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Blog Entries posted by King

  1. King

    In a shocking turn of events, the blog will be mirroring a casting decision that the actual show has made! Jay Kenneth Johnson will be reprising the role of Philip Kiriakis this February!

    "I'm really excited to be writing for JKJ. He was always Philip to me, and he is going to come back with a bang. He's going to be involved with Shelle for the beginning, but there is going to be more to the story this time around."...says the writer. "JKJ will have new sexiness and chemstry to bring to Phelle, but he won't be in Belle's life as a romantic interest for very long."

    He'll be returning to the show in February for the wedding of his brother, Bo Brady, and sister, Billie Reed.
  2. King
    Episode #271 – Monday, December 25, 2006:

    - The Horton House continues to burn to the ground...with Alice inside sleeping!
    - The assailant escapes back to the church. He/She ditches the mask and dark clothes and throws them behind the bushes in front of the church. He/She enters St. Luke's.
    - Jan sees Jeremy, and she is outraged at the site of him. She flashes back to his exposing her in front of Shawn and Belle. Jan vows that she will get revenge on Jeremy for setting her up. But a part of her can't help but remember their steamy kiss!
    - As the sea of Salemites exits the church, it becomes unclear as to who the assailant was. Will and Georgia notice that the falling snow off yonder is red as it falls to the ground. As Will and Georgia notify their fathers, Lucas and Bo, respectively, everyone begins to take notice at the phenomenon.
    - Cassie deliberately hides from Max and Abby, whom she knows are back together. Cassie fears that Max will tell her the truth about their reunion.
    - John is shocked to see Kristen at Midnight Mass. Marlena and John demand to know what Kristen is doing there, and if it is a ploy to get closer to John. Kristen tells John to stop flattering himself and tells him that she is over him! FOR GOOD! Kristen explains that when she first came to Salem that she was a good person and very involved with St. Luke's. She warns John and Marlena that she is planning to be the active Socialite she once was!
    - In the back of the church, Cassie is terrified when she sees the man she slept with in May after Max broke it off with her....the man who is really the father of her baby! Cassie hides!
    - Shawn and Belle are blissful. They are the talk of the town as everyone is so happy that they are back together once again.
    - Steve realizes that he must tell Kayla the truth.
    - Vivian fears that Kate and Victor are growing too close for comfort for her and Alamain International.
    - Austin realizes the connection between Carrie and Mike is still there when they share a hug.
    - All of Salem is gathered outside of St. Luke's wishing each other a Merry Christmas and taking notice of the miraculous phenomenon in front of them.
    - Doug and Julie point out that something smells like smoke. Everyone breathes in and begins to realize that something close by must be on fire.
    - Maggie sees smoke forming above the trees off in the distance. She points and screams as everyone realizes a fire is what is behind "the miracle."
    - Marlena points out that the fire looks like it could be in the neighborhood that her and Roman's house used to be...the same neighborhood as Alice's house! Melissa points out that since Alice wasn't feeling well, she skipped mass so she could rest!
    - All of the Salemites privy to the conversation begin to run towards the smoke.
    - Abby and Max exit the church and wonder where everyone is running off too, but they are too happy to care about anything but their reunion. Abby tells Max that he must tell Cassie the truth - that they are going to be a couple despite Cassie's pregnancy.
    - Meanwhile, the Brady's, the Horton's, and the rest of Salem continue to run through yards and take shortcuts to get to Alice's neighborhood. Laura, Maggie, Melissa, Doug, Mike, Julie, and Jack all deduce that the smoke is definitely coming from Alice's house or a neighbor's house!
    - Cassie comes face to face with the father of her unborn baby!
    - The Brady's, Horton's, Reed's, and Robert's emerge from the trees and come face to face with the Horton House. Their faces are lit up orange and red as they reflect the burning house. Julie falls to her knees in the snow, screaming. Melissa, Greta, Marlena, and Kate all gasp and cover the mouths in horror. Bo and John look on and then look to each other, knowing neither has seen a fire so outrageous and out of control. Julie screams for Alice. FREEZE FRAME.
