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Posts posted by SFK

  1. Ugh, Draubrey, the messed up part for me is that he had some nice moments of acting for a kid his age and I'm the type to withdraw a compliment once I hear that you're a dick. :lol: That's cool about you all bumping into so many cast members, I have a feeling Pat M. (Joey) is going to write a book one of these days. I'm sure he has some interesting stuff to say about what Degrassi brought to his life, what it perhaps took away.

    Good to know that Toronto is a smaller, cleaner, more polite NY, I can get with that. :lol: Did you ever watch Linda Schuyler's other series she worked with the creative team of Coronation Street on, Riverdale?

  2. Stephanie was a bitch to her little bro, though a lot of girls especially go through an awkward period of proving themselves to no one in paricular but themselves at that age. Don't like it, but can understand it. The really crazy thing when you think about it is that she could have gone on to be the "Caitlin" of the series had she stuck around and had her Rachel Cory-esque redemption and become a sympathetic heroine.

  3. You're from Ontario? Are you close to Toronto? Amello, I don't know what my deal is, but I have this weird fascination with Canada. :lol: I've tried to "examine" it, and I think it all boils down to the fact that I am intrigued by this bizarre idea in my head that Canada is Bizarro USA. I know that sounds really ignorant, but it's just so interesting to me that our language and our cultures are pretty much the same save for a national divide. I'm assuming that the southern most parts of Canada are a lot like the northern most parts of the U.S. I have burdened our dear EricMontreal with the same convo. My dad vacationed in Canada a lot in his teens and twenties and I really want to go. My lady (the other half of SFK) and I are forever planning a fall trip up north. I want to go to Toronto and Montreal. And then I have my bougie pal who skis in Whistler, I'll have to work on the West coast all in due time. ^_^ At any rate, we want to visit the actual Degrassi high and the Degrassi Grocery store while we're up there, though we have since discovered that the store's been converted to a condo. -_-

    I'd love to do some theatre/TV work up there too though I'd have to investigate the union rules.

  4. Kathleen is such a bitch. I hate her. She is scum. I wish Catilin would have slapped her.

    I also hate Yick. TNG totally did the same story with Hazel and not wanting to be, what was it, Muslim or something?

    Kathleen is HATE but she gets her little redemption s/l.

    Aww, poor Yick Yu! :lol: Yes indeed, we totally made note of the Hazel Muslim thing when we watched. Yick appears in TNG a couple of times. The actor is a crew member on TNG, Silick Sanaysanasay (sp???) or something like that. He has a literal blink and you missed it appearance in a TNG ep where they're having a bbq. I wonder if the full scene was cut because you see him from the back in a long shot and he has no lines.

  5. Does Shane go mental on the original Degrassi or is that something they wrote in on TNG?

    He has some angel dust or some other sort of illicit drug at a party and ends up getting hurt in an accident, becoming comatose. He finally wakes up and comes to the end of the year dance walking with a walker, his neck in a brace. He doesn't talk and has a blank look in his eyes and seems mentally challenged. He isn't all manic and nuts like he is in TNG.

  6. That's awesome Jack, keep us updated! They're all worth getting eventually. Swans of course had SMG as Sydney (who I would refer to as the "Erica" of the show, having no idea what the future had in store for her) and Shane McDermott (ex-Scott) as Garrett who was supposed to be the hotshot dastardly player. Come to think of it, they were very much in the vein of Valmont and Merteuil, Cruel Intentions before Cruel Intentions, but of course a lot less graphic. It was weird, they lounged around in a red Mercedes SL convertible for a lot of their scenes.

    Maybe if I say it enough someone will put it up, but Im still holding out for the pilot of 13 Bourbon Street which was supposed to be FOX's late-night 5x/week soap by Gottlieb and Malone.

    Back to Tribes, when they started talking abortion I was taken aback a bit, I can imagine there were quite a few parents who were none too pleased with that kind of talk before dinner was even on the table. But very Degrassi in that regard, Swans nor Fifteen ever went there to my recollection. The heaviest stuff on Fifteen was alcoholism and divorce. I don't know what it is, maybe it's because they're young, maybe it's because there is something endearing about the low-budget "Let's put on a soap!" quality of these shows, maybe it's the fact that they were short-lived and are relatively rare, but I just love them and I am not only willing to see past the bad acting and cheesiness, but I embrace it.

  7. I see that the late Harriet Hall is in this (she shows up in the second uploaded ep), I noticed her name in the closing credits then spotted her face in the opening. She of course replaced Julia Barr as AMC's Brooke for a short time during the early '80s, had a role on Somerset, et cetera. If you're interested, her brother created a lovely tribute to his sister:

    page - http://davishall.com/dSite/Harriet.html

    pics - http://davishall.com/dSite/images/Harriet%20Hall.USE./Harriet%20Hall.USE..mov

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