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Posts posted by SFK

  1. Earl was on several soaps in these years I think he was on The Doctors). They said he was in a chalet in Norway or somewhere and had to be called in quickly for the temp role.

    Yes, he had a long, successful career over there, doing a lot of Ibsen and Strindberg in their native tongues.

  2. The teen scene at this time had a very particular vibe... they seemed decidedly... uncool. Like, the kind of kids... let me phrase this carefully... the kind of kids who lived in certain parts of the county that the kids I went to school with would have said snobby things about because they seemed kinda rural and lame and out of touch (regardless of Cortlandt and Chandler wealth).

  3. Eva and those tig bitties. I think this was when Rosie O'Donnell mentioned on her show one morning that she saw Nina from AMC at a restaurant the night before and she had a script with her. Someone in the audience chimed in that she was coming back.

  4. It's like Jean le Clerc starring in a tribute to ugly early '90s fashion. I especially hate the Colonel Sanders outfit...


    BTW, that's the little Timmy I was talking about in the AMC Tribute thread sitting in the front row in that wedding pic with Natalie (whose dress I dig). Always nice to see Langley.

  5. Yeah, I firmly believe that much of this comes down to intent, and vibe... the late great acting teacher Sanford Meisner said that in the presence of true emotion, there's no mistaking it, and I think that applies here. One can *tell* whats' behind a person's use of any of those words, the intent is unmistakable. And yes, ther are times when they may be innocently used but awkwardly expressed. I work in the arts and not long ago during a discussion, one of my co-workers decribed a certain artist as looking "like a fag" completely innocently with no mal intent, and boy did that hang in the air like an anvil.

  6. I wish the episodes where Dorian (Elaine Princi) came over to Pine Valley to see Adam and Natalie were online. I missed them when they aired, but I do remember Adam picking up the phone and asking the operator for Dorian Lord at the Intruder when he was threatening Natalie again.

  7. Yes, but of course Timmy ended up being his brother and not his son. I recall Jeremy being very kind and understanding to Nataie considering the circumstances, i.e., that scene in the hospital where she was feeling particularly low about herself.

  8. She looked very chic with the short do when she'd be all dressed to the nines, especially when she was rail thin (which is an awful thing to say about a woman, but...). She had Timmy on the show. I remember her in the hospital in a wheelchair when she was pregnant or just had him. He was a little boy of about two or three (she could still carry him and he couldn't really talk) when Silver got shot.

  9. I think Sherri is actually trying to say like three different things at once and it's coming across as jumbled, unfocused thinking and logic, and I'm mad that she's making me agree with Barbara. :P She's raising the nigga vs. nigger debate with Barbara, i.e., blacks can use the former among other blacks as either a term of endearment or disdain, the latter, a racial epithet used primarily by whites (of course, in the south it'll sound like "nigga" coming from a white person too, but it's obviously about the intent). Saying that she doesn't even like hearing white people say it when reporting the news, I dunno... For instance, if a white person who fought during the Civil Rights movement is recalling a story where his black comrades were called nigger, that should not be censored and frankly, that should not make anyone feel uncomfortable. On the other hand, if someone is reporting a news story, it really isnt necessary to repeat the ugly word, whether it's nigger, kyke, dyke, faggot, or spic... we get it, we can use our imaginations if it's a story about ugly language. Also, it really bothers me when I hear latin people using "nigga" the same way blacks use it. It []ireally annoys me, actually. It's not *theirs* to use. Some things just don't fall on the ear comfortably and that's my personal rule book for such things. For instance, I am not Jewish, and though my Jewish friends might refer to another person as a Jew, I would never say, "Oh, is David a Jew?", but, "Oh, is David Jewish?" Know what I mean?

  10. I have zero memories of Michael Tylo as a kid, he's someone I came to know through the All About Erica video. I guess I have a lot of late '80s memories because I was still spending a lot of time with my grandparents during the summer, my mom was taping, and my brain was sharper than for my early '80s Dorothy Lyman-Opal/Ray Gardner/Silver/Langley fantasizing about killing Phoebe memories.

    Julie and Charlie and Nico and Cecily, I guess that was like '88? I remember Julie and her strife with Ross and Ellen and bio dad Mark. Of course Cindy and Stuart (wow, I recall a family member innocently wondering aloud why Stuart was always kissing Cindy...). I remember Donna and Benny being together and Emily Ann and the return of her bio dad Billy Clyde before Tad went over the bridge and Emily Ann went over the edge herself with Joey (Jake). I guess this was all late '80s.

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