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What Passions storyline will be most radically altered??

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I doubt there will be a battle between good and evil. JER dropped that and I just don't see it happening, at least not on a large scale.

I always wanted Gwen to be a serial killer during her breakdown story. She would kill all the dead weight and would try to kill Theresa as her last victim. I remember envisioning a whole story in my mind. If I had a Passions fan fic, I would write it.

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It hasn't been dropped. Kay recently referred to something bad happening to the dark side last week re: Charity and Miguel sleeping together.

JER has not forgotten this MAJOR plot point, and it's been referenced a whole lot since last fall especially.

The Big Battle is coming. The show has been building to it for years. JER will not cheat us out of that.

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Loving killed off most of the members of one of its core families, and that story is still talked about today for how great and exciting it was. Bottom line ... we're never going to see these characters again past Sept. Even if the show's on the internet, no actor currently there is going to work in that medium. So, why not go out with a bang with a story people will remember?

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Um, it's called the Big Battle Between Good and Evil. Daytime has never seen that before, and they will never forget it.

It's coming this summer, when the younger viewers are home from school to watch it. Mark my words.

P.S. Why would you want the show to end as a crappy Loving ripoff? Especially when the only characters that can die are Jessica, Spike, Valerie, and Chris?

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If there is a big battle between "Good" and "Evil," I hope like hell that their special effects have improved from the "Hell in a Closet" days. That would be laughable and a pity to end on.

They could do it without LITERAL demons.

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If the battle happen, and I doubt it will, it better be something like the prom boat disaster and the mine shaft story. However, the show has been cancelled so I doubt NBC will give them the money needed to pull a large scale event like that off. They cut their budget big time so I don't think we will be seeing a HUGE battle. It will be on a small scale, if it happens.

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Well, I hated "Hell in a Closet," so if it's anything like that, I would prefer they not do it.

It wasn't dramatic, it wasn't funny. It was just sad.

I can already imagine an army of demons shooting fire from their tails as Grace, Charity, Kay and Jessica shoot beams of love, peace, warmth and tenderness from their chests like the fuckin' Care Bears 'n sh!t.

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Good god, you didn't like Hell in a Closet??


That was Passions' BEST story ever, and when the show truly peaked and proved just how awesome it good be! Hell in a Closet was when Passions reached its true, ultimate potential. I fuggin' love it. Every damn second was amazing

And your idea is pretty good, and what I hope to see. Good will triumph.

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They should find some way to go back in time to 1999, when Charity first came to Harmony and set Tabitha out to unleash evil on Harmony in the first place. Everything is as it was, and the Standish women somehow try to re-write the town's fates by going back into the past, LoL

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