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Days: Wednesday, January 24th

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Count me in on the reformed Chelsea haters. Hogan Sheffer and Rachel Melvin have turned me around on this character. This story is very good and I just love sweet Nick. My only complaint is that they are not on enough. Let's get a move on guys!

Ahhhhhhh my EJ! He just bring the canvas to light. Evil, delicious, scheming, witty EJ makes any scene he's in worth watching. Today with Roman he had complete control. Roman blustered and made the pretense that he could arrest EJ but we all know it will not last long enough for the ink to dry on EJ's fingers. When EJ told Roman what he really thought about John and Roman backed him up to the wall, I just loved the way EJ taunted Roman, complete w/that little head movement.

Jay, welcome home buddy! He is spicing things up around the old town too! He and Victor together are so good. Hope JA is back soon!

Very good show.

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I'd want him on my side too, but I sure as hell wouldnt want him driving me anywhere! It surprised me (on yesterday's show) that Kayla and Marlena didnt show any concern for Shawn and Belle knowing Steve was driving them and that he comes under these attacks. Youd think someone in Salem wouldve been concerned about this...even Kayla going with them in case something happened, she shouldve fought to go w/ Steve.

I LOVE BB as Shawn. His eyes say everything. I love the getaway stuff too, but Steve throwing things out of the truck and then jumping out of it WAS a bit much.

I'm loving the music lately also, it's actually adding to the scenes for the most part rather than distracting me. Good move.

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I'm enjoying the show much more as of late. However, there are elements that just aren't working for me. Steve throwing the boxes from the truck was silly to me. And I'm starting to really dislike Shawn and Belle for how moronic they were about preparing to run away with Claire. Idiots.

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I really didn't mind the box throwing. I loved the way SN played that scene. It was building up in him since the end of yesterday's show and it all just exploded. I was shocked when he just dove out of the car. MM and BB were good too. The pace of this story is great and I can't beleive they are in Canada already.

Ali rocked today. I am just glad Sami/Lucas have some conflict now because for awhile it was way too easy. Loved EJ calling Sami.

Abby, Chelsea, and Nick were good. I wish we would see more focus on Abby alone but that will come. Great seeing Billie again and loved the awkwardness of Billie and Nick. Great that they are really focusin on what happened between them and not just dropping it. Melvin rocks and she does comedy so well. Chelsea has become a fave of mine.

The best scene were Roman/Philip and Roman/EJ. Taylor actually did a good job today. JKJ rocks. He has really taken on the role and made the "new" Philip work. Loved it and loved him taking on Roman, making threats, etc. I also liked that we saw EJ and Philip in the same room. Granted, nothing was done with it but I hope they interact more in the future. Loved the EJ/Roman stuff. The way he was toying with him and so cool and calm-loved it. James Scott rocks and I like the beard. Reminds me a bit of the beard Joe Mascolo sported in his last few years on Days.

It was a good show though. This whole week has been really good.

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I dont think the idea of running away with Claire was moronic in itself. But I do agree that some of the ways they went about it were dumb, such as not asking anyone for money before they left. Marlena couldve given them a good bit. Other than that though, they had to go so quickly that I'm not surprised they didnt think of everything they might need.

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I'm watching on SoapNet right now.

I love how 'stuff' is happening in every episode.

Nick spilling the drink at the Brady Pub was adorable.

Chelsea is great.

Sami/EJ phone conversation is great.

And Steve is nuts. Poor guy.

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It's when EJ's talking to Roman. Darn, I can't remember the exact time code but it was SO [!@#$%^&*] HOT!!!

If you were reading the show through queer theory, you might guess that EJ was tempting Roman to mount him. He was like, "What are you gonna do to me?" and then the HEAD MOVEMENT.....AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHH, THAT HEAD MOVEMENT!!!

It was insanely hot.

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