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Posts posted by SFK

  1. PS has anyone ever seen the original 1964 opening? I know there's an audio recording on the AWHP and was one on the old WOST site but I don't believe I've seen video of it other than a picture of it.

    Yes, I have seen it... and you can too! For only $19.95... but seriously, there are some classic episodes at the Paley Center where you can see a kinescoped version of the opening. I bet it looked great in color.

  2. Classic! He has such little shorts and she has such huge pants. Fun time to be a NY soap star. Wish we could see more of Claire, I bet at least a year of her run still exists. Richard was Viki's first cousin/Dorian's nephew I guess? Wasn't his mom Gwendolyn, Victor's sister?

  3. Barbara Baxley was an Actors Studio actor. I believe she originated Natalya in that infamously disastrous production of The Three Sisters (directed by Lee Strasberg) before being replaced with Shelley Winters.

  4. What is that last clip? Is it MST3K Italian style? :wacko:

    I know! :lol: I thought to myself, Maybe this would be funny if I spoke Italian... or maybe not. :P What is most impressive to me is the love LOVING obviously got over there to even inspire such a parody.

    That is too bad about Elizabeth, and I didn't know she had a chat show. Hadn't laid eyes on her since the original run. She is as feline as I remember and I'm thinking she would have made for one helluva vixenish Melinda opposite Robin Strasser in the 1990s, all that flaming red hair between them.

  5. Some newly uploaded vids (in Italian):

    Beginning of primetime movie premiere

    Myrna's masseuse (don't you love the doves-to-hands?) went on to play Deacon Frye's (Sherman Hemsley) housekeeper who had a crush on him in Amen.

    This is all I have ever seen of Robert Sampson as Sam.

    I saw this in its entirety (in English) on WoST. I hope it makes it to YouTube.

  6. I find that Raven ad very interesting... particularly because it sounds like the biggest letdown ever. It's like an ad pimping Susan Lucci and her Erica and how she's now joining General Hospital as a kindly retiree who volunteers for the seniors program. And at first, I was a little surprised by all of the Raven mentions but then I remembered the P&G connection.

    Not to mention the old-school sensibility that Sharon Gabet isn't mentioned by name.

  7. You know, with this new online venture, I wouldn't be surprised if at least The City sooner rather than later became an online offering. These things are actually seeming more and more feasible. I was really surprised and quite pleased to see that the Nickelodeon teen soap Fifteen is available on iTunes for example.

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