  3. King
    Episode #273 – Wednesday, December 27, 2006:
    Kayla and Mike continue to perform CPR on Alice. The ambulances and fire trucks arrive. Kayla and Mike manage to get a pulse from Alice, and they take her away in the ambulance. The Horton’s and The Brady’s rush to the hospital to be with Alice. The arsonist returns to the church and snatches his or her mask and dark attire from the bushes where he or she recently stashed it! OPENING! Bo seeks some medical attention on scene from E.M.T.’s. They treat his burns and allow him to rejoin Roman, Steve, and John near the ruins of the Horton House which has now been extinguished. Victor and Kate huddle in a corner at the hospital and try to come up with a plan that will separate Shawn and Belle for good! Vivian, meanwhile, is very concerned at Kate and Victor’s growing closeness, and she confronts them! Maggie and Laura realize that this Christmas is going to be ANYTHING but a Merry one for Salem. Sami tells Simone that she is NOT giving her the name of Keith’s real parents! Simone tells Sami that she has to! Simone says Keith’s life depends on it. Sami is conflicted. Cassie awakens. She is in shock as she cannot believe that the real father of her baby is a Horton! Abby and Max ask Cassie why she fainted, but she says she does not know. She excuses it as being the pregnancy. Fearing Abby and Max will break the news that they are back together, Cassie faints once again. Only this time, she’s faking! Vivian reminds Victor that she knows he set the fire that was responsible for Caroline being hospitalized. She tells Victor to hurry up and get the paperwork that will grant her 51% of the Titan stock. When alone, Victor hires a private investigator to come up with the goods on Kate so he has something to blackmail Kate with! Austin remains bothered by the intense hug between Mike and Carrie, but he decides to shake it off. Seconds later, he catches Mike and Carrie in a very compromising position as she comforts Mike. Frankie comforts Melissa. Greta is understanding, but disappointed. Eric is waiting in the wings to comfort her. Kristen looks on and remembers her night of lovemaking with Eric. She says that Eric is the key part in her getting revenge on Marlena. Celeste breaks out of the mental ward. Simone tells Sami that she has to take the baby to the police unless Sami comes forward. Sami demands Simone stop panicking! Sami says she will come up with something! Laura and Maggie recall Caroline, Mickey, and Alice all being hospitalized and Jennifer’s recent death. Secretly, Laura flashes back to how it is all a lie to cover up for Jennifer being in a sanitarium in Europe. Maggie and Laura wonder if there is some type of Horton curse! Bo knows what the silence of Steve, John, and Roman means. Bo flashes back to seeing the ladder burning in the raging fire. Bo asks who would want to hurt Alice Horton. Steve says that is the question of the hour. Roman reveals that his men are tracing the ruins for proof of arson as they speak. Bo decides to go to the hospital and pray for Mrs. H. He also tells Roman to have the P.D. track down Hope wherever she is vacationing and tell her to return to Salem A.S.A.P. Mike calls Jeremy and tells him about his great-grandmother. Abby and Jeremy rush to the hospital, leaving Jan and Max to care for Cassie. Later, Jan, Max, and Cassie arrive at the hospital, but not before Cassie and Jan have a chance to catch up. Cassie tells Jan that she might need her help with her latest plan. Jan says that she needs the same from Cassie! Billie tries to comfort the Horton women, but Julie tells her to get out of here and says she doesn’t belong. Celeste enters the waiting room. All of Salem is in the room. Vivian, John, Belle, Kristen, Bo, Carrie, Eric, Frankie, Georgia, Jan, Kayla, Max, Shawn, Abby, Jack, Cassie, Marlena, Alice, Jeremy, Laura, Maggie, Melissa, Steve, Victor, Austin, Billie, Kate, Lucas, Will, Greta, Roman, Mike, Stephanie, Doug, and Julie all stare at Celeste in shock. She looks at them and points. “You! You did this! You tried to kill Alice Horton!” Everyone looks around in shock as they realize the person who burned down the Horton House is among them.
