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Posts posted by SFK

  1. I prefer Mark, he's a cool witty guy before they make him a traitor. Jarrett/Baxter is more of a vanilla good guy. I'd like to see more episodes involving his reveal, like his first scene with Myrna for example. Him leaving Myrna for Clarissa was the end of the ladies' since childhood friendship and the beginning of a bunch of mess.

    Here's a clip (in English!), oh, and that so is not the Lincoln Memorial, remembered it wrong:

    <iframe title="YouTube video player" class="youtube-player" type="text/html" width="480" height="390" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/9p6zjwyPhPM" frameborder="0" allowFullScreen></iframe>

  2. Sure!

    She stuck with Baxter. Mark was killed in a shoot out at Lincoln Memorial (real tasteful). I'm almost positive James Lipton was responsible for that, and from what I gather, it was a VERY unpopular story development (making a charming, upstanding guy like Mark a trader/spy).

  3. That story, particularly their emotional reunion, was listed in some soap magazine's greatest moments list, I've only seen bits of that s/l. Yeah, Baxter (Ron Harper) was in town for months before they knew who he was and Clarissa fell for him over Mark. I think that contributed to Mark losing it/the reveal of him being a secret spy villain, or whatever. Actually, he may have even been involved with Baxter aka Garrett in the undercover spy world or something.

  4. She is a fine actress, a friend of mine did Trip to Bountiful with her. I didn't realize her soap career went that far back. I also have trouble imagining her as glamorous Lisa, and for some reson, the ages (in my mind at least, to lazy to actually look it up :lol: ) don't seem to match up.

    She did this taped very soap-looking production of Tennessee Williams' "Talk to Me Like the Rain and Let Me Listen" for NY PBS which was mid-'70s, I guess a little after her Somerset gig. And this isn't a soap "They Almost Became", but Meryl Streep was the original choice for Lois' role as the kinda kooky gardener in Minority Report with Tom Cruise.

  5. DeeeDee, did you ever sense a Jewish-yet-not-Jewish undertone from the Abbotts? Kind of like Dorothy and Sophia on The Golden Girls, Italian on paper yet totally Jewish as written? Iris' biological mother Sylvie on Another World would be another example, Lemay has even said he hinted at that. I don't mean in a purely stereotypical way, but the looks of Davidson, and Maitland in particular, the relationship with the African American maid, it reminds me an awful lot of other fictional examples of Jewish families as well as some in my own life.

  6. I'm trying to figure out which set bellcurve's being reminded of. The Clegg mansion was an extraordinary set, I can't think of many sets that had such height. The Alden mansion was tall and Erica's mid-'90s purple Linden House had a tall straight staircase too, but it was against a wall, not free standing, and didn't look quite as grand as the Cleggs'. The Cleggs also had a den to the left of the staircase that doubled as Sam's office. It was quite a contrast to the postmodern black and white living room, it was dark green and leather and wood. I could see that one being easily recycled. I read once that they were already building B&B sets around them as they were still taping Capitol. I bet at least one Capitol employee left a good luck booger or two. :P

    I agree, Capitol could be kind of boring. At least it always looked great. I am definitely more drawn to the concept being from the area, plus the cast and the production values more than any particular storyline. It's one thing if they were taping in NY, but the way they'd fly from California to do on location stuff that could have easily been worked around or green screened was impressive. And even when they DID green screen, that was still impressive, particularly when it was clear that the footage was original (i.e., they sent someone out to film a drive from Arlington to the Capitol, they just didn't send the actors out and had them do it in front of the screen).

    Did you all catch the pilot movie when it was on WoST? I had a soapgasm the day I saw that was uploaded.

  7. Eileen was a little upset about them recasting her with Carmen at the time because Lisa was hardly ever given anything to play. When they finally DID give her something, they didn't really make an effort to work around Eileen's schedule, even have her on crutches/in a wheelchair or whatever.

    I have one of Carmen's episodes on tape. Her scenes are with Sarah Brown and her little moppet of a son with the Lawrence brothers bowl cut. I wasn't an ATWT fan, I just tuned in to see Carmen, but I guess Lisa owned the hotel where they were staying and she was being a warm hostess to them.

  8. Oooh SFK, I hope Antenna airs those episodes! I'll fix myself a mixed drink and invite people to come and mingle in my living room during the opening credits.

    Exactly! All standing with their glasses and little plates of hors d'oeuvres. ^_^

    Carl, I had forgotten about her too, she was crushing on Monroe. I know I know her from somewhere else but I'm too lazy to look it up at the moment, though my hunch is telling me that's Dora from I Married Dora. I do remember Pat Carroll but I didn't recall just how revamped the show had been. By this point it was in first run syndication and I remember it coming on around dinner time. It's hard for me to remember what was new and what was a rerun as the majority of sitcoms I watched growing up were airing new episodes and syndicated reruns simultaneously.

  9. This smooth groove has been playing in my head on constant repeat ever since I caught some reruns on Antenna TV the other day. I opted to post the final The Ted Knight Show version with the very Eastenders-y synth drum intro.

