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Posts posted by SFK

  1. The pilot movie was really grand, when it popped up on the WoST main page one day, wow, what an awesome treat! I'm sure somebody has it out there. Claudio who runs the Capitol Megasite has it dubbed in Italian. He used to update his site with clips bi-monthly or so but I guess with the cost of bandwith and all he discontinued doing that. Of course it was all in Italian which I don't speak but it was always fun to watch and try to read lips. My goal before the new year is to learn this whole YouTube thing and put up the stuff I have (in English ^_^ ), I know I keep saying that but it woulkd be nice to get some stuff on dvd/digital so I can get rid of these bulky cassettes. I wish I had early Capitol, I have mostly '86/'87 I think. The earliest I have is a little clip of Marla Adams's Myrna and Clarissa having a peace offering tea at the Clegg mansion.

  2. Ha, I remember Dan Regin (sp?) doing his little, "furs provided by..." at the end of ATWT when I was little. All of my relatives wear skins, I think it's some weird family fetish. :lol: You're right though, they would never toss a *good* lynx on the floor like that, it was probably nabbed from the pile of old coats set to become toilet paper for Joan.

    That scene is just great campy '80s television fun. Good times! I miss when *dramas* didn't take themselves so seriously, I mean, you never HOWL these days like you would watching a scene like that. We're too snarky and smart for our own good to just have some good old fashioned silliness.

  3. That fur coat of Krystle's looked so cheap. I think Jill has that same coat on Y&R.

    You're not the first person I've heard say that, I'm beginning to think that lynx (which is $$$) doesn't always film well.

    <object width="480" height="360"><param name="movie" value="http://www.dailymotion.com/swf/video/xc54g2?additionalInfos=0"></param><param'>http://www.dailymotion.com/swf/video/xc54g2?additionalInfos=0"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"></param><embed type="application/x-shockwave-flash" src="http://www.dailymotion.com/swf/video/xc54g2?additionalInfos=0" width="480" height="360" allowfullscreen="true" allowscriptaccess="always"></embed></object><br /><b><a href="http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xc54g2_amazing-lynx-coat_creation">Amazing Lynx coat</a></b><br /><i>Uploaded by <a href="http://www.dailymotion.com/latgal4">latgal4</a>. - <a href="http://www.dailymotion.com/us/channel/creation">Watch original web videos.</a></i>

  4. As Sylph posted in August...

    "So take this junk and your blond tramp and get out of my home!"

    As far as I'm concerned, that's the line of the series.

    You know Alexis told her designer, "Now. I need something that will hold a deed and I need to be able to get to it rightly. Make it happen."

    I always wondered why they had Ben hold Krystle back. Did he want Alexis to die?

    I don't know why this cracks me up.

    He kind of looks like he derives some sort of sick sexual pleasure from the sight of it.

  5. Thanks Carl! :lol: at the quote from that guy, it sounds like he realized he put his foot in his mouth and he's paddling like crazy as he's just sink-sink-sinking. But I agree with him, the show had some wonderful sets, the most magnificent of course being the black and white Clegg living room and foyer with that impossibly tall staircase. I liked Myrna's personal spalon which also functioned as her office. A seemingly superficial but actually quite brilliant choice as she truly conducted business from there. Looking good and keeping up appearances (and meddling!) *was* her job. She was always on the phone (in the pilot movie she's getting a massage while switching between three different phone lines, this was the early '80s so this also meant three different *phones*), she even had a tanning lamp in there. Kind of reminds me of stories I've read about '70s Iris lounging on the chaise with a phone glued to her ear.

    I don't remember if Sloane lived in a guest house on her parents' property or if she had her own apartment/condo elsewhere. I just know that's not the Denning home, that's her own place where Trey came over in his raccoon coat he borrowed from Simon on GL :lol: and wined and dined her on Christmas with violinists and everything. When they got married, Sam and Myrna gave them a present. They opened the box, and there was a miniature of the Georgetown townhouse they (well, Sam :P ) bought them. Must be nice.

    The McCandless home had a similar setup, the stairs, kind of like the Forrester mansion, in beige and dark wood. The Dennings had a curved staircase with nutty Paula upstairs playing the harpsichord. :lol:

  6. That's what else I don't like, because so many people from D.C., especially those who actually have a family history there, not just transplants for work, do NOT have their heads so far up the ass of the Capitol. They are just regular people living ordinary/extraordinary lives, there's no need for the political angle. Thats one of the many things that makes D.C. seem stuffy and boring to outsiders. Like I said, they picked the wrong folks, they're coming at it the wrong way.

  7. It's not just you, it's boring sadly. Poorly cast. They didn't go for the most interesting folks in the city. They should have also tapped into D.C.'s large partying Eurotrash population who aren't in fact Euro at all but young new money Middle Easterners. They needed two or three black ladies instead of just one. Maybe a spinoff, The Real Housewives of Prince George's County, home of the largest concentration of affluent blacks in America.

  8. Yeah, and when she did go to Hollywood, she went fairly "late", in her late 30s, mother of two. She talked about it on The Bonnie Hunt Show, how she thought it would be so romantic to take her girls cross country by rail with all of her friends at Penn Station seeing her off like, "What the HELL are you thinking..." The trip was a nightmare, but what a great reward waiting for her on the other side.

    ITA that she brought an undeniable soapiness to her primetime work, and I think she like Marj Dusay really soars when that soap divatude is employed in comedy. She was so good in Filthy Rich. It's very interesting that she subbed for Dorian in the Pinkerton years because it's easy to imagine how fabulous she would have been temping for the Strasser version of the character.

  9. Oh I read that yesterday and I believe it. Apparently Joe had a love child with his sister-in-law, hence the "nephew" comment. Theresa went completely crazy thats why I believe theres validity in that rumor

    His sister-in-law as in this woman's sister, or his brother's wife? In any event, that's some juicy [!@#$%^&*] right there!

  10. Hm, maybe you're right, I never thought that about CK (then again, I never would have guessed that Paul Stevens [brian Bancroft] or George Grizzard were gay).

    Anna Stuart is missed, a shame she hasn't been vack to AMC since Greenlees return.

  11. Kinda reminds me of that Bob Mackie Cher wore to the Oscars when she won for Moonstruck.

    Did VW and CK have something going on off camera? I know they did Couplets and stuff together off hours but something about their body language in that clip made we wonder that for the first time.

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