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What Passions storyline will be most radically altered??

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The only thing I liked about Hell in a Closet was that EVERYONE was involved. We saw everyone's reactions but, like Kenny said, nothing happened because of it. The Bennetts's lost their house. Big deal. The only thing that happened was JER gave rushed end to the tension between Ethan and Sam. There was no furthering of plot, no fallout, no nothing. It was nothing but horrible special effects and 3 weeks of going around in circles. The cast interaction and Tabitha and Timmy made it a bit better but it was nothing but a waste of 3 weeks IMO.

Look at prom boat disaster and the mine shaft story if you want good ones. Those two were great.

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So? Those stories advanced plots and had great moments for the characters. They had payoffs. Hell in a Closet had bad special effects, poor pacing (that no way should've went on for 3 weeks), and did nothing for the stories. It was a waste of a viewer's time and only prolonged things. They would've been better served using the time on something else or, if they wanted to do this, they should've had it move the plots along and have some sort of impact other then the house going under.

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Ethan would never kill so I wouldn't buy that. He stated his pro-life position long time ago. If he can't kill unborn children (except that time he argued in favor of abortion, lol), then he certainly can't kill adults...he's not a serial killer. Julian, now, would be great. Maybe losing Eve forever made him crack. Hell, Sheridan could be the killer if she's the rapist and everything else!

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I disagree, Rion.

The whole point behind not killing off fan favorites is the theory that it could make viewers turn off the show in droves.

But here, in this situation, the "fans" of couples don't matter, because the show's going off the air. :lol:

I actually think it'd be an interesting way to end the show. Killing everybody off. EVERYBODY. JER wanted to do that in Salem but Corday made him rewrite the story. I'd love to see JER's story he initially wanted for "Days" to somehow play out.

I'll ALWAYS be haunted by spirit Marlena's line to Celeste.

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Just because he's been anti-abortion in the past doesn't mean he cant become a killer, ask all those who've blown up clinics and snipered doctors. He can go crazy. He already seems to be acting weird, wanting to have an affair with Theresa and not leave Gwen.

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Drew, let's not let propaganda cloud our judgment on characters. There ARE hypocrite pro-lifers who ruin it for the rest of us. THey blow up clinics and target those who give abortions. They are the vast minority of us, though. THEY make the headlines, and that's the only reason people know about them and link us with ... "them." They're horrible people. And again, hypocrites.

So, knowing that, on this issue, Ethan isn't so much a hypocrite -- although again I really got annoyed when he argued FOR abortion that one time, when Theresa was with child and Gwen demanded it -- I couldn't see him killing. And yes, we must remember the "Who Shot Julian?" story, where he was a suspect. But that was just silly and he would never do it. Yes, he had the gun, but ...whatever. It was a plot device, lol. That's all.

Is it strange for him to have an affair with Tess? YES. But when you consider that, in "Passions" world, they really are meant to be together, it's not so strange or even sinful for Ethan to not be able to keep his vows to Gwen. In "Passions" logic, if you're not with your soulmate, you're not really married. I'd actually believe that, before the show ends, somehow, Ethan and Gwen will get a quickie annulment, what they would need in order to justify their soulmate status, since Ethan and Theresa are both Catholic and Ethan places so much stress on keeping his vows and "death do us part."

So, he can cheat, yes. But I don't see him as a serial killer.

Spike, maybe Chris, Julian, DEFINITELY Sheridan (god I'd LOVE that :wub:) and certainly an alive Beth and Alistair would kill. But Ethan...I just don't think it'd work. And fans, though it'd be pointless, lol, would BE LIVID.

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