  4. King
    Episode #275 – Friday, December 29, 2006:
    The New Year’s Eve party at the Penthouse Grill in the Titan building begins. Everyone in Salem gets decked out and dressed to the nines in order to ring in the new year together. They realize, however, that their main goal of the evening is to help raise the funds in order to rebuild the Horton House and to help the family pay for Mickey and Alice’s medical bills. Kayla, Marlena, Greta, Melissa, Abby, Cassie, Belle, Kate, Vivian, Georgia, Carrie, Laura, Maggie, Stephanie, Billie, and Julie all arrive looking more stunning than ever. Steve, John, Eric, Frankie, Max, Jeremy, Shawn, Victor, Mike, Austin, Lucas, Roman, Bo, Jack, and Doug show up looking equally handsome. Megan and Jan arrive, as well, setting the room afire with whispers and gossip, but it alls stops when a bigger pariah enters - Kristen Blake! OPENING. Victor asks Melissa Horton if she will be the hostess of the evening, keeping the party guests updated on the donated pledges. Steve and Kayla are eager to ring in their first New Year’s together in over sixteen years. But he realizes that he must tell Kayla the truth…tonight! Steve flashes back to the hotel room in London where Shane handed him the I.S.A. file that revealed STEVE was the one behind Steve’s memory loss and faked death. Steve remembers how he came up with the plan in order to smoke out Lawrence Alamain. Abby and Max vow to tell Cassie the truth about their reunion. Meanwhile, Jeremy finally believes Cassie when she says that he is not the father of her baby. Jan confesses to Megan that despite her heated and disdain-filled relationship with Jeremy, she can’t help but be extremely attracted to him! Jan tells Megan that Jeremy is the first man to make her forget about Shawn. Sami rots in prison while Carrie and Austin continue to fight over the fact that he has agreed to be Sami’s lawyer. Eric flashes back to the night he blacked out. He remembers sleeping with a woman that night! He realizes he has not been faithful to Greta. He pushes her away….and right into the arms of Frankie! Celeste has a disturbing vision about the person who burned down Alice’s house. Julie lashes out at Billie telling her that she is nothing but a second rate Hope in Bo’s eyes. Bo and Jack tell Julie to stop, but she refuses. Billie and Julie fire back at one another. Julie dares Billie to slap her again like she did before. Billie tells Julie to keep running her mouth, and she just might! Victor reads the file his private investigator has found on Kate. He realizes now why Kate pushed him away in the summertime. Victor regrets what he has to do, but he realizes it must be done. He calls Kate into the boardroom of Titan. In casual conversation, he mentions to Kate that a new security system was installed in the building that runs on power. He says if the power ever goes out, the whole building shuts down. Then, he tells Kate that he knows the truth…he says he knows her biggest secret…the reason she ended things with him in the summer. Victor tells Kate that he knows she gave birth to Stefano Dimera’s twins thirty some years ago! Kate is horrified. Steve tells Kayla and Stephanie that he has something he must tell them. Meanwhile, Shane Donovan steps off a plane at the Salem Airport and heads to Titan. Jan and Cassie remember how well they worked together when they teamed up to expose Mimi at the altar last Spring. They realize they could work together again…to get what they want! Greta recognizes her love for Frankie, but she wonders if her love for Eric is on another level. She thinks Eric might understand her on a level that Frankie does not, citing the fact that Frankie went for an extravagant gift while Eric opted for a sentimental present for her. But she feels deeper for Frankie. She has never felt so confused. Greta books a room at the Salem Inn. She says she is going to make love to the man of her dreams tonight. Jan tells Cassie that she needs her help landing a new man in her life. Cassie agrees to help her, but she first asks Jan to help her trick the real father of her baby into thinking he is NOT the father! Little do they know that they are talking about the same man - JEREMY HORTON! Laura and Maggie tell Georgia and Will an old wive’s tale…that the person you’re with at midnight is the person you’re destined to be with for the following year. Celeste calls Bo and tells him that she is on the verge of finding out who tried to kill Alice! But the mysterious assailant overhears… Minutes later, the shadowy figure exits the Titan Building. On the way out, He/She passes Shane who enters the building. Once outside, He/She cuts the power coming into the building. The lights go dead. Screams are heard. Cries of confusion and shock can be heard, Every door, elevator, and window in Titan automatically closes and locks. The dark figure walks off into the night, and moments later, arrives at University Hospital. The elevator opens. The assailant enters and takes the elevator to the Psychiatric Wing. The attacker makes it past the nurse’s station, undetected. The mysterious person grabs a set of keys at the station, sneaks down the hall, and arrives at “Room 426.” The door is unlocked, and the attempted killer enters. Celeste Perrault awakens. “Please, Dah’ling, have a seat here, won’t you?” The mystery guest clutches a knife and walks forward. *FREEZE FRAME*
