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Posts posted by alphanguy74

  1. On 3/21/2020 at 4:11 PM, Aback said:

    I don't see how Netflix is supposed to grow and profit if it can't produce anything new, really. People will get tired of the same old pretty quickly.

    They need to mine the vaults. There are literally millions of hours of shows from the last 60 years just waiting to be put on some kind of digital format. HELLO Y&R vaults!

  2. 10 minutes ago, ChitHappens said:

    My brother tested positive.  He's a sheriff and of course, comes in contact with lots of people.  I'm especially worried because he battled asthma as a kid.  He's currently at home under quarantine wearing a patch on his arm that dispenses antibiotics and we have to take stuff to him and drop it at the front door.  


    I talked to him on the phone last night and he sounded so bad.  


    We now wait and hope 🙏🏻

    Hope he gets better soon...keeping him in prayer. 

  3. Don't know what it's like in other states... but since the stay at home and social distancing has been taking place, From the week ending March 21 to the week ending April 4, Missouri flu cases have gone 3,849 down to 332. See what social distancing and extra hand washing does? I'm convinced the reason this virus is so hard to manage boils down to the asymptomatic component, which the flu does not have, and the longer incubation period. If it weren't for those 2 factors, this virus would be on the ropes by now. 

  4. 57 minutes ago, xtr said:

    Some people have gotten their stimulus checks are already. People can be on the lookout for it to hit your banks accounts soon. A lot of checks will be direct deposited between now and Wednesday/next week. Some banks (llke Navy Federal) have been getting the deposits early. The IRS has also just launched a link to help people who are non filer put in information to file a simple return to get the stimulus payments.




    And later on this month will be doing another portal for people who have filed already but need to update their direct deposit information. (So they can get their payments earlier and not have to wait on a paper check). Paper Check won't start be distributed until early May and it's being reported that five million checks will be sent out weekly.




    Hopefully it does. And hopefully more people are becoming more aware of how bad their hygiene has been. There are people out there that were not washing their hands the way they were supposed to. I've always been big on handwashing/sanitation. Unfortunately a lot of people have not been. I've seen too many instances in public restrooms, where people barely wash/don't wash their hands after they've used the bathrooms. It was really ridiculous. Hopefully, they've learned better now and are doing stuff like washing their hands more. People need to also be more mindful about covering their coughs/sneezes. There are too many people out there that are still not doing this. It doesn't help that some of them sneeze and cough in forceful, unnecessary, exaggerated manners. 

    You're not joking about the restroom hygiene. There are men that I call "Urinal huggers", they literally go up and let their forearms touch the sides of the urinal. I guess because they are afraid someone next to them will see something? Then they leave and put their arms around their girlfriend or whatever. Creeps me out. One thing I noticed is that every man who does that seems to be under the age of 35. 

  5. It will be interesting to see if the recommendation for people wearing masks will make a big difference. I believe it will, and should have been done long ago. I suppose one good thing about this virus, is it has taught a lot of people about germ transmission and how lacking their hygiene is. 

  6. 6 hours ago, ReddFoxx said:

    Trump most certainly wanted to run against Sanders. With Sanders having made so many positive comments about Cuba and the Soviet Union in the past there was plenty for Trump to exploit about socialism. Trump needed this election to not be an indictment on him, but based on fear and buzzwords. With the pandemic and jobs evaporating this race is a bigger indictment on a President since Carter in 1980.

    That is right on the money. In a way this is worse than what happened to Jimmy Carter, in a way it's not. Trump can just play this "It's not my fault, it's the Chinese" card... while back in 1980, the sky high interest rates were considered horrible for the economy, but some people cleaned up like someone at the crap table on a roll. 

  7. 6 hours ago, Wendy said:


    There will ALWAYS be loons, and there will always be media smearing. Don't forget a big detail: The voters who are not fanatically behind Trump that voted for him four years ago because he was outside the box now know the truth. And Trump has not built up his base.


    Add in, too, that Bernie-Bots are always loud, but loud does NOT equal big. Bernie's support SHRUNK this year.


    I know all about getting discouraged, but try not to get stuck in it: It's what these a-s-s-h-o-l-e-s want. And I will not give it to them.

    I think Bernie's supporters are all talk, and no action. Just like all the hippies that were going to change the world in the 1968-71 time period... and you see what happened in the 1972 election. 

  8. 1 hour ago, Roman said:

    find it yourself since you know everything is either truth or false.

    Darcy already answered the question, the report was from a St. Louis official that said 100% of ST LOUIS deaths from coronavirus were black, not all Missouri residents. The last thing this country needs in the middle of a national emergency is false information flying around. 

    1 hour ago, DRW50 said:

    Shameful. They want to bankrupt the mail service to help rig the elections.



    They have been wanting to privatize the postal service for a long time. Good luck sending a letter to podunkville, 20 miles from the nearest gas station for less than 5 bucks. 

  9. 2 hours ago, Khan said:

    Thank you, @DramatistDreamer@Huntress@I Am A Swede and others, for keeping us all informed on how the coronavirus outbreak has affected life globally.  From my perspective, the U.S. media doesn't focus enough attention on how the virus has devastated people outside our borders.


    Oh, and everyone would be wise to ignore the poster who keeps coming around here and inciting drama with his racist and off-base assumptions.

