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Days: Wednesday, March 14th

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I'm trying very hard to follow your advice. I can't figure out how Duck would ever work out long term anyway. Gabby, maybe, but Duck? Just the name makes me think he's going to not be around long. Who would name a soap character Duck?

So now we know why Philip has been so dead set on getting custody of Claire, even though he initially walked away when he discovered she wasn't his biological child. He has daddy issues and is trying to convince Daddy Victor that he's a man. I liked Kate's talk with him today. She gave him some good advice, although with Kate she usually has an angle she's working. Nevertheless, I liked their mother/son discussion and hope Philip does tone things down.

Liked the Bo/Hope/Billie scenes. I know some fans hate scenes with the three of them but the reality is that they all need to parent Chelsea together. They have to find a way to get along, and I think today was setting up a nice family dynamic. Loved the scene with Hope and Billie at the end. Hope is herself again, which means she is confident enough to deal with Billie and Chelsea and accept that they are and always will be a family. I was also reminded today of the friendship Hope and Billie had so long ago, when Hope first came back to Salem and didn't know who she was. I hope Chelsea won't be a suspect regarding the fire for long, because that girl really deserves a break right now. She's trying very hard to change, but circumstances just keep dumping on her.

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I agree, i didn't mind Gabby...I actually prefer her over Willow..but Duck...i can't see sticking around for the longrun..I think he will be like Tek, Sophie, or Bart...given a contract as he's part of the story..then dropped back to recurring, then dropped from the show when the story is done..

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I liked the island scene when Claire was crying and Gabby was standing beside Belle trying to entertain the baby and get her to stop crying. I'm sure it was unscripted, since they can't control the baby's real crying, and it was very cute and natural. I also liked Gabby's look, she's exotic and pretty and not blonde. I may be able to accept her, but Duck...just can't see him back in Salem hanging out with Maggie and Kate. Maybe Gabby will be the replacement for Willow, who is getting herself into a lot of trouble and may not have a long shelf life. She's made enemies of everyone in Salem so I'm hoping someone decides to get rid of her soon. That sounds mean, but.....I just can't stand the character!

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Duck sucks. I can't say it enough. There's no point to this character and he's never going to fly, longterm.

Gabby was alright, but I'm no fan of Joy Bisco.

I'm missing my familiar faces. *sobs*

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Snicker at "Duckie". I wonder why on earth Hogan chose Duck for a man. It's not a very manly, powerful or even warm sounding name. Since he was a sergeant in the military, maybe that was his main phrase .... duck .... viola the name stuck.

I enjoyed Gabby. She is young, bright, fresh and friendly. She was all over the place taking care of the new arrivals and knew exactly what to do. This is how I saw Heather Lindell's Jan. She was all over the place doing things. I loved that. Gabby has won me already.

Did anyone hear Claire say "candy" when Gabby was taking her to the kitchen to look for candy? How cute. My son's first real word was "cookie" LOL. How on earth did they get Claire to act like a sick child and my heart broke that this little girl had to go through that. Brandon looked horrified, too.

Loved Philip in the chapel praying for Claire. He so much loves her. I think it will be interesting to see Kate as the family matriarch and a dinner with all her children. Hope we do get invited LOL. It would be fun to see Kate pulling for her children, but allowing them their own decisions (for a change).

I'm not commenting on the rest of the show. It's in chaos and I want it to unravel a bit.

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