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Posts posted by alphanguy74

  1. On 5/2/2020 at 12:16 AM, Legacy said:

    She was pretty spooky and intimidating character, she almost more frightening then Sheila but probably a different kind of David Kimble.


    Theres also a episode i think more in the 70's when she tried to shoot Lorie but ended up shooting lance, that would be amazing to see


    Victor and nikki scenes were okay just to get the viewers interested in something else that was new at that time so they fit in quite well, i wish we can see more 1981 

    Nikki and Victor were the most boring part of it all. Glad to see Vanessa was the focus of this episode, this was leading up to her suicide in a little over a week, K.T Stevens was an AMAZING actress. 

  2. Our local cities have been announcing one by one, the cancellation of their fireworks displays for July 4th... so many Trumpers are simply outraged. I gave me GREAT pleasure to point out to them that they are NOT entitled to a socialist, taxpayer funded fireworks display. I told them to go purchase their own.  And one of these crazy bats told me with complete certainty that after the economy opens, our local grocery store will discontinue delivery. I informed her they had been delivering since 2005. She told me I was wrong, although I worked there for 9 YEARS. And made many grocery deliveries personally. You see the mindset we're dealing with here. 


    4 minutes ago, alphanguy74 said:



  3. 18 minutes ago, DRW50 said:


    There was a lot of speculation (and some evidence) that these protests have mostly been Astroturfed by big money conservative groups. They probably are, but by and large they seem to be an excuse for bigots, Nazis, and lunatics to get to march around as part of their big global takeover. That's one of the reasons the conservative organizations that have something to lose, like the Koch foundation, have said they aren't involved. Just a few days ago these types of protesters were at Michigan's capitol building, carrying guns, talking about how they were going to kill the governor. The Michigan GOP generally had little to say until they were all but shamed into doing so. This is their base. They need them and they fear them. And this is the base that is happy to kill themselves and their families through the brutal hand of the Republican Party as long as the rest of us die along with them.


    The lockdowns are ending, and there will be more and more pressure to end them because they aren't feasible economically (especially thanks to the GOP Congress refusing to give more money to people out of work - many still haven't gotten a dime), and they are too much of a strain psychologically for many people. I'm half-surprised they've even lasted this long, since America as a whole no longer has anything close to the strong resolve of, say, Germany. But they are ending in spite of these protests, rather than because of them. Ten years ago these would have been much more seamlessly organized and effective. The madness and sheer evil in much of the GOP base is just too much for anyone to control. I just hope that we "get our country back" before it's too late...if it already isn't.

    These people are nuts. I've been trying as hard as I can to get my supplies for my work without person contact, but it's really difficult because of all these morons streaming into the stores that ARE open. Granted, spring is busy for a garden center, but not nearly like this year. I went during a damn thunderstorm thinking just maybe the crowd would have dissipated, but nope! full parking lot, about 30 people shopping out in the patio area in the middle of a rainstorm. You go to a rural area, and everyone is just walking around touching door handles and shopping carts with their bare hands as if nothing is going on. 

  4. On 4/28/2020 at 9:50 PM, sivad40 said:



    Trump doing what he does best and that's blackmail or Quid Pro Quo 2.0

    Let em try. Then see who is left in the meat packing plants

    9 hours ago, victoria foxton said:




    I'm of the opinion that hard work HASN'T been done. Or else it would have been knocked out by now. 

  5. 9 minutes ago, Khan said:



    It's been my observation that the mood on a set is directly proportional to the level of talent among the cast.  Meaning, the fewer talented actors you have working on the show, the less pleasant it is to work there.

    Actors in general are just touchy pains in the butt about 2/3 of the time. Some actors just have personality clashes. I mean, look at Bergman and Braeden. 

  6. 3 hours ago, will81 said:

    I'm hoping if these classic episodes get decent ratings, Sony might see the value in getting the back catalogue out there in some way. I'm not going to get my hopes up, but this is a pretty rare opportunity for them to see if there is interest in these older episodes.

    I hope so, too... I actually hope the ratings go up during this period. 

  7. What I'm dying to see is the episode where Crazy Edward blows himself up. We know that episode has been digitally transferred, since clips form it were used in Melody's anniversary episode. It's so creepy and gothic, and they cut the clip right before Nikki grabs the urn and throws mommy's ashes all over him, sending him into a psychotic freak out. The clip from the episode in question is at :28.




