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Posts posted by SFK

  1. Oh my God, that was terrible how he turned Mark into a trader/spy and killed him off, definitely one of the greatest and most forgotten examples of character assassination in the history of soaps. He was a spunky good guy, kind of like a cooler Joe Martin/nicer Clint Buchanan. I love when he refers to Myrna as a "champion wirehaired bitch" in the pilot movie. ^_^

  2. I'm not positive, but I'm pretty sure that Leslie was let go and I think her substance abuse problem had something (everything?) to do with it. I think Sampson was let go to make way for Egan, but I also want to say that Sam's role was beefed up with the arrival of Egan. This stuff I'm recalling from old fan forum conversations. My grandmother watched Capitol but I remember very little, I was under my other grandparents' and parents' ABC Daytime wing.

  3. My limited knowledge is from tapes I've acquired but I would say there's something to be said yet again about that quote of Conboy's. I'd also say that there's something to be said abut charisma when young "actors" don't have the chops. Some did better than others.

    Catherine Hickland was an improvement acting-wise (I think KBH looked more like CJ's daughter and CH looked more like MD's btw).

    NONE of the subsequent Brenda's had Leslie Graves' raw charm, and the last one was way too polished '80s TV teen mannered. Like one of the better actresses on Kids Incorporated or something. LG was very real and so believably flawed if not a great actress, she was the little eff up of the family, and maybe her real life struggles are what helped to sell that on screen.

    The second Thomas was a lot more "real" looking and a more grounded actor I suppose. I can't speak for John Conboy's taste, but it seems to me that they de-hunked the role, which is pretty unusual.

    It's no coincidence to me that Sloane, Trey, and Jordy were never recast (except when Todd Curtis had his accident and Russell Todd stepped in). They were the three sharp, charismatic, bitchy young characters who were quite strong regardless of their prior experience.

  4. Thanks Carl!

    The infamous (now defunct) Chasen's, how John Conboy. ^_^

    Years ago when I realized that Deborah was with James Farentino I thought, "What was she doing with that old ass man??" but it never dawned on me that he was maybe messing with her while he was still with Michele Lee. Maybe I'm startin' sh!t, just wondrin'...

    Re: Bill Beyers, "By the way gals, he's single!" Lawwwd :rolleyes: ...

    Wait, so KBH's hubby is a Hilton Hilton, right? Barron? Never dawned on me before.

  5. Hmmm, maybe, not sure, show me. :D There are some publicity photos where Carolyn is being *very* old school Hollywood super posey for the camera, like one where they're blowing out the candles on the anniversary cake.

    Yeah, I thought about the Beverlee blonde thing too, people have said that's why they didn't keep Marla but I don't think her hair color had anything to do with it. To me, she was... weird in the part, uncomfortably prickly and neurotic. I think they always saw her as a temp until they found a suitable permanent replacement. Of course Carolyn was blonde too, but her thin hair was never seen on the show, always under turbans and auburn wigs.

    Not initially, but yes, eventually Carolyn knew she was dying. I've read some articles about it and Constance Towers talks about it in Carolyn's A&E Biography. At one point she was coming to set in a wheelchair and shooting most of her scenes seated, and she confided to Cnstance in the dressing room that she was "so scared." :( She married her longtime boyfriend shortly before she passed.

  6. One thing I've always been curious about is what other names Conboy and company bandied about for the leads in Capitol. Beverlee McKinsey shared that she was friends with John Conboy in her infamous Michael Logan interview (going back to their days at LIAMST) and I wonder if he would have liked her for Myrna.

  7. Oh okay :) , but I love all of the articles you post, looks like you got yor hands on some great old magazines. Please continue to share because what's "old news" to our parents and such is still new to a lot of us around here. The interviews used to be so charming.

  8. Thanks for sharing this Carl! I know I've read some of this before at the Capitol Megasite because there's that line from Conboy that always gets on my nerves about untrained actors making such astonishing choices because they don't know how to be dishonest. Puh-LEASE! :rolleyes: I'm sitting here thinking about how excited I would have been reading this article in 1982, hindsight/unmet potential, what a downer. But there certainly was some fun memorable stuff on the show, I have GOT to get what eps I have on YouTube.

    The party pics I think you're talking about are on the Capitol Megasite, like, Donna Mills, Liberace, The Hoff, right? (So did JC wear a piece back then or did he just go full Joey Lawrence and shaved it all off? :ph34r: )

  9. ^^ :wub: "Jackass meat!"

    Edna Garrett, The Facts of Life

    <object width="500" height="405"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube-nocookie.com/v/PsjmBY7yFfU?fs=1&amp;hl=en_US&amp;rel=0&amp;color1=0x5d1719&amp;color2=0xcd311b&amp;border=1"></param><param'>http://www.youtube-nocookie.com/v/PsjmBY7yFfU?fs=1&amp;hl=en_US&amp;rel=0&amp;color1=0x5d1719&amp;color2=0xcd311b&amp;border=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube-nocookie.com/v/PsjmBY7yFfU?fs=1&amp;hl=en_US&amp;rel=0&amp;color1=0x5d1719&amp;color2=0xcd311b&amp;border=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="500" height="405"></embed></object>

  10. Original Ava was propably Marland's creation. However I've read somewhere that once ethnic-looking Roya was cast in the part there were some plans to make Ava the product of a "scandalous affair" between Kate and an African American man. Loving never went there, but that would make a great story.

    :o Whoa. That woulda been something else, very interesting if that's true. Kinda funny coincidence seeing as how we were just talking about Sadie and Carla coming to Loving.

  11. Wow that's tough, I love cold weather but I don't ski so I'd probably be at the lodge in my chinchilla snuggie drinking spiked cocoa. Hawaii sounds so beautiful though, but since you said summer I'm going to assume that sweating's involved so I'll stick with Aspen. I could never be a soap star answering those Round-Up questions, they'd be like, "Yes or no, just answer the damn question! :mad: " :lol:

    Vintage Jaguar or brand new Cadillac?

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