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DAYS: How can Stefano be alive when...

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Roman, I love you! :lol: I know that was serious, but how you put it just cracks me up.

I don't know how this will be explained, to be honest. Mabye Hogan decided to just ignore that little part on the island, mabye it wasn't Stefano and just some imposter Stefano put in his place, I am not sure. It could be explained alot of ways.....this is Stefano DiMera.

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My money's on impostor, but it's Stefano and it's Days so it's probably one of those things you just fill in for yourself, if you need to.

I'ma imagine that Tony was plotting to get Stefano and use his blood for a cure but Stefano found out. He didn't want to get drained, or let his son die, so he found an impostor for Tony to use. Heck, I'm even pretending that during all this off-stage stuff Stefano tried to contact Kristen for help but EJ intercepted the letter and replied- which is how Stefano and EJ hooked up.

I'd love it if this guy EJ's got really isn't Stefano at all. It'd be fun if Stefano really was dead and EJ just got scammed.

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I never even believed Tony when he said that Stefano was dead. It was obviously some decaying carcuss they wanted us to believe was Stefano.

IMHO, I believe that Tony/Stefano were in it together. Tony convinced everyone that Stefano was dead. That way, Stefano could attack as soon as the Bradys let their guard down, thinking he was dead.

Now..obviously, Stefano is dying/sick/whaetever. I believe this probably happened sometime right after Tony's imprisonment. Now, E.J. has stepped up to take control of the DiMera empire while he awaits a cure for his ailing father.

There. *Lays down two pennies* There's my two cents. :P

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The skeleton wasn't him. Simple.

They never did take a DNA test nor did they ever take the remains. It was mentioned back in December that they did take a DNA test or something. Nevertheless, it's Stefano. Anything is possible and Tony was deranged as hell. He could've been lying or playing some sort of game. Who knows. It's not really relevant right now anyway as Stefano is back and it's best to keep that island crap as far back in the past as possible.

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