  5. King
    Episode #279 - Thursday, January 4th, 2007:
    Jan and Cassie team up to discuss ways they can help Cassie pass off her baby as Max’s and ways Jan can land Jeremy’s heart. Billie flashes back Jack’s New Year’s Eve confession of love. OPENING Cassie asks Jan why she suddenly changed her mind and agreed to help her. Jan covers for her mother and does not tell Cassie that they are really cousins. Lucas recalls his kiss with Sami on New Years through the prison bars. Will and Lucas decide to stand by Sami during the trial. When alone, Will tells Sami that he won’t allow her to take the fall for Alan’s murder when he is the one who did it. Sami tells Will to shut his mouth and let her take the fall for this. Julie and Billie get into a very public argument at Salem Place…and Megan overhears. Jeremy bonds with Max. Jeremy explains to Max that he has a love/hate relationship with Jan. And he admits that he is very attracted to her. Carrie remembers her kiss with Mike. But she must snap out of it when Austin arrives. Austin begs Carrie not to turn her back on him because he is defending Sami in her murder trial. Austin pleads to Carrie to stand by her sister and stand with him at her side. Simone tells Sami that she needs the name of baby Keith’s parents because his health is failing. Sami refuses to tell Simone the truth - that she stole the baby. Megan flashes back to her kidnapping Hope and locking her up in a warehouse in London. She says that she will take Billie out, as well…and before her Valentine’s Day Wedding to Bo! Cassie tells Jan that she has arranged for her and Jeremy to be locked in the Dimera basement together. Carrie calls Austin a fool and a sucker for falling for Sami’s lies and deceit once again. Simone takes baby Keith to the hospital where Mike and Kayla tell Simone that things are not looking good for Keith. They tell him he has a rare disease among infants and that he is likely going to lose his life if they cannot find a compatible bone marrow donor. Simone immediately goes back to the prison and tells Sami she needs to know the identity of Keith’s parents or he will likely lose his life. Bo promises Billie that his love for Hope is in the past and that he is going to be commit to her at their wedding once and for all. Bo admits to his fiancée that this case is worrying him. Bo tells Billie that the attempted killer seems to be impersonating two famous serial attackers of Salem’s past. Sami struggles with whether or not to confess her crimes and come forward saying she stole Carrie’s baby and save the life of her nephew, Keith. Megan overhears Julie tell Doug that she needs to find Hope and bring her back in time to stop this wedding. Julie tells Doug that she will stop at nothing to make sure Bo and Billie do not marry. Shawn and Belle demand Jan tell them the identity of Trey’s mother. Jan refuses. She tells them that they need to forget about it and move on with their lives. Jan says she is finally over Shawn and that he and Belle need to be happy with Claire and Trey, but they say they cannot be happy as a family until they acquire legal custody of Trey. Jan still refuses to tell them the identity of the woman. Jan says the woman gave up her baby of her own free will and that is all that matters. Sami tries to scheme, manipulate, and come up with a way to get Keith his bone marrow transplant without exposing herself. Megan approaches Julie and tells her that she couldn’t help but overhearing. Megan says that she used to be the mother-in-law of Julie’s nephew, Shawn. Julie fires back that she knows who she is. Megan tells Julie that she would also like to see Billie out of Salem. Julie and Megan decide to work together to make sure Billie leaves Salem. Little does Julie know that she just made a deal with the devil. Carrie tells Mike that they need to talk about their kiss and his confession of love from the night before. Unbeknownst to them both, someone is listening to the conversation. Jan tells Shawn and Belle that even though they think of her as a terrible person that she is doing this for them out of respect and out of the kindness of her heart. Belle rolls her eyes. Jan says she swears on her life. Jan continues to say that the mother of Trey is not someone Belle and Shawn want to know…and certainly not anyone they want to mess with. Jan warns once the woman learns that her baby is in the possession of Shawn and Belle, that she will use Trey as leverage to get a whole lot of money from them. When alone, Jan flashes back to when she purchased baby Trey in order to pass him off as Shawn and her baby. Jan recalls traveling to Philadelphia to met a mother who was very desperate to fork over her baby for a load of money. The woman? Is Willow Espinoza. Jan snaps out of it and says, for Shawn and Belle's sake, she hopes they never track her down. Meanwhile, in a run down apartment in Philadelphia, Willow realizes she's blown through the last of the money Jan has given her. She decides to pay Jan Spears a visit! Next On DAYS:

    - Uncover the identity of the man Greta made love to on New Year's Eve!
