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Posts posted by SFK

  1. What year did she have the eating disorder? I caught a glimpse of that at my grandmother's and I feel like it was around 1989. Victoria was still a little girl and Nikki excused herself during dinner and ran up to her room and scarfed down a sandwich she had kept in a drawer. :blink: I think this was around the time baby Nicholas choked on something in his crib but I tend to confuse that memory with The Boy in the Plastic Bubble. :wacko:

  2. She played Gertrude in an off-Broadway production of Hamlet a few seasons ago and I really wish I had seen it. I'm being naive and closed minded about her ability with Rachel's wicked ways which is unfair since I don't even know her work as Tara. And Lemay had his plans for Rachel anyway so she wouldn't have had to play that for terribly long ayway. Some older fans online once talked about the rumors of AW luring Susan Lucci over from AMC when RS was leaving, so it is ironic to see this news about KLG.

  3. I can see the Dolph thing, I guess in this pic in particular.

    Yeah, I know MT's name but not the details of her career and always think of her as someone who works bts.

    Lee was no relation to Ruth, right? Her name kind of makes me brain fart, I think Lee Remick.

  4. First clip through the drinks and wood divider.

    I had never seen his funeral, great upload. I just remember him standing there as a living statue. Indeed, lol at how they keep pressing pause!

    I do not recall Angie ad Jeremy being that close.

    I still find it hard to believe Richard came out of Sydney by way of Nick.

    Uh, excuse me Trisha, I believe Angie was speaking. Or was that an edit? NB is a very attractive lady.

    JLC looked a lot like how Gilbert looks in this clip when I saw him in Camino Real with Joan van Ark.

    That Next Generation of AMC promo was dated even for 1995. Very Saved by the Bell.

  5. I was so furious with Mrs. Rothschild (Sister Patterson had at least three names over the course of the series) the way she treated the little guy on ILNY2. "Ewww! What is that! Get it away from me!" Fake ass Christian. then poor dude was like, "What, you think I look funny? :blush: "

  6. Squnkeey was such a New York wannabe. Why is the screen reversed? I totally forgot that Somethin boo-booed on the floor, there is NO excuse for that. Excuse your damn self!

    Deelishis! She got a lot of hate for getting on all fours for Flav, they wanted her to remain pure and innocent. Wendy Williams is so common. She had Deelishis on and asked, "So, how many keloids do you have?"

    Remember the girl with the rotten tooth Flav sent to the dentist and she saw the estimate and was like "Wow. Wow." they could have at least paid to have her work done after humiliating her like that.

  7. ^^LOL, exactly, me and my people have a couple of those too.

    Not that I don't get the gist but the beeps really destroy Saaphyri's narrative in that clip. :lol: Why were they so bent out of shape about a damn impromptu fashion show, geesh.

    Switching shows for a hot second, but do y'all remember when Flavs kids came up to Gitte in church spouting off about their dead beat dad? Lawd...

    And speaking of church, Sister Patterson, "PRAISE HIM! PRAISE HIM! AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" (shot of white guy with eyes closed boppin to the music)

  8. So I guess on call is what we would call recurring, but like in a Patricia Elliot kinda way. Gosh, it was so refreshing to read that article, I even felt myself getting a little excited and I have never seen this show a day in my life. It is the fact that these soaps have a vibrant present and future and they're genuinely interested in telling stories for and about their black and white people and wouldn't think of doing otherwise. And the casting director also having a role on the show (!) gives it a real *Let's roll up our sleeves and put on a show* feel (as well as conjures scandalous thoughts of her not casting prettier women as potential rivals :P ).

  9. I love the names... Braam, Marlien, Cherel, Breyton, Charlize...

    Sorry, hope I didn't give too much away.

    Oh no! I meant more episodes than I hoped, not your info. which is great! :lol:

  10. Wow, more than I thought. I was actually hoping for less as it would be easier to hypothetically catch up someday. ^_^ I was thinking the same thing about Cherel, how murder is almost off-handedly mentioned so many times in regards to her. Made me think of what was said about Nancy Pinkerton not having a future as Dorian as she wouldn't be accepted by he audience. As if!

  11. Nandipha stayed on the show for many years, and was in a wide variety of stories which entertained and educated viewers, including one where she and two friends got drunk and took too much coke and had a threeway! This was unprotected sex and both men spent months taking meds for possible HIV infection. Not the type of story you'll see on most soaps these days.

    :o Oh my. Indeed. Sounds like some very juicy stuff. So interesting how these shows tackle things that would never make it past the network in U.S. daytime yet I'm getting a sense that these shows are less sophisticated in nuts and bolts kinds of ways.

  12. The most confusing part of Isidingo is the opening credits, which are very very slick and full of action, danger, intrigue. Then you watch the show, and you get some of that, but you also get a story about a full-figured woman learning to pole dance. This same woman is in the credits looked terrified of some danger. I guess it was pole-dancing...


    The opening sequence reminds me of the original Central Park West credits.

  13. SFK, as I understand it, Vicky Wyndham was instrumental in getting cue cards banned from the AW set ... many years before this October 1988 show.

    Ah yes, I do remember reading that once before. I guess it was just her line of vision. She has such large intense eyes and the way she blinks sometimes reminds me of a contact wearer, or maybe its just her lashes.

  14. ^^teplin, that is a great scene, thanks for sharing, I love it for all the reasons you do. I love the way she keeps referring to them as, "You people!" 2 things... I wonder if VW is looking at cue cards around 0:55/1:00, and if she wears contacts.

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