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Days~Could EJ be a twin?

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Well I still feel strongly that EJ is a twin. I feel EJ's brother set out to find his father at a young age and EJ's mother went looking for her son and never came back. Sami's EJ stated that he hadn't seen his mother since he was young and has been uprooted and on his own most of his life. I feel Sami's EJ was raised by his nanny who kept him safe. I feel Sami's EJ came to Salem to be closer to his mother. I feel she talked about alot of people from Salem and he felt like he knew everyone there.

Sami's EJ was always a gentleman. He was strong confident and a very good friend and helped Sami when she really needed a friend. While getting to know her he grew to love her but couldn't be with her because she was with Austen. Once she was free EJ declared himself. Awww so gentlemanlike. It was very moving. EJ was having a really hard time with the fact that Sami loved Lucas. EJ knew Lucas could not love Sami unconditionally. Sami and EJ had this trust that she had never shared with anyone. She could tell EJ anything and she knew he would stand by her. With Lucas she had to be the good Sami. The one day when EJ was standing in Sami's door way saying he had enough and that Lucas and Will will hurt you but remember I never did and EJ left. That is the last time Sami saw EJ.

Part 2

Evil EJ is seen sleeping with Kate. He calls Sami a little tramp. Sami finds Kate's bra and puts two and two together. The police are closing in on EJ. Sami goes to EJ's apartment and stalls EJ then John can get Kate out. Sami plants that kiss on evil EJ. Twins usually have the same taste in women. Then Evil EJ bumps into Will in the hallway and acts all nasty and says your mom just planted a kiss on me so you better get used to it. Kate asks why guys like Sami so much. Evil EJ says she pours sex. If you notice this EJ is different. He takes Kates cloths off with his teeth and he throws her on her desk. His mannerisms are different then romantic EJ.

Evil EJ states that his mother said so many bad things about him. Sami's EJ said he never met his father that it's better that way.


I feel someone will have to step up to the plate and save Sami. Will it be Sami's EJ or Lucas. I feel this is a great storyline and Sami's EJ will have a hard time because how will Sami feel kissing a guy that reminds her of rape and all the horrible horrific stuff evil EJ had done to her. I feel Evil EJ will torment her for a couple of months untill the story climax's.

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That theory would make a very interesting storyline. However, I think there is just one EJ. The man we witnessed at first was him acting. He was being all caring and genuine to get on Sami's good side and make her like him. And, now we see the true colors of Elvis! As far as his naming calling and whatnot to Sami now, well he has possibly completed his mission of "planting his seed in a Brady women". Even if he hasn't completed his mission, he has Sami right where he needs her. She has to do everything and he says and wants, unless she wants Lucas and everyone else to know that she knew all along that EJ shot John, and of all the other events that took place that same night.

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Pawn Theory,

Well no one really liked my twin theory so I came up with an option very similiar to the twin thoery.

I feel Sami's EJ's stories don't match up with what Evil EJ talks about. So what if the Demira's got hold of EJ and erased his memories of how he precieves things. Trained him to love and adore the Demira's and to be the future of the Demira dynasty. Which means continue with the Demira feud. Kind of like Star Wars with Anican Sky Walker. How horrlble he turned to the darkside with no redemption. I hope EJ gets rescued by Sami through her love for him.

As for Sami's EJ he seems like he battling to get back to Samantha. Sami's EJ talks about always being on his own and never meeting his father. How sad if this is true that this EJ seems like he needs someone to step up to the plate and save him.

Marlena told Kayla that she is an expert at Demira mind control and that man belongs to the Demira's. I'm really liking this option to. Sami could figure it out by reaching to there earlier times over the summer and find out Hey! Who are you. What have you done to my friend that I love.

Do you think I'm getting closer?

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What a load of nonsense. So called "Sami's EJ" was playing her from day one. Alot of viewers recognised that his apparent "unconditional love" was nothing more than a ruse to get her to trust him. Hogan hasn't written some evil twin onto the show! He's simply had the one and only EJ reveal his true sociopathic colors. Honestly...these attempts to rationalise EJ's crimes are getting more and more desperate by the day.

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Thank you very much for your thoughts. No wonder I choose to keep my oppinions to myself. I do not rationalize what EJ did to Sami. I just feel theres a reason to all those scenes in the summer. Plus we have had totally different recalls on EJ's childhhood. We have him telling Stefano that he loved what Stefano has done for him growing up and we have an EJ who said he never met his father. That it is better that way. Plus he said he has been alone most of his life. That I find very good stuff and I feel things are not what they seem.

This is personally my favorite story and I am hoping that someone helps EJ escape the Demira's. Marlena stated that when someone controlled by the Demira's that they belong to the Demira's. Well I am a romantic and I know theres a man in there that needs saving if theres not a twin.

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My apologies. I will play along...

If this psychopath currently on the loose happens to be an evil twin, where is the "real" EJ (or "Sami's EJ", as you call him)? Where was he while his vile brother was terrorising the Bradys and raping his beloved Sami? Does he know his twin brother and if he does, why did he not warn the Bradys about him? If he was kidnapped and is being held captive by the Dimeras, why has none of this been shown on-screen? Hogan has said that he plans to let viewers in on secrets long before the characters themselves know about them so why keep all of that under wraps? And if he hasn't been kidnapped, why would he voluntarily leave Salem and allow this psychopath to take his place?