  8. 1 hour ago, Juliajms said:

    Like others have said, just because these fools are taking a risk that doesn't mean you have to go along.  I don't know your situation, so you may have to work. You don't have to go to a salon, a movie or a restaurant and you shouldn't. Let all these people out on the streets screaming about their liberty be the lab rats.

    Amen to that! 

  9. 1 hour ago, Antoyne said:

    I’m in Georgia and most everyone I know is in absolute shock that our governor is already starting to open things up Friday and Monday. He’s literally trying to kill us. I pray that he’s actually right and things are good but i highly doubt it.

    Keep yourself safe. That Governor is just a certifiable idiot. Rural people are were all complacent, and then in the next county over there was an enormous outbreak at the Con Agra plant. Now that rural county has the highest infection rate in the state. 

  10. 6 hours ago, Khan said:

    As someone who was born in 1979, the tail end of disco and Gen-X, I still carry fond memories of being at the local shopping malls when going to the malls -- not always to shop for something in particular, but just to browse -- was still a real experience, especially for those who lived in the midwest.  Nothing defined that time better than shopping malls and John Hughes films.  It's sad that those who are coming along now will never enjoy malls the way my generation did.

    Teenage gangs and the demise of the middle class is what destroyed the malls. 

  11. 2 hours ago, sivad40 said:


    Money over everything. That guy will be a future Senator.  I see Trump and his cronies has flipped the script, by making him as the hero of the common man because he's want to re-open the country and protect their liberties. 

    Let those idiots reopen, and then those of us (which is a majority) will just not patronize the businesses, and they will go  bankrupt anyway. 

  12. 19 hours ago, Khan said:


    Agree.  Now, I'm no scientist or medical professional.  However, IMHO, I think we're witnessing the birth of a new, HIV-like, chronic condition -- meaning, once you are infected with the coronavirus, you carry it for the rest of your life.


    Of course, if and when they do develop an effective vaccine, those who haven't had the virus will benefit from it.  However, for those who've been exposed already, the vaccine won't do any good (and in fact, I predict that many who've had the virus will die after receiving the vaccine, thereby proving my theory correct).


    Those individuals who have had the virus will have to maintain some sort of anti-virals regimen to keep the virus dormant within their system -- again, for the rest of their lives.  In the end, though, everyone who has been exposed will succumb to complications due to the virus.


    In the meantime, this will affect both available blood and organ supplies, as (just like with HIV) those who have been exposed to the coronavirus will be unable to donate either, for fear of passing the virus along to others.  And, as I've said before, those who carry the coronavirus will eventually be declared disabled, thus putting even more people on the Social Security Disability, welfare and other "entitlement" rolls. 


    To put it another way: yes, the middle class has effectively been erased, leaving America with a new and larger "welfare state."


    I always felt like this nation would have to pay one day for putting a man like Donald Trump in charge.  And now, the bill has come due.

    I disagree with this assessment. HIV has basically been the only virus of that type, and it is  a retrovirus, which Covid 19 is not. It will be like SARS, and will eventually die out, it will just take a little time. It feel it's most important for all world governments to put pressure on the Chinese to eliminate the wet markets, because who knows what God awful disease will come out of there next. 

  13. 25 minutes ago, Faulkner said:

    An ABC News report about how doctors are delaying procedures for sick non-COVID patients and the potential deadly impact of this down the road:



    This is one of the biggest things I worry about. that a family member will have a medical emergency in the middle of all this crap. 

  14. 7 hours ago, Khan said:




    AFAIC, the media can kiss my fat, gay, black ass.  You think Donald Trump's daily briefings on (his boasting of his "perfect" handling of) the coronavirus are dangerous and shouldn't be televised live or at all?  Well, you knew what you were getting yourselves (and the rest of us) into four years ago, when you provided oxygen to the man's hints, allegations and outright lies.  We are where we are, because, by your estimation, Hillary Rodham Clinton had to be stopped.  So, as Julia Sugarbaker would say, if things haven't turned out as you expected, then you have only yourselves to blame.

    Totally true. 

  15. 1 hour ago, JaneAusten said:

    Oh no. Hoping he gets through this. Make sure he knows to keep moving as much as he can. 

    I had wondered about this myself. Here, at KU medical center... they have a few beds that are for people with severe respiratory pneumonia and such, they tilt the patient at a downward angle, and vibrate in a specific way and spin them to help release congestion in the lungs, and then gravity helps the patient to expel it. I can't help wondering if hot liquids, and an electric back massager would help people who are stuck at home with this. 

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