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Posts posted by SFK

  1. Yeah, I never knew that her dad ran a fur salon either, or about Liz's husband until you posted that article a while back. Furs for pregnant women?? Now that's hilarious. :lol: Talk about an extravagance. No offense to NAA's dad, but those aren't exactly "fine furs." Most of them are pieced/sections coats, heads, paws, sides, and whatnot, that's why a lot of them look like they'd been in a catfight.

    AMC got word from the higher ups that there were to be no more furs on the show after some viewer complaints. Erica and Mona wear mink coats in the 20th anniversary special (Erica's is a bright red sheared mink jacket like the kind Sally Field wears in Soapdish, there was a trend for real furs to mimic fakes with the rise in animal rights activism) and I think that's about the last time I saw real coats on the show. GL (Vanessa, Amanda) and OLTL (Viki, Dorian, Alex, Blair) were the last soaps I remember seeing furs on a regular basis. I remember Lucinda in a mink too in the late '90s, but I think they may have been giving her faux by then, like you said, she'd worn several real ones in years prior.

  2. [Liberace voice]Oh that was marvelous. :D I wish my brother George were here to read it. :D Thanks Carl, you're aces. :D [/Liberace voice]

    I'm glad that he eventually got to guest on a soap. Felicia was probably as perfect as it could get. And I believe he invited them to shoot their scenes in his apartment at Trump Tower (Linda was also briefly interviewed for his A&E Biography). Had John Conboy's soap Casino ever gotten off the ground while Lee was still with us, he would have most certainly been a guest on that.

  3. A few years ago on the Ovation network, they aired a Biography-type program with Joan Collins that looked like a UK import. In it, she traveled around Hollywood with a camera crew making various stops including her star on the Walk of Fame and the house mentioned in that article. It was of course a nice home and she pointed out the conversation pit that Sammy David had installed. They showed file footage of her, Tony, and the kids playing by the pool, etc. They didn't mention who lived there at the time, but Joan was gracious enough to say that the present decor was "not to (her) taste" and kindly pointed out a dried lifeless arrangement in a vase with, "What lovely flowers. :rolleyes: "

  4. I haven't followed CT's career like CT_Helena_Fan, but of the roles I've seen her in, she's quite versatile and equally comfortable and convincing as the white hat, the dark hat, and I guess the gray hat (?) in between. Even though her Audrey on Y&R was annoying, she totally sold it. I remember a lot of message board comments comparing her Helena energy to Beverlee's Alex and Susan Flannery's Stephanie. Of course neither of those ladies are as cutthroat (literally!) as Helena, but the whole ice queen thing I totally get. I'm really going into a soap relations pretzel here lol but I wonder how she would have done in Beverlee and Marj's role as Alex where she would have been able to play the naughty and nice.

  5. Yeah, it would be great if John Conboy started a website like Agnes Nixon and uploaded episodes. Even if he licensed his own dvds I would buy them in a heart beat!

    Like you said, most of the Carolyn stuff I've seen has been in Italian (provided by Claudio at his Capitol Megasite when he was still uploading... they were so lucky to get several runs of the show over there, and they even did a reunion with interviews of the cast and the voice over actors who did the Italian dubbing).

    In one episode, Myrna mentioned that she and Paula used to babysit together when they were teens, I thought that was a cute piece of history. So I assume Clarissa knew nutty Paula back then too. I'm assuming Baxter was declared legally dead. So, was he disfigured and his face reconstructed, or did they simply not recognize him after all those years? :blink:

  6. I never knew that about Paula having a brain tumor! And didn't she accidentally kill her maid too?? What a loon. Julie Adams was good, she would have been fun on another soap. As nutty as Paula was, she would have been another good choice for Pamela Capwell on SB. Her softly devious delivery is similar to that of Shirley Ann Field as Pamela, and of course Marj is Marj. :D

  7. Yeah, I have/had an old SOD where Debbi was briefly interviewed in an article about the state of black actors in daytime and she said, "There are no black Erica Kanes, there are no black Dorian Lords..." Doreen and AMC's Vivienne were I guess the first true responses to this (DOOL's Celeste wasn't really a bitch as much as a mysterious character, right? and GL's Vivian wasn't a bitch, just an elegant woman). I don't remember much of Debbi on GEN beyond seeing her and her hair. But no, she wasn't a bitch at all from what I remember, maybe a little more '90s edge and glam compared to Angie, but not devious.

  8. The promos and ads in Jet all looked so much more cool and provocative than the show itself. I mean, starting with that Scott Joplin-esque theme for example, which is great but you'd have thought the theme was going to be something more like this:

    <iframe title="YouTube video player" width="480" height="390" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/HSSdeE7Zvu0?rel=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

    And ITA with Chris, Pat Crowley narrating the past in the first ep is boring as HELL. The soap-within-a-soap, pure cheese. There's quite a bit of Generations on YouTube. My great-grandmother, an old Eastern European immigrant lady, watched it every day but when I see those clips it has a filler soap feel to it. Kind of like what Loving was for my grandmother, background while she made lunch, All My Children our appointment for lunch. Oh, and I do remember primetime promos for Debbi Morgan when she joined the show as Chantal. She replaced Sharon Brown (not of the Dap Kings, but the singer/actress who is Johnny "Bookman" Brown's daughter).

  9. Thank you so much for coloring in the rest of the picture for me! Yeah, I liked Mark and what they did to him was one of daytime's most glaring examples of character assassination.

    It's amazing how Paula (as far as I know) managed to avoid jail time. :lol: Those scenes of her with Mark in the fake hospital are really a trip, the lengths to which this woman would go. Do you remember if Mark took an apartment somewhere because I'm pretty sure he wasn't living with Clarissa. In the beginning, I believe they still shared the house, just maintaining separate quarters.

  10. So CT, help me to put the pieces together, didn't Paula kidnap Mark when Jenny shot him, or was that another injury? I have an ep where Paula recreated a hospital set in her basement and kept Mark there unawares of the fact that he was in a fake hospital (she wouldn't let him see a newspaper and he wondered why Sloane wasn't visiting).

  11. She was a very lovely soap matriarch. Strong, elegant, graceful, cool but not cold. It's funny, I was asking a friend if he remembered Capitol and he was like, "Ohhhh yeahhh, with Carissa, and you know Carissa is Stephanie now on The Bold and the Beautiful." :lol: Isn't that funny how our minds work? :lol:

    There was of course a lot of on-location stuff in the pilot movie, but I also liked the more grainier filmic look of the in studio scenes in the early episodes. I guess you could say Y&R had a similar look at the time, before soaps took on the brighter, sharper soapy look we're most familiar with. WoST had an ep from '82 where Julie was despondent over something involving Tyler and there was a lengthy on-location sequence of her crying in her Porsche driving around the streets surrounding the Capitol. Most soaps would have put her in a car rocked by stage hands in front of a blue screen, but to fly her and a crew out just for that? It isn't hard to imagine how Conboy spent money like water.

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