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Posts posted by SFK

  1. I like Ellen's girlish voice. :lol: She could have played Roya Megnot's big sis. Love my dark brunette vixens. ^_^ Uhhh, is that Bill Blass? :unsure:

    Oh, and Ellen and Cusi Cram REALLY favored one another around this time.

  2. THANKS! OMG, that Casablanca scene was so weird! :lol: The visual of Judith all decked out in a wheelchair fake playing that piano with the finesse of a three-year-old and affecting that Nancy Marchand-meets-Sally Kellerman voice, oh my. It got incredibly more interesting when Delia started to dance across the room and snatched the notes. Roscoe Born was so young.

    Thanks for the WLS interview, I think I only read part 1 and forgot to go back.

  3. "Now I wonder if that's why they went off the air, because, in the words of Eddie Murphy, they partied all the time."

    Carl, you are a STITCH. :lol:

    I guess you're referring to little Christina ("Jesus Christ..."), I didn't know that she was on The Doctors. I had an "aha!" moment when I realized that was her as the Connors' meek kinda round teenaged neighbor on Roseanne. Her sister was a bad seed who got Darlene into trouble.

    And it is interesting how much Kimmer and KT have aged similarly. I bet Kim would have loved to play Maggie the Cat, but Reva really was her own great southern belle.

  4. I didn't know that Lenore/Ann was on RH. Interesting. I'd like to check Ellen out, you know, you never think about these things until it's too late. They probably won't make it all the way back to '81 again. :( If you ever come across anything on YouTube, please link me. :)

  5. Sofia would have been very good. Based on her work on Ryan's Hope as the bitchy soap opera actress, I think Ellen Barber could have been too.

    Never saw her on RH, but you know she subbed for RS as Dorian back in the early '80s.

  6. I always suspected it, but judging by that picture, Meg Mundy almost certainly had her face done before she took on Isabelle in the Loving pilot movie. Isabelle and Ann looked like they could have been sisters. Learn something new every day, I didn't even know that she was on The Doctors.

  7. Yeah, I have seen some of the WLS videos, I mean just more Linda-Danoish with cushy chairs and a stack of magazine or something, not all dim and creepy with wine sitting at the kitchen island. :P

    Have you seen the clip of Bridget getting the Emmy with JFP and not letting her speak nor thanking her, all awkward...

  8. I really enjoyed that Bridget Dobson article, a great read. Thanks Carl. I could see it all playing out like that Dynasty bts TV movie. Why didn't SoapNet ever think to do more fun programming like that? I wish they would have taken Soapography to the next level... two hours with the Dobsons, New World, JFP, the cast and all dishing the Santa Barbara experience would have been extraordinary. Thank God for We Love Soaps. If they started video recording their interviews it would be the total package.

  9. Yeah, Mark was her dad (Paula's estranged husband) who was involved with Clarissa for much of the show's run. He got pushed out when Baxter came back from the dead. Then of course they made him this spy/double agent commie trader or whatever and he got killed in a shootout I believe at the Lincoln Memorial. BTW, in the above SOW interview of Conboy, he means to say Jefferson Memorial, not Lincoln, where Sloane and Trey were married.

    Sloane was never pure evil, just a vixen I guess you could say, but not far in you could see that Julie was a bit of a drip (recasting with CH helped) and I at least sensed that Sloane was taking on the heroine role that for all intents and purposes belonged to Julie as originally intended. I have a clipping somewhere of a fan writing in and criticizing the show for softening ALL of its heavies, save for Myrna and or Paula, and even they weren't as conniving as they'd been. But what could have been a really fun, delicious pair of schemers (think AMC's David and Liza), Trey and Sloane became sort of your typical sappy romantic pair but infused with all of that '80s pretentious idea of romance (champagne, caviar).

  10. I am not a fan of the Prince Ali stuff. I am not a "romance" person anyway which of course makes me not your typical soap fan, but as you know there are a lot of fans like me. It was all very flowy with all those white gossamer robes and sandy and blah blah, but I like Sloane the plucky demi-bitch ambitious reporter. I don't care for the soft stuff with her, like Mark being a trader/getting killed either.

  11. Michael Catlin (Thomas) was good, he was a "good guy" on the show. He's the McCandless son who was a doctor and walked with a crutch, I guess he'd been born crippled. Not a showy role at all, kind of like an Adam Mayfield Scott Chandler minus all of the "dark" stuff. He was involved in the Lizbeth (Tonja Walker) triangle with Jordy. I want to say that he was involved in yet another triangle with Jordy when Leanne came along, but I need to consult my tapes. Lizbeth was his date to Sloane and Trey's wedding and it's obvious that Lizbeth's true feelings are for Jordan.

  12. An acquaintance of mine was one of the Marshalls but he didn't get to do much. We've never had the chance to sit down and really dish AW but honestly I don't think he'd have much to share. I really like the idea of Felicia and Marshall, Linda and Randy Brooks looked great together. I remember someone saying that Linda looked like she barely kissed back when they smooched but I really don't want to think too much about the wherefores and whys of that. Would have to see it for myself.

