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Posts posted by SFK

  1. Even I was surprised when Dorian busted out the spy camera. :lol: The show feels so much more sophisticated and adult. The zany elements are better balanced than now. And you gotta love that early '90s primetime sax. From what I gather it seems like EP had really found her Dorian when she was let go.

    "Hell! I was gonna play a tape!" :lol:

    "Will you turn that damn music of!?" :lol:

  2. :lol: I guess Angie promising to make shrimp gumbo for Frankie last year was her flaunting her blackness too.

    "Blackness" makes me laugh because Ebony magazine always used that word when describing Carla from OLTL in the 70s. "She passed for White then embraced her Blackness." It makes it sound like a disease.

    :lol: I had forgotten the gumbo thing! I think it was your Loozianna ass who came for me on that one. :lol:

  3. (H)e can sometimes look haggard in one shot and unbelievable in the next.

    In that Soap Opera Book of lists, some soap photog says this about Robin Strasser in his list of most beautiful soap stars.

    I am so glad Erica didn't have another kid and yet I wish we would have seen more of her and her kids while they were growing up. Of course Kendall came on the scene grown but Travis getting custody of Bianca robbed us a bit.

  4. My grandma used to say if I was ever on AMC I could have played Mark Dalton's son.

    I hope I still have it on tape somewhere but Erica in that damn jacket :lol: are in my all-time favorite ABC Daytime promo they used to air in primetime. It was very simple. Just a shot of Erica, then Viki, then a two-shot of Luke&Laura that was obviously their opening credits shot before it got colorized, with a soft and slow piano version of ABC's tune playing underneath. They later replaced it with more upbeat music which wasn't nearly as effective.

  5. I thought the same thing re: the dialogue. :D For some reason I have a hard time imagining NP yelling. I feel like she would have delivered that in a soft and slinky way.

    Man cannot live on one Daytime to Remember episode of NP's Dorian alone. :(

    When that ep aired I was praying we'd get some NP Dorian and I was over the moon when she walked up behind Pat.

  6. kenmompop.jpg

    I'll never forget watching this episode with my mom and my brother's best friend who lived with us. That was great soap opera! When Kendall wheeled Richard in, Fra Heflin gave a particularly uninspired line reading of, "Good heavens!" which my brother's friend had a lot of fun with. :lol:

    My mom was a fashionista/diva in her own right and that red suit with the persian lamb trim and frog closures that Erica is wearing was very big that season. AW's Rachel wore it too:


    Rachel also had it in black and Susan wore the black one on Oprah for the 25th anniversary show. OLTL's Blair had a bootleg version of the red.[/useless trivia]

  7. Ooooh... you and my mother, boy... She'd bring that up every time Phoebe walked into a scene. :lol:

    :lol: It added an almost surreal quality to her character. It really complimented the pretentious/dithering/drunk thing she had going. Oh, and while I've got you on the phone, I found your post at the beginning of this thread incredibly touching. The power of the soap opera when at its best. -_- And here's to our AMC-watching mothers! :clink!:

  8. Hamilton Bernique is the best soap youtuber of them all. I think he said he had worked for a TV station in the 80s maybe in Alaska or someplace, and he just copied straight from work. Unlike the others, he has complete episodes so you really can get full stories. His Erica fest is great as are all his clips.

    I agree and I like how he OCD tags :lol: every clip with a character run-down. I would also have to give a very special shoutout to VickRobCal for his work with OLTL clips.

  9. Yeah, I've seen the House That Cried Murder/The Bride and her appearance in Hollywood Wives (I think it was that one). I've also seen her appearances on Knots Landing, Murphy Brown, Coach, some early Another World... I've never seen her in 2000 Malibu Road and I heard she was quite in that, a jailed prostitute.

  10. Anyone Have Marj Dusay As Days' Vivian?

    No, but if you ever go to the Paley Center, don't make the mistake of selecting the episode of DOOL she's credited in. I was curious to see her Vivian too upon one visit but she isn't in the actual episode, her name just appears in the closing credits.

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