    <object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube-nocookie.com/v/LKvviAEvgDE?fs=1&amp;hl=en_US&amp;rel=0&amp;color1=0xe1600f&amp;color2=0xfebd01"></param><param'>http://www.youtube-nocookie.com/v/LKvviAEvgDE?fs=1&amp;hl=en_US&amp;rel=0&amp;color1=0xe1600f&amp;color2=0xfebd01"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube-nocookie.com/v/LKvviAEvgDE?fs=1&amp;hl=en_US&amp;rel=0&amp;color1=0xe1600f&amp;color2=0xfebd01" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>

  10. I don't know why I feel this way seeing as how some much more beloved film stars have done stints on soaps, but George Lazenby just seems so grand for a syndicated soap opera. I guess I always picture him in a tux and on an airplane in late night cable Emmanuelle movies.

    I'm not sure I knew that Wesley Ann Pfenning did this after AW. I see that Karen Kelly was in this, she played the final Brenda on Capitol. It's kind of funny how Kin "introduces" Mary Beth Evans. Lynn Hamilton, Randy Brooks, other familiar faces.

    Geesh Kin, way to make 32 feel like 82. But I found that interview interesting, specifically how he was sold on Rituals. I'd think the fact that the show was taped and came on 5x/week may have been some sort of red flag, but maybe he kinda heard what he wanted to hear? I dunno. He seems grateful yet a *little* bitter about soaps sucking up his 20s and by the time he got to the Jan-Michael Vincent reference even I was reaching for the Lexapro. I hope if you interviewed him now he'd say that he found great happiness in his career and is all in all pleased with the way everything turned out.

  11. I would've had a sh*t attack if another actress played Erica.

    I know, right? And YET... I'm a little intrigued. Roya Megnot would have been a better Erica than Lisa Peluso, but in both cases it would have looked like little girls playing dress up, both too young. I used to think Anna Stuart would make for a good temp Erica when she was still on AW but I don't necessarily agree with that anymore. Her energy is perfect for women like Mary Smythe.

  12. The other night when I was rattling off my list of Briton babes to play the mothers of Alexis and Caress/Sable and Frankie, I thought of Susannah York and Glenda Jackson from The Maids. I ruled out Susannah due to her blonde tresses, but that didn't stop me from doing a Google search and admiring her looks and resume. RIP Miss York, you were on my mind, rest in perfect peace.

  13. I'm hoping that they're aiming less high and envisioning a TV movie, because big screen, no way. This is the kind of thing that SoapNet should have been behind from day one. A well-produced prequel telefilm could have potentially been a lucrative 5-night event for the network.

    I agree with DaytimeFan, I do love the idea of a prequel but no one is interested in Dyna$ty unless it's dripping in diamonds. This is Spelling, not Steinbeck, and spending too much time on humble roots will be a fail. It has to be established that the Morells and Scotts had some pennies, no one wants to see Alexis looking less than dressed to the nines. We know The Colbys had money. But what also made Dynasty so special was the almost retro-futuristic aesthetic thanks almost entirely to Nolan Miller. It was the '80s but people were being dressed and living like it was the '40s so it had this neat period feel while establishing its OWN period identity at the same time. The costumers set decorators would have to inject some type of futurism to at least make that quality of the show as special in the context of a new spin on the franchise. And Nolan btw was one of the main interviewees for Carolyn Jones' Biography on A&E.

  14. That is nuts (and lol @Pacific Palisades Carl :P ), but I guess they all had the "bird in the hand" mentality. I mean, I'm the type who would take the yearly checks over the lump sum when winning the lottery, there's only but SO much money one can reasonably spend in a year. It's not like Dynasty has had a great syndication here in the states, it's done much better in foreigh markets. But residuals checks can be random and "paltry", I guess I can understand why they did it.

    Yes, Claudia looks like a linebacker. Or Kanye West. It's funny how much fluffier chinchilla (Dominique) is bred these days. And Nolan had the gall to use fake chinchilla for Linda Evans in the reunion (gasp!) on CBS (double gasp!). BTW, last I heard, Nolan was very ill with lung cancer. I wonder if he's doing better and if he'll be up to dress the new project. He must.

  15. She's someone who used to always be on TV in the early '80s, that impossibly long hair etched in childhood memory. :blink: I know Dallas, the show and its Cowboys, had a lot to do with it, but there really was this country craze back then. We used to watch The Barbara Mandrell Show and Hee-Haw, I remember the Oakridge Boys and Kenny and Dolly and all of them being on TV a lot when I was little.

    And of course her big sis "Lorettie" ("Dooooooo!")!

  16. Ha, there isn't enough Vaseline and gauze in the world (love you Joanie! :P ). That's very interesting DaytimeFan, hmm, I wonder how that'll REALLY hold up. I can't imagine Queen Esther swallowed that bitter little pill without some fight, maybe she didn't see the potential in the future beyond the "moment!" that was Dinasty. Perhaps they could pull it off a la Enter Alexis with a shaded figure only referred to and seen from behind. :P As if!

    At any rate, I vote for Sian Phillips as Alexis and Caress' mother as her Livia was the inspiration for Alexis. (Perhaps grandmother depending on just how young they're going.) Maybe Glenda Jackson as Sable and Frankie's mom. So many great actresses to choose from... Judi Dench, Samantha Eggar, Shirley Anne Field, Diana Rigg, Vanessa Redgrave...

    ETA: Maybe they can finally get Sophia Loren! ;)

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