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PSNS: Friday

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it was boring -- AGAIN.

same old, same old. nothing happened, unless you want to talk about ho theresa changing her mind for the millionth time. what a skank.

these pre-cancellation shows are so bad, i can only imagine how terrible the post-cancellation episodes will be.

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Ok show. This week has been ok. Again, things got alot better after Monday since there was no more rape.

The reason why it's not dreadful right now is things are moving. I could care less about Fox/Kay/Miguel/Charity but at least it's moving. Having Julian and Ivy around makes it more tolerable.

I love Jaresa but I will say Martsolf has been decent this week and him and Lindsey were pretty good today. I am not a ET fan anymore but I was able to watch their scenes. Whitney is annoying and this is coming from a Jaresa fan. I guess I have accepted the fact that Jaresa have no chance.

Valerie acted weird. I wonder what she meant with all that doom and gloom talk? I think that was Daphnee's last show before her maternity leave.

I hate Chris but I was happy he got a clue and called Sheridan out on Luis. Good scenes today with my "Lucy." Harper is rocking but I hate this story. MW was ok today.

Ok show and an ok week. Nothing special though.

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Lindsay and Eric were awesome yesterday esp. Eric. Loved what Ethan said Theresa...loved it. I fall off the E/T love train during Therox but now I am totally back on it :)

Really hope PSNS ends with me liking Sheridan again...really disliked her yesterday.

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Well, once again, I have no clue what show SOME of you were watching. Great show! SO glad that Fancy was able to STICK it to MeanSheridan by proving she WAS raped. And the next shocker is just going to be INCREDIBLE television. (I read spoilers, so I know what's coming up, lol.)

Ethan and Theresa were great.

Valerie, I could finally see, well, her portrayer, is SO FREAKING RIDICULOUSLY pregnant. DANG, that girl was fat. How did I not notice that before? :lol:

I'm surprised no one commented on Charity, Ms. "I didn't come back because of Aunt Grace's death -- I came back to comfort YOU, Miguel."

HA@! What a selfish [!@#$%^&*]!!!!

That was the biggest shocker fo rme. Again, Charity's time on the island has turned her into a selfish, self-centered, lust-filled, [!@#$%^&*]!

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Sorry if you didn't intend it that way, JER, but yes, it was selfish!


Because Charity made it a point to say she did NOT return to Harmony for Aunt Grace's death, to be with FAMILY.

She came back for one reason only: to be with a MAN.

She's selfish and frankly? She's turned into a SKANK.

I love the new actress' portrayal though. Molly WHO?! :wub:

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I hadn't really read any spoilers or anything, so this week was that much better for me! I loved Friday's eppy.

The only thing I am really ready for an end to is the Fancy/stalker thing....nuff with him holding something sharp at every other scene's end. I did like seeing her tell Sher Sher off though. I love wicked Mac too! She rocks it and she is looking stellar!

The E/T stuff was good, even though I'm no longer a E/T fan, I still enjoyed seeing the actors/characters working with this Gwen leaving material.

The Charity thing was a HUGE shocker. Anyone think that Julian had a hand in that?

Overall, I'm liking it right now....and can't wait 'til next week....

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