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Days: Wednesday, March 14th

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Not a bad show. A little show but enjoyable.

First off, I LOVE GABBY!!!

As I have said, when Joy Bisco first started on PC I didn't care for her but she grew on me. I LOVE her in this character. She has a daddy's girl type feel but also a little rebel in her. Definitely more likeable then any of the new faces so far except Nick. Duck has short-term written all over him. He won't last and he annoyed me. The actor was fine but his look and the writing for him were not very becoming for me. I did like the Belle/Shawn scenes today because we did get a week break from them. The White twins are great. The way they cry at the right time and say things at the right time. I felt their pain and Martha and Brandon did a good job showing how horrified Belle and Shawn were. Liked it.

I also want to thank Days for the great Kate/Philip scenes today. Those scenes were needed. I needed Philip to interact with the other side of his family. I also needed to hear him talk about his motivation for his actions. His trying to be like Victor makes sense. Just really liked these scenes. LMAO to Kate doing a reading for the wedding and even coming to church for anything other then a wedding or funeral :lol: . I was a little confused about Philip calling him Victor but maybe he was mad or something. I hope we get to see the dinner or more scenes with Philip, Lucas, and Billie. I like family scenes and it helps mold Philip a bit as far as he is in his recent incarnation. JKJ and LK have great mother/son chemistry and they were good today. I actually saw some sensitivity in Philip and that helps. It's hope we get to see some more family scenes in general and I think we will.

Chelsea/Nick/Abby was filler but well-acted. I like how Nick showed how much he cared by trying to help her. Nice scenes. I like Chelsea laying into Bo and props to Days for not having Bo all out blame Chelsea. He is questioning her but not blaming her yet even though he thinks it could be her. I like that better. This is being handled well IMO. Billie/Bo/Hope was good. I like these three together. i like how Hope let Billie have it at first and was so tough on her and Bo and then she cooled down and helped Billie and offered to help Chelsea along with Bo. I like that Bo and Hope ae trying to think this through and not instantly blaming Chelsea. Hope/Billie was great when she convinced her to empty the bottle and that they would help each other with bad habits. Good writing and acting there.

Solid show. Tomarrow and Friday look more dramatic and seem to have more action.

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I agree. Although I don't love Gabby, I am at least interested in her and there's potential for me to love her someday. Some have said she's a repeat of Willow, but I don't see that. Maybe there's spoilers that invite the comparison, but if so I don't know about them so right now she's an open book. She did come across very warm and friendly and was very good with Claire. Those twins are awesome!

After rewatching the Kate/Philip scenes last night, I like them even more than I originally did. It was great to see another side of Kate and it went a long way in explaining Philip's actions. Having a father like Victor would be very intimidating, and in JKJ's previous tenure Philip had a tendency to be weak so I think we are now seeing him over-correcting.

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