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Posts posted by SFK

  1. I associate that song with those old Time Life Music commercials. :lol: Judging by the music, the '60s must have been a fun time to be a kid/teen.

    Isn't that hip hop Matlock a trip? It's even better when you look at my avatar while playing it. :lol:

  2. I can't remember the last time I saw her show, I don't even know what time it comes on, but I'm surprised that you guys like Ask Wendy as she from what I saw always gave wack advice. :lol: I mean, I guess that's part of her charm, but those segments seemed to lag.

    On her radio show she did a full advice hour and there would be some really scandalous stuff. Another thing she used to do is act as an intercessor if you had a problem with somebody but didn't want to confront them yourself. An infamous one got used as an interstitial piece they'd play between segments... Wendy called a woman to tell her that her co-workers were bothered by her feminine odor and asked if she was aware of that. The poor woman was like, "I've noticed that they laugh and snicker when they walk by me (*giggles in the studio*)... and actually, I have a medical problem (*Wendy and co-host BUST out laughing!*) and I have to take medication that causes that. (*Sustained laughter!*)" Turrible. :lol:

  3. I don't remember if it was the same one, but I remember seeing a full-page ad very much like that one in an old Jet magazine we had lying around. That type of overhype is so disappointing, you'd think they were doing sleek sensuality and Doreen/Maya catfights from episode one.

  4. Augusta Dabney is listed as Isabelle in that very first episode description I pasted so I guess Meg Mundy only did the movie. And like you, I would have never put two and two together, it's was long after Grandmother Eugenia (who oddly seemed less exotic and foreign than Gillian :P to be fair, Esta's South African) and seeing the Loving movie that I realized the connection.

  5. Meg Mundy ,who had been on The Doctors for years as Mona played Isabelle in the pilot. Wonder why she didn't continue? She later turned up on AMC as (I (think) Gillian's grandmother Eugenia

    I wonder if Meg Mundy had just had her face done because she looks rather youthful in the movie, perhaps too youthful to be Ann's mother (maybe that's what facilitated the recast). I agree with Eric, I guess it was earlier in this thread I said Ann reminded me of how I heard Harding Lemay's characters in L&F/FRFP described. She had a quiet, patrician tone, like an actress playing Ibsen or Strindberg.

  6. LOL, I know. I was a little shocked when I first found out they'd been married. And I wondered if he cheated on Michele with her. I dunno. I guess they weren't together all that long. I read an interview of him about ten years ago (geesh, time flies) and he was talking about how he got a bad wrap for stalking Nancy Sinatra ( :wacko: ). I don't know what their relationship was like, but at least Deborah got a great last name out of it. :P Not exactly sure how to pronounce Mullowney, does it rhyme with bologna?

  7. It is! The site owner Claudio used to post at WoST. He also had a WoST-like video section that he updated rather frequently, he's got a lot more stuff that he hasn't put on YouTube yet. Most of it's dubbed in Italian, naturally. I mentioned it upthread, but he had an Italian special from when I guess Capitol was cancelled/was about to end its first run in Italy where they interview the actors who dubbed the main characters (I could make out the host asking the lady who dubbed Myrna what were the differences between dubbing for Carolyn and Marj which I thought was such an interesting question and I was bummed that I couldn't understand her answer :lol: ). There were also pre-taped interviews with Marj, Constance, and John Conboy that the host would cut to and they were dubbed over but maybe if I had turned my speakers ALL the way up I could have heard the faint original audio.

  8. The actors playing Alistair always seemed too young to be Julian's dad, Forsythe imo being the only exception on the above list. I liked Alan Oppenheimer (Skeletor, Man-At-Arms, Cringer, Vanity Smurf), one of my favorite voice over actors, providing the voice just as I liked fellow Filmation star Melendy Britt (She-Ra/Adora) doing the voice of Kevin's unseen psychiatrist on Y&R.

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