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Posts posted by SFK

  1. Claire Claire, I didn't know that they even made girls who looked like that anymore. She totally reminded me of the mousey girl in 3rd grade circa 1988 who got her big girl 4th grade haircut before school started ("OMG y'all, look at Lila! Go 'head Lila! lls") I think she's iffy as any sort of quasi-heroine/go-to girl. She's no Emma.

    Speaking of hair, I agree that Riley (I promise I will try to remember his name now and not refer to him as Gay Greek :lol:) needs to cut that mop. There was a scene where he wasn't wearing a shirt with his hair and chest pubes all wet and frizzed, BARF. I'm surprised they cut Sav's Steven Cojocaru 'do, thought that would be his signature look.

  2. The more you share sayno, the more endearing this show sounds. I get exactly what you mean about the black characters and the AMC vibe. Yeah, I was pretty taken by Babs in those clips, I was wondering why she was wearing that Beverlee McKinsey wig in some scenes. She doesn't seem like your typical actress, she really reminds me of my second grade teacher, or gals who would have worked in my mom's office in the '80s.

    You mentioned a rich playboy, I could be wrong, but it seems like AL resisted the temptation to go full-'80s and have Reaganomic, Dynastyesque characters. True? I'd also like to mention that many of your faithful CBN viewers are a lot like Ione, no coincidence that she was the show's voice of reason matriarchal figure.

  3. We'd discuss it as we walked laps in PE, haha.

    :wub: That just gave me the best shot of warm, nostalgic, 7th/8th grade "life isn't hard yet" feelings. ^_^

    Nah, I don't have cable at ALL at my apartment but I have it at my house which is where I was trying to catch up the last two weeks. Admittedly, I was getting that impatient/frustrated feeling watching because I didn't know where I was in the story, not to mention the fact that I don't know these kids really. So *click* went the remote.

    How do I say this compassionately... the transgendered guy, not so believable. Her friend, the guy with the emo pout, he'd have been better cast. The gay Greek dude, it's like same [!@#$%^&*] different day with him, you coulda fooled me if there was an actual progression of story there, gay one day, back in the closet the next. Sav and sis, can't make heads or tails of it, argh, I hope this whole season and all remaining seasons won't be a wash for me. I think the fact that there are no familiar faces is what's really my deal here. I'm guessing since Emma's gone we don't see Spike either. Snake can't hold it down ALL on his own! Let Lucy or crazy ass Stephanie K. be somebody's embarrassing mom and I'm back in full force!

  4. I've been trying to catch some of these Boiling Points episodes and my one criticism (perhaps unfair) is that the same thing seems to be happening in every one. I guess it's more like soaps that way. :lol: It's confusing with all of these two parters and the way they play like six episodes back to back that aren't necessarily in order and I can't tell what happened last week or two weeks ago or what. :wacko: It would have REALLY helped to follow this novella format the normal way than trying to play catch up. ^_^

  5. Was just watching a few more clips on the 'Tube. That slow jazzy title card opening music ironically sounds a little "late night cable" for a religious-themed show. :P

    I think it's really cool that the show was taped down in Virginia Beach. I wish we saw more of that. Tyler Perry has his studio in Atlanta, Tim and Daphne Maxwell-Reid have a studio in VA as well. It would be awesome if a city like Baltimore had its own syndicated soap, they have an excellent history of filming local-themed movies and shows there. Of course now they have absolutely no support by means of tax incentives and the local industry has suffered because of that. It seems like AL relied on a lot of local hires as most of the names and faces aren't all that familiar (I think I know the older black lady from stuff though). I don't know how many other people they cast were out of New York or L.A., if any. That's really interesting as the level of acting seems to be on par with most soap acting of the era.

  6. It really is something, how much times have changed. I very much enjoyed my childhood as is, but it would have been nice to have been a bit older and more conscious of these syndicated soaps at the time. AL, Rituals, The Catlins, to think that there was even a demand for at least three syndicated soaps really says something about the popularity of the medium at the time. -_-

  7. Remember the Time - Michael Jackson

    This song came out when I was in the 7t/8th grade, and people were walking around the halls going up to people saying, "What's the name of that new Michael Jackson song?" Second person: "Do you Remember the Time?" First person: "You sucked my dick! AHHH HAHAHA!" :rolleyes: Kids.

