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Posts posted by SFK

  1. That would have been a sensible move, a big "duh" really. A lot of her and nuFrankie Alimi Ballard's stuff was with Pat too who was presumably still in PV (?), that I don't remember. Pat is LONG overdue for a visit, they act like she doesn't even exist anymore. Maybe she doesn't? :(

  2. I only know Chasing Pavements, from that Lifetime movie commercial they played non-stop on cable. One of my childhood FB friends is always making status updates about her, it's about time I checked her out. I love that metallic thread in her voice. That video of her recording in her home is exquisite... the apartment, the sun, the set-up, that is the life.

    I love the antithesis of a talented blue-eyed soul Brit like her. Something about her is so much more genuine and touching than an Aguilera or Timberlake. No tricks. Just flat-footed sangin'.

  3. LOL, I also read that anecdote, I believe on both JTS and WoST and I believe I've even repeated it on here. :P I mean, I wasn't there so I really shouldn't judge and I doubt VW's losing sleep (or money) over this, but it goes to show how an alleged incident of bad behaviour from a celeb can just live on and on. ^_^

  4. Deborah was always fun and I was glad that they at least gave her a happy ending hitting the lottery and buying the Alden mansion (though that's kind of sad and creepy in a way :lol: they could have done a Dark Shadows-like series with all the ghosts :P ). Jocelyn was an... interesting character. Not super charismatic by any means, but interesting because they told us she was with her past of hooking and all. And yet she never annoyed me or anything. I feel like the modern day equivalent of a character like her is what we end up getting with someone like Inez on OLTL. LL is an interesting performer because she's so unobtrusive and inoffensive and never really makes a big splash, she kind of acts under the radar, it's an (again) interesting quality.

  5. Interestingly enough, I didn't think much about Ava not continuing to The City at the time. I did find the Tess/Sydney dynamic very interesting, the whole "two bitches are better than one" dynamic as I was more accustomed to a traditional Erica/Brooke or Viki/Dorian thing. They got out of Tess what they would have most likely gone for with Ava plus Ava was no longer a twentysomething and *gasp* a mother of young children and that really wasn't what they seemed to be going for. Tess had the glamorous modeling agency angle. Now of course Steffi was pregnant and Angie and Jacob tried to adopt Kayla, but that's different. Alex was freed up for Jocelyn.

  6. I'm foggy, but Cabot "died" and reappeared as an old guy wearing regular clothes and a baseball cap hanging out in the park. I remember the image of that, him sitting on the park bench talking to some stranger, yet I can't remember if he had amnesia or was faking his death and now in hiding (in Corinth no less) living as an average Joe. Actually, I think he did in fact have his wits about him. Eric?

    I agree that James Horan looked too young for Clay and he was way creepy which kind of works when you consider the whole mistaken identity weirdness thing, yet I'd think that one minute with Alex/Clay and the Aldens would be like, "Wow, you're so much cooler and not at all twisted and strange like your old self." Dennis Parlato and Larkin Malloy felt a lot more like one's idea of Clay, though that would have been a great role for Michael Zaslow who would have been a nice mix of Malloy's and Parlato's dastardly elegance and Horan's creep factor. Plus the tall lanky thing favors Wesley Addy.

  7. CT, wouldn't you agree that the first Thomas was a more traditionally handsome soap leading man? The second, better known Thomas (seen in the clip above with Lizbeth, Tonja Walker) was more gawkward. And do you know how long the original Sam, Robert Sampson lasted? I've only seen him in the premiere movie. I know that Egan shared scenes with Carolyn Jones, so he must have joined during the first year, but I wonder if it had been months or even weeks before Sampson was replaced. I think Egan was a better fit for the role if I'm judging solely on looks/demeanor.

  8. Fascinating stuff dc11786. I will definitely watch those episodes upon my next visit to the Paley Center. Carl, your Interiors reference sounds spot on, that sense of 1970s upper middle/upper class values and psychology, the type of characters who kvetched to their analysts, the type of characters Lemay excelled at. I recall a fan at WoST saying that the characters would have been right at home with Frasier and Niles Crane.

  9. Would you believe me if I told you that I knew you were talking about KBH before I even watched the clip? :lol: Yeah, that's the original Julie, Catherine Hickland replaced her. (Slightly OT, but I was really taken by CZ's big, beautiful brown eyes in that clip, reminiscent of Rebecca Budig's... though verging on Liza Minelli with all that lash and liner).

    :P @ "after hours discovery"... I guess that's when Jordy first encountered his true love Leanne, she was a dancer (you've probably seen the clip where she and her sister Kate are arguing on the Clegg staircase and she falls to her death).

    Whoa, NW dated her?? For years, I've only known that face as Dorothy and Stan's daughter (Kate #2) on The Golden Girls. Just about two week ago, I saw her for the first time ever in something else when she started popping up in Two Close for Comfort reruns on Antenna TV. Then to see this. That's a lot of new Deena Freeman information for me in a relatively short period of time. ^_^ I'm about to look it up, but I wonder if she ever did voices for cartoons because I feel like I've recognized her voice elsewhere.

  10. That's interesting, I never knew that either but I can see that. It's funny you should mention that though, I was reading something about the Today Show just a few days ago and I was surprised to learn that Estelle Parsons and Shirley Jones and maybe some other names I'm forgetting right now started out on morning news shows like that. They went on to successful acting careers, but it reminds you of what the actor's life is like, how when you're broke and wanting to work, you sometimes take jobs that aren't ideally what you'd want to be doing but they pay the bills and can lead you down a totally different career track.

    Yeah, JFP yanked the furs which was around the time RS was having real-life moral issues with fur. She'd just bought a mink coat herself then saw that documentary "The Witness" and ended up donating her new mink. She's since reconsidered and bought vintage mink. I've seen pictures of ES and HBS wearing real fur in SOD/SOW. Christie Brothers provided OLTL's furs, it really did add an elegant visual dimension to the show during the early '90s. When Viki and Dorian wear fake furs these days it looks so cheap and clownish like they're playing make pretend dress-up rich people.

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