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Days: Wednesday, January 24th

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LMAO at Billie and Nick. Them being so uncomfortable around eachother was a hoot.

Still loving this on the run s/l. Philip bursting into Roman's office yeling at him lovin' evil Philip. Steve throwing boxes out the back of the truck. Oh and WTH was Shawn thinking calling Philip. Doesn't he realize that is what will eventually come back to bite him in the arse!

Lucas and Sami, I do like them together, but I am starting to be on the side of the fence of them needing to still be trouble makers.

EJ's phone call to Sami. They have unfinished business, things are far from over. Chilling phone call. When Roman was yelling at him I just had to laugh. Seriously, does Roman think he could do damage to EJ.

Wonderful show. I love the action. Never thought I would love Days again, thank you HS and staff.

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Now, I've heard of close cousins, but Abby and Nick take it to a new level. They are always together. I, for one, can't understand this bond because I hate pretty much all of my cousins.

You go, Philip! Bust into that station and demand your rights!!!

Did anyone notice the short-version of the DAYS opening segment? I think this may be a first time. We didn't get the beginning music. They went straight to MacDonald Carey's quote, and quickly ended the scene right after. I didn't really like it, but whatever...

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Poor Steve. He's just pure batshit crazy right now :(

You know, even with most of his screws loose, his survival instincts don't miss a beat. I'd still want him on my side if I had to make a getaway.

You know, I love Sami to death and she has every reason to be weeping right now, but I'm still over it. No more weeping, girl. Start fighting back. No one can fight dirtier than you. EJ shouldn't stand a chance.

Speaking of EJ, all I can say is sluuuuuuuuuuurp.

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I really enjoyed today's show......

The only thing that's getting on my nerves somewhat, is Steve having to throw stuff around when he has these "attacks"; I laughed a bit when he was in the back of the van tossing stuff around......

The chemistry between Chelsea, Abby, and Nick is too cute, and it's nice to see Abby and Chelsea talking about attending college......

I hope that Sami tells Lucas what happened with EJ sooner rather than later......

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My thoughts on todays show:

I loved this Chelsea, Abby, Nick, Billie scenes...Rachel Melvin just rocks, can't wait for chelsea to find out the truth..

Its great having EJ back, i've missed him...Loved the way he handled Roman...

Also i'm loving Phillips new attitude, its about time he took after his father...and Hogan didn't miss a beat...

Ali Sweeney rocked today, finally she's getting some meaty material...

The belle, shawn, claire, steve scenes were exciting..But damm Steve is crazy...

My only complaint for the last two episodes...I want to see Abe and Celeste's reactions to Lexie disapearing...Is Abe in the spoilers for the rest of the week, do we get these scenes?

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Good episode!!

Loved the Nick/Billie/Chelsea/Abby scenes....I am getting a little tired of how the show is not writing for Ashley Benson though. I want her to have her own story and become a more relevant character on the show (she certainly deserves to be).

The "On The Run" story is OUTSTANDING and so is the Sami/Lucas/EJ stuff. I love EJ so much...he has brought a whole new depth to DAYS IMO!

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