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Posts posted by juppiter

  1. 3 hours ago, DRW50 said:

    I'm not sure what she's exposing. Everyone has known this about BB and CBS for years. 


    Anyway, I keep up with the show a bit but have mostly given up the habit. Yet another season with racists running the house and being painted as gods is more than enough for me. It doesn't help that they based their season around humping over a Jason Mamoa knockoff when I have never cared for Jason Mamoa anyway.


    I just read what happened and I really can't say that I'm surprised. The thing is, they used to be able to sweep these things under the rug easier because only .1% of fans had live feeds and those who didn't could be easily fooled by whatever anodyne edit they are trying to sell (I actually really disagree with Audrey that Grodner has any bad intentions. Rather, she is just extraordinarily lazy and inept at her job.) With the advent of social media it is not so easy to cover these things up anymore.

    2 minutes ago, DaytimeFan said:

    I'm enjoying the season so far, for better or for worse...but I will say that the majority of the cast is either lying about their ages or they're some of the roughest looking 20 and 30 somethings I've seen.


    They used to not let people lie... I remember when Frankie kept saying he was 28 in the pre-season interviews and the subtitle said, "Frankie, 32" the entire time.

  2. 22 hours ago, ChickenNuggetz92 said:


    Also quickly threw together a comparison clip of Sharon and Phyllis' stairwell confrontation comparing Michelle Stafford and Gina Tognoni. I will have to cut Gina some slack since she didn't have the experience of taping scenes leading to the buildup, but she did pretty well for starting raw.


    Best experienced with a set of headphones or earbuds.




    I love when soaps re-record the same scene with a recast. There used to be a Brenda Dickson/Jess Walton one on YouTube that was to die for.

  3. Kamala Harris has had the strongest performance of any candidate thus far, IMO.


    Bernie and Biden are doing fine, but I don't see them doing anything to appeal to those outside of the people who already support them.

  4. I love how Delaney keeps begging to speak and then the moderators are like, "ugh, fine, you can have thirty seconds, I guess, but then don't say anything for a while." 😂 But you can't blame them because he does nothing with the little time they give him. Why is he running?

  5. 34 minutes ago, Soapsuds said:

    If you're going to speak in Spanish learn how to speak it before your mouth opens up.


    😂The worst thing is you could see the wheels turning in Booker's head when Beto spoke it first. "NO! That's my cool party trick that I do." IDK, Booker is just such a goober to me... Like, why do you keep mentioning that you face constant gunfire in your neighborhood? You were mayor of the city you live in, so that makes you look not so great.


    To me, Julian Castro is having a breakout night. He is offering a lot of policy ideas but delivering it well. Warren is not having a great night, at least to me. I really dislike deBlasio but he has been making the most of the little time he has gotten (although I've been able to finish a few of his sentences, having heard them before. I guess NYC was the test audience.)

  6. 6 hours ago, Vee said:

    Yeah. She's got my vote now.


    Meanwhile, on Opposite Street:


    Bernie Sanders wouldn't commit to dropping out of the race before the convention if he were not the nominee and said some people say he would've beat Trump "if the system weren't rigged against me." with @kasie


    I mean, that is a totally unfair question to Bernie or any candidate over a year before the convention. “Oh nobody has voted yet, but will drop out if you lose?”  The message that he is seeking to undermine the presumptive nominee and contest a convention is underlying in that question, when he didn’t last time, and it is way too soon to assume he would this time. 


    Idk. I hate that question. It would be different if it were June 2020 and he were asked that question and he was in 2nd place. “Are you gonna stay in this and harm the presumptive nominee?” Fair question. In June 2019, “if you’re hypothetically in 2nd a year from now, will you drop out?” FOH. That’s not a fair question. 

  7. I liked season 1. Didn’t love the ending, as the entire season had built up to one moment, and when that moment came it felt so incredibly clunky and just terribly staged. But imperfect ending aside, I was pleased with what felt like a finished product, and I wasn’t especially looking forward to season 2. I was predicting handmaids tale season 2... book material run out and just spinning in circles. 


    The season 2 premiere was so much better than I thought it was going to be, and I’m looking forward to season 2 now. I did really miss the Greek chorus from season 1. But I think all five leading ladies are off to really interesting starts, and the addition of the sixth leading lady in Meryl Streep is intriguing. 

  8. 4 hours ago, Khan said:


    Same.  It's just like what's happening right now over at DAYS, with Will's brain tumor.  Why should we care about Victor's health, when we KNOW EB ain't going anywhere anytime soon?  He's clearly not gonna die.  Ergo, the suspense is nonexistent.


    This type of storyline really can't work on modern soaps because they move too fast.

  9. The Dem debate lineups are out.


    The first debate on Wednesday, June 26, in Miami will include:


    Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren

    Former Texas Rep. Beto O'Rourke

    New Jersey Sen. Cory Booker

    Former Housing and Urban Development Secretary Julian Castro

    Hawaii Rep. Tulsi Gabbard

    Washington Gov. Jay Inslee

    Minnesota Sen. Amy Klobuchar

    New York Mayor Bill de Blasio

    Former Maryland Rep. John Delaney

    Ohio Rep. Tim Ryan


    The second debate on Thursday, June 27 will include:


    Former Vice President Joe Biden

    Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders

    South Bend, Indiana, Mayor Pete Buttigieg

    California Sen. Kamala Harris

    New York Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand

    Colorado Sen. Michael Bennet

    Author Marianne Williamson

    California Rep. Eric Swalwell

    Businessman Andrew Yang

    Former Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper


    The draw was random, but the second night is definitely more stacked. Is Warren blessed or cursed by being the biggest name on night one? On one hand, she will be the most recognizable face on the stage. On the other, they'll all probably be coming for her.

  10. Something like Marley’s trial for shooting Jake (AW) or Reva’s trial for pushing Annie down the stairs (GL) are templates for how these things were done for decades on soaps.... everything else on the show screeched to a stop for big events like that. Btw— neither person was guilty. That is another American soap trope. If you see the trial, that means the person didn’t do it. 

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