  8. Yeah, totally, it was just such a random little gem of a find that no one but a soap fan would really appreciate. And yes, they were in black and white, full-body shots, short shorts, cropped top/tied Daisy Duke style. I remember reading an interview with her where she talked about blowing her cash when she first started out in L.A., I guess Capitol came before GH, where she'd fly her friends out (presumably from MD) just to hang. I loved Alex Olanov and I wish I'd caught her entire character arc. I really started watching regularly around Central Park wedding to Asa/mayor of Llanview/Poseidon era. Missed the Cassie and Bo stuff, let alone her start as a FSB agent.

  9. She is/was beautiful. I'll share something with you. I used to work with an event planner in the D.C. area and while doing some filing one day I came across photos and resume that Miss Maryland Tonja Walker had submitted. They must have been from the late '70s, pre-soap career. I of course nabbed them, had them tucked away in some papers, and one of my parents THREW THEM AWAY! I was furious.

  10. Too hilarious. :lol: Both, really. Tonja's sort of feels like an Amy Sedaris monologue.

    BTW, these mags were FOREVER making spelling mistakes. It's BACHman, not BOCKman. Myrna, not Myra. Cramer, not Kramer/Krammer. Viki not Vicki/Vicky/Vikki. And EriCa, not EriKa!

  11. I've only seen a scene or two of Teri and Tonja. Tonja's character Lizbeth was involved with Julie's twin, Jordy. Then she got involved with Matt McCandless, the doctor who walked with crutches. I believe she was his date to Sloane and Trey's gorgeous wedding at the Jefferson Memorial.

  12. That's quite all right. ^_^

    NW as Trey was the male lead of the show. He was very good, not the kind of man who'd be the male lead on a soap these days. Not a slap-you-around testosterone-fueled hunk by any means, he was '80s attractive, rich, powerful, cultured, dare I say effete by today's standards. I don't watch Gossip Girl but I want to say he's more like one of the guys on there, just judging by the way they bitchily preen and scheme in promos. :D But as a viewer wrote in to SOD back in the day, he like all of the "bad" characters, save for Myrna and Paula, got nicened up. They broke him up with Sloane and they were really a perfect match on paper, perhaps too much alike for it to work/remain interesting. He became a good dad to Scotty, a good mate to Kelly. I love the shot of him in the pilot movie where his limo damn near mows down a joggng ('80s!) Clarissa and he just devilishly grins staring straight ahead. I'd like to see more episodes to see if they hinted more in this direction, but if I remade Capitol today, I would definitely play up the flirtation between Trey and Myrna. Myrna was always trying to run his [!@#$%^&*] and get him in the White House, and I don't know if you know that Myrna was actually his stepmom. His bio mom Laureen came in the picture towards the end, she was played by Janis Page. She was going by an assumed name and became Scotty's nanny. I guess no one recognized her.

  13. From what I've seen, KBH seemed pretty whiney and annoying in the role while supposed to be a sympathetic heroine. CH's Julie was more of a likeable down-to-earth everywoman, a young lady with a good head on her shoulders. I think you can chalk that up to two things, yes, your new actress but also the evolution of the story/character. By the time CH started, they were past the introductory Capulet/Montague Clegg/McCandless s/l with Myrna henpecking Julie all the time about Tyler which of course brought out all of Julie's whiney teariness. Of course Myrna had to deal with her other daughter Brenda's on-again-off-again with a McCandless boy too, Brenda and Wally.

    Brenda was the black sheep... kinda. As I said in my earlier post, she was just more of the family eff up, getting into trouble, not being the good little deb that Myrna wanted her to be. She had a working class heart. Leslie Graves was an interesting young actress, petite with small dark eyes. Karen Kelly, the final Brenda, is in the majority of eps I have. Her personality was a lot more bubbly and *actory*. By this time, she was torn between this guy named Dylan who was a mechanic who serviced Myrna's cars and Wally who Dylan teasingly referred to as "Waldo The Magnificent". :rolleyes:^_^

  14. I have never watched any of these shows but tried to watch the D.C. one the other week since I'm from those parts. I was pretty let down by the selection of housewives to rep the area. And I just KNEW that Paul Wharton was going to be on this show, I just KNEW it and sure enough there was his copper penny looking self.

    The episode I saw as when they went to Tairq and Michaele's (who I'm still not convinced was born with lady parts) vineyard, I guess it was pretty entertaining, it held my interest. Stacie is definitely the most likeable and I think she'd much rather be doing this show with her college buddies than these ladies. Maybe I need to see more eps, but Mary seemed like an annoying cry baby drip to me.

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