbott

5. Thorne Forrester

6. Ann Douglas

7. Taylor Hayes

8. Brooke

9. Phoebe Forrester

10. Jackie Marone

11. Eric Forrester

12. Nick Marone (now that he's gone bad)

13. Ridge Forrester

14. Bridget Forrester

15. Storm Logan

16. Donna Logan

17. Rick Forrester

18. Shane McGrath

19. Clarke Garrison

20. Hector Ramirez

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