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DAYS: Bo and Hope Announcement

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PLUS... PLUS... the only way I've ever seen Keera spelled is just like that. And also Kyra... like Kyra Sedgwick.

Ciara. Pronounce it. Put the letters in order. Ciii-AAAAAAA-ra. There's an A in the middle.

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Ok, I'll admit that the idiots that came up with this "Name the Bope Baby" idea are possibly completely dumb to the fact that Ciara is an Irish name. But because it is Irish, it would make sense for them to pronounce it correctly and in Irish it is pronounced KEER-A! Why Colonel is pronounced "kernel" I don't know, but that's the way it's pronounced so whatever, lol.


Just a thought.

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I'm sorry but what's your problem? Please don't tell me to as you put it "shut up".

All the names in the poll were irish, the Brady's are as you know irish. ;) Ciara is really an irish name. In the irish language you don't always pronounce a name the way it's spelled. That is a fact!

Someone mentioned if it's pronounced Keera is spelled Kiara. Sorry but that's not true either, that's the english spelling not the irish.

> Here's < a link to one of many sites were irish baby names are listen. But on this one you can actually click on a button to hear how it's pronounced. Ohh and there's a detailed description written down about it too... see "kee + ra". Sorry but it's always good to check your facts. So when you say "Think, people, think!" maybe you're the one you should be thinking before you type things like this. Just a thought. Perhaps you've only seen Keera spelled like that is probably because you live in the US area, yes? I've lived in Ireland for quite a few years, Ciara is pronounced Keera. :) If they're going to call this child Sierra then there was no point of picking only irish names for the poll since Sierra with the spelling Ciara is not irish.

While your at the site for irish baby names, pick another name like Caoimhe ("kee + va") or Niamh ("nee + iv" or "neev"). Just so you see you can't always say it like it's spelled.

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Yeah, I just bet they'll pronounce it the Irish way. :rolleyes:

Honestly, no matter how it's pronounced, I'll hate it no matter what. They might as well have just named her Skanky Ho Brady for what I'll be thinking every time I read her name.

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Do you honestly think that the people at Days researched pronunciation? This is the same show that spelled it "Stephano" for the first part of the run and "Stefano" for the second half.

It's ugly either way.

I can't wait to have the last laugh though.

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Kenny. Yes I do. Especially since I'm sure atleast they have some knowledge of the irish language, they're not that stupid. The show is not what it was back when Stefano was Staphano. If we still had JER then yes, I would have expected nothing more then Sierra. Hogan said repeatedly there should be some reality on the show. This is reality.

If you do get to have the last laugh, then you should feel really stupid. Sorry but that's the truth. They picked all irish names for the poll, there's no point in doing that if you're not going at it the right way. If it's pronounced in any other way the Keera it's a freakin joke and a mockery against Éire. It's not that hard for the TPTB to check it up. Just google it and you'll get quite a few links to set it straight. Simple as that. Sierra is more an english name and could be spelled with a C, but the it would be spelled Cierra or Ciera, not with an A in the middle. Source

But if this is going to continue to make you upset then go ahead. I don't get how you can keep arguing when you have the facts right there. d010.gif

Anyway. It's a freakin name on a soap. It's actually quite funny how involed you are about this when you're so wrong. I don't care how DAYS are gonna prononce it. You stated it's prononced Kiara, and that's just not true. That's what I was talking about. Who cares what the TPTB are gonna do. Hopefully they'll have some sense though.

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