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Posts posted by SFK

  1. Yup, I have one of those old Daytime Magazines where she is still referred to as Lauren very close to air. It was Morgan's idea to change the character's name. She thought there were enough Laurens out there already, Lauren Hutton, Lauren Bacall, et cetera. Plus she said she liked men's names (Lauren is actually a man's name Morg, but I getcha) and she thought Sydney had a better ring. It also worked out nicely as Nick called her 'Syddy' or 'Syddy girl' which was sort of a clever homophone.

  2. Delta Burke was offered the role of Katherine Wentworth (Morgan Brittany) on Dallas. She had to turn it down as she was on contract for Filthy Rich (they were still waiting to see whether or not it would become a mid-season replacement... it did).

  3. I was going to mention the Emerald Point connection, and indeed with the swampy bongos :lol: and whatever instrument that is that sounds like a rattlesnake (a maraca-like sound, Knots used it too).

    My mom would be swooning at that Mark Harmon pic.

  4. The second season theme is more lush and sophisticated, more Savannah. I think I prefer the tawdry twang of season one. The shot of the mansions between the train tracks and the water is really... I dunno what I want to say, romantic? A striking image. Having an expensive home near loud passing trains isn't exactly customary but its nothing if not elegant in this instance.

  5. Brooke's dad was Phoebe's brother, Ed English. She believed his wife Peg English (aka Cobra, you can Google all that :lol: ) was her mother but her mother was a homeless woma named Jane Dobrin who she found after Ed and Peg died. Jane also died.

  6. Ski lift for the simple fact that I can see what is going on and fresh air.

    Share a Greyhound bus ride next to someone with breath that smelled like throw-up or feet that smelled like salt & vinegar potato chips?

  7. There was something so special and beautiful about Ellen Bethea. A sense of peace and strength that you knew she had to have in order to get through life with such crazy and demanding parents.

    I hated Mari Morrow's Rachel. The writing for her was lazy and demeaning - oh well of course she has to be a mess who was ruined by her parents, and they have to wring their hands over her. Morrow was also a weak actress, at best. If you watch the mid-1995 gala ball clips that VickRobCal put up recently, she sticks out like a sore thumb compared to HBS, Purdee, Parros, and Bob Woods.

    What was done to Rachel basically epitomizes daytime's attitude towards black women.

    I totally agree. I loathed Rachel's descent. As a character I thought she deserved much better. I feel the same way about Jessica and Marty but at least Marty brings the lols. I really took to Daphnee Duplaix because Rachel had been so poorly recast and I felt she was the closest to bringing the character back full circle.

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