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Posts posted by SFK

  1. I spoke about her earlier in his thread perhaps a little unflatteringly (?), but I think I was just unnerved as she was one of the first recasts I experienced. What I remember most was her voice. She had a rich, warm, milky/buttery sound, and she spoke kind of low and slow. Very feline.

  2. Is there a clip of Dimitri and Maria having sex on You Tube? I remember that storyline, but barely. LOL Ugh, I was SO mad at him.

    I think that's the one and only time we saw Mike Nader whimper and cry on camera. Grief sex.

  3. Robert Foxworth auditioned for OLTL's Clint & YR's William Bardwell

    Really? Kind of surprises me, he seems like the type who would see soaps as slummin (well, particularly One Life while I have an easier time seeing him taking the Y&R gig).

  4. My first episodes were when Siobhan (the real Siobhan) arrived, with her leg in a cast, and Finn McCool. I loved her from the start.

    I don't remember if it was by chance that I caught that and recorded it about five years ago or if I read on SoapNet.com that her eps were about to begin. I never knew her, but Sarah taught Speech at my Acting school and a lot of my friends the year behind me had her. I wanted to show the tape to some of them. I for whatever reason had remembered her name prior to that and realized while looking through some old play programs that she was a speech coach at Arena Stage in D.C.

  5. Carl, your point reminds me of Jim Jones, Jr.'s Oprah appearance where he spoke about his decision not to change his name. Instead of running from it he chooses to, not exactly embrace, but acknowledge the entirety of his life story as his own. I dunno... But honestly, I feel like we give such things more thought than the folks at One Life do.

  6. Wow, don't you wish you were there? Bobby Short? So old school swanky up in there.

    I like the pic with Helmut's hand on Susan's rumpette. I wonder if Andreas had a big ol' lipstick print on his cheekbone after that. :lol:

    Meanwhile, Generations got all of two pics...

  7. Oh God, I know, that pic really does not do her justice. She reminds me of someone too, and in those pics above she almost reminds me of Maya on AMC. She kind of has an unique Robin Strasser meets Joan van Ark look about her. I really wish we could see her Rachel. All I got are the fumes of her odd Santa Barbara appearance.

  8. this is great! You find such wonderful stuff that frankly I never would have thought existed let alone assumed I would never see. Her indecisiveness is something I share which is probably why I find it a little annoying in her. :lol: She seems like a sweet lady, I'm sorry things didn't work out. :(

  9. Exactly, and how long was she around anyway?

    Wow, never heard that about Michael and I do not know WHERE my head has been all these years but I have never even thought about Charlie (let alone old ass Lawford) being her son. His years with Juli, even having watched his scenes with Kelsey and Tad, my mind just didn't make that connection. :wacko: Maybe the Brent thing and how he called Phoebe Grandmother just threw me off. What always gets played up is the Erica dating three generations thing moreso than her dating the son of her former rival.

  10. I do not remember any of the Taras besides KLG making a very brief appearance when Kelsey was on the show and they made her look very matronly. I guess I shouldn't say matronly because to be fair, Erica was being dressed in that professional look of the time as well, the suits and all. But Tara had her hair in a french roll with grey streaks which I remember as looking unnatural. If they were natural, KLG has since dyed her hair. But I wonder if KLG had stayed on would they have written a more Viki and Dorian type ongoing rivalry for them leaving less (any??) room for Brooke.

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