The evidence you've provided only shows that the character's behaviour changed and that he was very adept at concealing his true nature. None of it suggests that there was ever a "switch" between two seperate characters.

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Hi ponz,

Thats why I threw the Pawn theory for all of you that can not except that there might be two of them. What if Sami's EJ has gaps in his life that he can not remember. It would make sence that he would recall his life differently then evil EJ. He would not know about the Demira's.

Sami's EJ also is a very strong person and continually told Sami to take charge of her life and to take the power away from her blackmailer. I feel when EJ gets those terot cards that he turns into a Demira operative. Stefano's purpose for EJ could be that he wanted his love and for him to take over when he's gone.

I remember the day of Sami's and Austens non wedding EJ stated that he turned the phone off because he gets lots of calls at night. Plus when they were on the business trip and EJ got the phone call there was music in the back ground and the man said he has spoken. Sami's EJ could hear a command and then he no longer is Sami's EJ. He turns into Evil EJ.

Evil EJ will not be aware of the summer Sami and EJ had and that will be what saves the Brady's. If Sami can figure it out then she can save her family.

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Both the "twin" and "pawn" scenarios imply that EJ (or "good" EJ) experienced a sudden and drastic change in behaviour. In reality, the process was a gradual one. We first saw EJ lose his cool when Lucas and Will interrupted his date with Sami. We were then given clues that he was involved in the murder of Officer Eve. We were then shown that he had violent tendencies, first by his beat-down on Patrick and then when he assaulted Sami in her apartment. I may have mixed up the order of these but the point remains: it wasn't "good EJ" one day and "bad EJ/evil twin EJ" the next. We saw the character come unravelled over the space of several months. It culminated in the night of John's shooting when we saw just what he was capable of. IMO, the whole transformation was done seamlessly by HS.

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I think Evil EJ is a Demira operative programmed to carry on the Demira name. So Steve and EJ are the same but EJ has been programmed since he was little and Steve had tons of torturing to go through. It would be easier to program EJ then Steve. Steve has lots of memories to hold on too. As for Steve his mission is very different then EJ's. Steve's mission is not to love and honer your family at all times. To die for your family. I feel EJ's mission is solely to be the next Stefano Demira. Steve's mission is solely to help EJ with what ever EJ's needs are.

I feel EJ's only hope is Sami. Evil EJ does not know about the EJ that spent all that time with Sami this summer. Those scenes were not just thrown in there for no reason. It is the key to saving the Brady's.

You mentioned that EJ flips out all the time and has anger issues but that still can be explained through gaps in his life and in some cases frustrated that Sami can't see that he loves her unconditionally.

If this plays out. I really feel bad for EJ. I don't think he can deal with the things he has done. Sami's EJ treats women with respect and he always carries himself as being a complete gentleman. I see really hard times for him to get over what he's done.

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How about a multiple personality theory that I think is very chilling stuff. I heard this after posting my theory and I feel it is really good.

The disorder start and develops in childhood when children's personalities are developing and they have to deal with something unbearable on a regular basis. So they develop a different personality or personalities to handle this for them.

If Stefano found EJ during a critical period of his development and started teaching him things that were completely oppisite to the values he'd been taught up until then, he could have created Evil EJ to please his father, but kept Good EJ to please his mother. Evil EJ would know about Good EJ, but Good EJ wouldn't know about Evil EJ because he wouldn't be able to handle it.

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I would dispute that "Sami's EJ" always carried himself as a complete gentleman. My impression from day one was that he was a player who would say or do anything to get a woman in the sack...and then discard her. Jack even remarked about him "using women like Kleenex". He took advantage of Sami after her failed wedding to Austin and then tried to bed her on the first date. And he was lusting after both Kate and Sami at the same time. He didn't treat either of them with much respect.

As for the brainwashing/multiple personality arguments, I don't think that's what Hogan has in mind for the character. If those theories were true, we would have seen flickers of guilt and remorse from EJ about his various crimes. Instead, we've seen him laugh about them. This is a guy who enjoys making other people's lives miserable. He's embracing rather than rebelling against the legacy of his father.

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I do have to disagree with you there. Sami's EJ was always a gentleman. He had plenty of times when he could of took advantage of her. He waited untill he was free to declare himself. The looks were very intoxicating. Most of the audiance knew he loved her. As for Jacks oppinions, it could of been his multiple personality that treated women like that. As for some of his smilies after he sees Sami I took some of them that he likes a good game and I think he feels he's getting to her. Maening Sami's EJ does not want to be Sami's second choice and he said if he ever found love again that he would fight for it. I am hanging on to there being good in EJ because I fell in love with Sami and EJ from the start and I will admit that I was a die hard Lumi fan untill this summer. EJ seems to love Sami unconditionally and I feel EJ is what Sami's been searching for but Sami never knows what she wants.

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