    You might be wise to simply have a discussion like a grown person, instead of playing the part of some playground bully, trying to get all the other "children" not to play with me. All because I said something that offended you six years ago. Before that time, we had perfectly normal discussions for the better part of 5 years. Just let it go already. 

  10. 18 minutes ago, Darcy said:

    The confusion about the Missouri deaths may be that it was widely reported that all the Covid19 deaths in St. Louis were African Americans.

    Thank you. And you are correct. The report was for St. Louis county and St. Louis city, not the whole state. I found the report. The St. Louis metro as of yesterday had 57% of the positive cases in the whole state, with around 25% of the population. Why the black population has this rumor going around that black people are immune is beyond me. 


  11. 4 hours ago, Huntress said:


    It's the same in Germany. In my city, 44 people have died (as of today), and most of them were over 70 and had underlying illnesses. 15 of these 44 people died in a single retirement home.
    Notable exceptions were a younger woman who lived in a facility for disabled people and a 47-year-old doctor who apparently didn't seek medical treatment (!) and died alone in his apartment. His body was found a week later.


    The weather has been fine all week and people are roaming around in the parks, riding their bicycles and enjoying the sun – but of course only with their families or in groups of two. There have only been a few instances where larger groups needed to be dissolved, so most people are acting reasonable.
    In the supermarkets and drugstores, there is access control during rush hour, and cashiers sit behind a wall of plexiglass. Hoarding is no longer allowed (for example, you are only allowed to buy one packet of toilet paper). People are encouraged to wear masks, but hardly anyone does.
    Everything else is still closed, but apparently politicians will be trying to re-open the country step by step at the beginning of May.





    Berlin is like a ghost town these days. Places that were once overcrowded day and night and flooded by tourists and locals are lifeless.











    Huntress... I wish things around here were that deserted. The traffic doesn't seem to be much different than normal days. Maybe a bit. 

  12. 2 hours ago, Roman said:

    why are you responding to me? I don't like you. STHU.

    You responded to me just 3 days ago. I thought this thread was supposed to be a discussion. Someone had given you information that was patently false, and obviously Gray Bunny heard it as well... and I only asked what outlet it was. 

  13. 7 hours ago, Roman said:

    they are. the governor is getting run up one side and down the other. his inaction has made the situation dire, so the St. Louis City mayor & County executive have just went ahead and they are basically running St. Louis.....same thing in Kansas City, even though the mayor of St. Charles refused to issue the order until he got DESTROYED and then changed his mind.

    Where did you hear that bit of fake news that all the deaths in Missouri are black?

  14. 5 hours ago, JaneAusten said:

    You just keep making assumptions don't you. Who said the dead are not claimed? They are burying the dead right now because morticians are overwhelmed and they are running out of space in the refrigerator trucks.

    If they were claimed by family, they would be buried in whatever cemetery the family uses, and not in a mass grave. You can bring in refrigerator trucks from anywhere. Even 5 states away. They are on wheels, you know. A bunch of these are most likely undocumented people and homeless. 

    5 hours ago, Gray Bunny said:


    I heard yesterday the deaths in Missouri are in fact 100% African American. 

    That is not true. One of our first deaths in the state was Al Grimes, the Henry county Democratic party chairman. And he most certainly is white. As a matter of fact, 40% of deaths so far have been white. you can see that right here:



  15. 14 minutes ago, marceline said:

    The spike we're going to see in rural America is going to be ugly. I'm here in Ohio but this state is chock full of good hospitals from the Cleveland Clinic on down. I live ten minutes from a Level 1 trauma center. Rural America has closed 125 rural hospitals in the last ten years and the ones that are open are starved for money because they can't do elective procedures so they aren't generating needed income. My prediction is that a lot of people are going to pack into churches on Easter and 2-3 weeks later the funerals will begin.

    Yes, many rural hospitals closed. But I have to tell you, most of those rural hospitals blew chunks to start with. Their quality of care was crap 30 years ago. 

  16. 2 minutes ago, JaneAusten said:

    Well when people start dying in rural America which is under resourced don't admit you were wrong of course. You think because there are just a few cases now in a community that 100% believes this is likely no worse than the common cold due to propaganda are going to take actions to stay safe. And I know the assumption - urban to some of you = PoC. And you blame it on population density not the fact that a lot of the essential workers - people in grocery stores, fast food restaurants - can't work from home - and a good portion of them are PoC - unprotected, underpaid, and under serviced.

    And what are the testing rates in Missouri? You also failed to mention that almost 100% of the deaths in St. Louis are PoC.  I am sure it's population density and has zero to do with who is out there working unprotected but is considered essential.


    And a public event by the way is one of where one of the major outbreaks in Chicago started. A church service. Have they cancelled church services or are they like in Kansas allowing people to pack into churches on Easter.


    Nobody is going to church on Easter. Living in this area, I can assure you that church gets cancelled when we have 6 inches of snow. There are a couple of nutball congregations in the south that are holding service, but by and large, 99% aren't. So... how many are being tested? 


    Missouri people tested - .65% of the total population

    New York State people tested - 2.05% of the total population. 


    So that means a little more than three times the amount of the general population of the state of New York has been tested, yet they have FORTY FIVE TIMES the amount of positive cases than Missouri has. 

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