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Posts posted by SFK

  1. I've heard fan-wankers toss this idea around for years, I think it *could* be great, especially if it was produced as lavishly as the original and all of the sweeping telefilms of the '80s.

    Although a LOT of familiar names would be missing because, well, the characters wouldn't have been born yet, there's room to explore plenty of prequel territory with characters like Alexis' sister Cassie and cousins Sable and Frankie, all of their undoubtedly fabulous parents (their mummies who were sistuhs as Sable reminded us), Jason Colby, Constance Colby, Phillip Colby, Cecil Colby, Ben Carrington, parallel life of the burgeoning international singing sensation Millie Cox come Dominique Deveraux, Garrett Boydsten, Sable's rape, Zach Powers, Roger Grimes, et cetera... The beauty is Dynasty already established that almost every character over 40 had known one another back in the day. Of course it can't all rely on showing us the stuff they've already told us about, there's room for plenty of new secrets and revelations. *Could* be good.

  2. South America, the ME scares me (I know, ignorant, no offense).

    And lol at Soapboy, I'm afraid I'd take the fart too, there's no way that toothbrush is goin' in my mouth! Re: the fart, I think we've all been in an enclosed space and have had to on some level endure that particular assault to our senses. I also hate it when people eat stinky food on the bus, like salt and vinegar potato chips.

    Would you rather be hit by a car or be bit by a dog (same degree of non-fatal injury)?

  3. OMG, I totally remember this interview and thought she looked like the Professor from Gilligan's Island. :ph34r: Hindsight is a cool thing b/c I didn't even know who our Connie was back then nor did I ever really look at by-lines. I'm not so good at placing names with bts regimes but I think I can say with some confidence that I enjoy this lady's work, at least what she brought to AMC (I think she "gets" Agnes Nixon, her humor and attention to detail, how the "little things" like Bonkers can mean so much... and she has exquisite taste in... cats.)

  4. I had never heard of this but am now quite interested. It's too bad I won't even give it a chance knowing that it's been so cut! Maybe I will and if I love it I'll seek out the original cut to compare and contrast, but this is really annoying and insulting and I'm sad that PBS feels the need to stoop (I think this is less about us not understanding, and more about their fear that we'll turn the channel when things aren't immediately rolling). Laura Linney (see: overrated) coming out to give us Period Drama for Dummies reminds me of Susan Flannery giving the B&B backstory in foreign markets.

  5. Yeah, the headshot wall reminded me of Soapdish which they say was inspired by the wall-sized photos at AMC's studio.

    For some reason, I always imagined Y&R was more glam behind the scenes and not so road company with actors doing their own makeup, washing up in Tupperware and whatnot. But maybe this was simply the norm?

  6. Paul, we posted at the same time. I'm not sure, but I do believe the cameras back then had to warm up so turning them on and off would be time consuming, as was editing of course. Plus, tape itself was expensive hence it being reused by some, and episodes archived on kinescope.

  7. supes, what a great article! Very cool bts glimpse. LOL at K.T. chatting with that snood around her mouth. Soaps function so differently these days, I wonder how the majority of remaining vets feel about the shooting schedule of today in comparison. I guess there'smore free time, but crazily jam-packed days and not the same cast and crew comraderie. Get 'em in, get 'em on, get 'em out.

  8. But here's a question... what's the difference between "dated" and "Period". If it looked good 25 years ago, it looks good today. Just because something is out of style doesn't make it suddenly unnatractive. I'm not a fickle person, If I like something, I will like it forever. What I like about Nolan Miller was his use of color and sense of glamour. His silhouettes, not so much.

    Exactly, that's kind of what I was getting at, even Nolan's Dynasty duds are "dated" but that doesn't necessarily subtract from the appeal of those clothes. I don't like EVERYthing I see when I catch old eps, but maybe I would have liked it back then, maybe not. Tastes evolve and looking back there are things I've worn that I don't necessarily like now (loud patterned silk and rayon shirts of the early '90s). I think the things I'm still fond of are as you say timeless. A woman who could rock some of those Dynasty looks then could rock them now. Particularly Dominique's clothes which weren't as garish and statement making as some of Alexis' outfits. IMO, their best outfits were the ones that looked as equally and elegantly at home in the '40s, '50s, '60s, '70s, '80s, '90s, '00's, '10s, and beyond, which were usually sleek lined and monochromatic.

  9. They are dated... and some look better than others. But at least they are interesting, unlike what is seen today 90 percent of the time. Nolan Miller, however, has never been my favorite by any means. His clothes to me aren't feminine and sexy enough. I'm a Bob Mackie bitch till the day I die! LOL With Michael Travis coming in a close second.

    How can you like Bob Mackie and not like Nolan Miller?? :lol: They're pretty much cut from the same cloth, pun intended. ^_^

    ITA, they are dated but so are Nolan Miller's clothes (hell, this is trickle down Miller anyway) but they were completely au courant. Miller borrowed heavily from the '40s, he took the sleek, chic elegance of Halston's '70s and fussed it up in the '80s. I miss '80s fashion, the hats, the furs, the suits, it's still alive and well on Sunday mornings in the black church however.

  10. LOL, this was my re-intro to the show, the very first clip on the very first CAPITOL tape I acquired. Yes indeed, right up Marj's alley! It would be cool if they could somehow reunite her with Jess on Y&R. I've never felt that Y&R was Marj's kind of show, but I don't exactly feel that way any longer.

  11. 'Retha's mentor...

    <object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube-nocookie.com/v/TTDovzwfUU0?fs=1&amp;hl=en_US&amp;rel=0&amp;color1=0x234900&amp;color2=0x4e9e00"></param><param'>http://www.youtube-nocookie.com/v/TTDovzwfUU0?fs=1&amp;hl=en_US&amp;rel=0&amp;color1=0x234900&amp;color2=0x4e9e00"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube-nocookie.com/v/TTDovzwfUU0?fs=1&amp;hl=en_US&amp;rel=0&amp;color1=0x234900&amp;color2=0x4e9e00" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>

  12. I saw a clip on AOL with Tami crying because her ex finally apologized. Admittedly, I kinda judged her and thought, "Of COURSE Tami nabbed herself a basketball player. :rolleyes: $$$" It's been a lot of years so maybe it's time to give her a second chance but man I could not STAND her and Beth and Irene on TRW during and after that whole David-drags-her-in-her-panties thing. "It WASN'T! NOT! FUNNY!"

  13. I don't drive much, but you know, when I do I find myself turning on AM so I can listen to gospel like we used to on Sunday mornings. :lol: I guess I get plenty of the "in" mainstream stuff from TV.

    Watch a marathon of your favorite sitcom "live" on TV or on your own dvds.

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