  13. I agree with them about Peter Lochran, he definitely could have played someone like Prince Michael on DYNASTY. A character that calls for a certain look and presence moreso than huge acting chops. It was always trippy that this man from Baracq (!) sounded like Carmen Duncan. :rolleyes:

    Also interesting what they say about "Perils of Pauline" Jess Walton when things changed so suddenly for her career-wise and she's gone on to have the most successful daytime career of the bunch.

    They capture Marj Dusay perfectly in that short paragraph.

  14. LOL, I meant to come back last night and post that I looked it up and JA is indeed still living. :lol: I was thinking maybe you were thinking of Raul Julia.

    Yeah, Audrey was just a flash in the pan role, but she did get to go pure soap with it, a lot of drama and tears. When I saw that I remember wondering if Clarissa was always like that. I had looked at a soap book in a university library once and there was this picture of CT as Clarissa sitting on the sofa looking like a suicidal alcoholic, kind of like those pictures you see of the last Ann Tyler Martin on AMC.

    Right, then she went on to play Mme. DeSchanel (sp??) which I never saw actually, but remember the pics from SOD. She had a cane and maybe a cape (?), muoy dramatico, sleazy cheater Eddie Cibrian's grandma, right? SOD did an article comparing SuBe to SB and they compared Constance's character with Minx.

  15. When did John Astin pass away?? :o He's from around my parts, last I heard he was teaching drama at Johns Hopkins. Oh my God.

    Yeah, I love the point you make about CT avoiding condescending colonialism. She comes across as a very classy lady, I enjoy sitting and listening to her talk in that Carolyn interview. I'm not sure if they're still making new Biographies, but they definitely still air as my dad is obsessed with them and DVRs a bunch and then marathons (with that annoying digital remote that always ff's too far :P ). You're right, CT did play Clarissa with plenty of backbone, and she really was quite beautiful with her hair long and flowing around her shoulders. The only time i've ever seen her play "pathetic" if you will was when she played John's former secretary Audrey on Y&R. Audrey was in love with John and told some lie to Dina (ironically, Marla Adams, a Myrna to CT's Clarissa) that led her to leave Genoa City and this all came out in a very teary whiny confession. John was ready to wring her neck, all the damage she had caused.

  16. Admittedly, at first I was hesitant to delve into that lengthy read, but I am so glad that I did. :) Thanks yet again Carl! What an amazing narrative, it flowed just like *that* and I could hear CT's voice all along the way. The part about the American couple, he'd lost his fingers, she'd lost her leg, was so unsettling. And the old lady not coming out until she had a blanket was cute. ^_^ Just hearing the Reagans being mentioned really takes me back. What a rich life the Gavins must lead, I almost get the impression that doing the soaps is like a glamorous little hobby she could take or leave when you hear stories like that. Not to detract from her love of the work or anything, just to say it puts things into perspective.

    I'm sure that some of you have seen this, but here Constance talks about Carolyn:

    <object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube-nocookie.com/v/xbwF8jy1gNQ?fs=1&amp;hl=en_US&amp;color1=0x006699&amp;color2=0x54abd6"></param><param'>http://www.youtube-nocookie.com/v/xbwF8jy1gNQ?fs=1&amp;hl=en_US&amp;color1=0x006699&amp;color2=0x54abd6"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube-nocookie.com/v/xbwF8jy1gNQ?fs=1&amp;hl=en_US&amp;color1=0x006699&amp;color2=0x54abd6" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>

    (I love that shot of Clarissa and Tyler, very Conboy. You can't really tell from here, but I believe these scenes surrounding Tyler's Hero's Welcome Home Reception took place on what was then the largest and most expensive set ever done in daytme. I think The Great Hall of Eterna is what beat it, and we can't forget to mention Conboy's infamous baseball diamond on GL.)

  17. Not even all these women live in DC. Mary lives in Virginia but she considers herself close enough to the DC area. I think Lynda just moved out of DC herself

    I think I read that Mary just moved to D.C. from McLean (VA 'burb) and during the show Lynda (the Ritz Georgetown) and Stacie (not sure, but if I'm stereotyping, I'm going to say somewhere around the black Gold Coast, 16th St.) were the only two who lived in D.C. proper. But to be fair, that's how it works around here. D.C. is rather nebulous, the suburbs run seamlessly into the city, especially on the Maryland side. D.C. *was* MD once upon a time before MD and VA gave up a chunk of land on either side of the Potomac to create the capital, but VA took their land back that's why D.C.'s only half a diamond. Cat lives in Chevy Chase which straddles D.C. and MD. When I hear her bitch about living "way out" in Chevy Chase :rolleyes::rolleyes: it is so obvious to me that she is not a local. D.C. is a car town and she could be chilling with the other housewives in less than ten minutes. Walking distance, no, but this is not Manhattan.

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