  6. King

    "Sunset Beach" Alum and movie actress, Susan Ward, has landed the role of Sarah Horton! Sarah is the only biological child of Maggie Horton and adopted daughter of Mickey. She will be coming home to Salem due to the recent incidents with Alice and Mickey Horton. Sarah moved to Nashville, Tennessee in the early nineties to be with her adopted sister, Melissa, with whom she will also be interacting very heavily upon her arrival! It is unknown at the moment whether the actress is going to be given a contract. "I am a huge, huge, HUGE Susan Ward fan, and I am very excited to be writing for her."...says the headwriter. "Sarah is a Horton, and she is very needed in Salem, especially considering the incidents with Mickey, Alice, and Jennifer. She is going to be all grown up. She's a beautiful, sexy, twenty-five year old woman who is going to be turning some heads. Sarah never really had an opportunity to grow and shine, but she will now." She will first air on Monday, January 15.

  7. King
    Episode #285 - Friday, January 12th, 2007:
    Bo speaks to the copycat attacker who has called Bo. The person is talking to him through a voice distorter so he cannot recognize the voice. Bo asks the monster to tell him his identity. The deep, dark, distorted voice replies… “For your purposes, Detective Brady, you can call me ‘The Fury.’” OPENING! Andy tells Roman and Shane that if the copycat is following a pattern then the next victim is going to die of strangulation because the Salem Strangler is next on the list of Salem’s famous serial attackers. Max and Abby are shocked to learn that Cassie’s baby has died while Cassie is devastated beyond words. She breaks down and screams and cries as she grieves her baby. Simone realizes that Sami must have gotten baby Keith illegally or there would be no secrecy about the family. Simone flashes back to when Keith’s health was failing, and Sami would not have been so secretive about helping her find a bone marrow donor if she had gotten the baby through legitimate channels. Philip (Jay Kenneth Johnson) has a touching reunion with Kate and Victor. Victor surprises him with an unexpected visit from Claire! He explains that he asked Belle if he could spend some time with her, but he didn’t mention anything about Philip’s return. Kate, Victor, Philip, and Claire bond. Bo screams at the Fury and tells him/her that he knows he/she is working for Stefano! Bo says he knows Stefano is back in Salem and is behind these attacks. The Fury lets out a deep, dark, guttural laugh that chills Bo to his core. The Fury tells Bo that he could not be any more off the mark if he tried. When Max removes Abby from Cassie's hospital room, he tells her that he blames her for this because of her relentless harassment of Cassie. Abby wipes tears away and says that, although she did lash out at Cassie, she had reason to, claiming the only time Cassie ever cried “Wolf,” and meant it, was this time. Simone sits by baby Keith’s side after his surgery and prays. Rae tells her it appears the surgery is working, and Keith’s vitals are improving slightly. When Bo asks the Fury about the attack on Alice Horton, he/she responds that everyone in Salem is going to feel the pain and misery, and NO ONE will be spared! Philip asks Victor what the family emergency was that he asked him to come home for. Philip asks if all of his brothers and sisters are all right. Victor confesses to Philip that he lied about the family emergency just to get him back to town! Philip is confused, but Victor and Kate tell him that they want…and need him back in Salem where he belongs! Dr. Rae tells Cassie she lost her baby because of a very stressful pregnancy. Rae tells Cassie that she should have been warned by her first doctor that she needed to have a very delicate pregnancy. Cassie says she was warned and tried her best to have a stress-free pregnancy, but Abby ruined it by lashing out at her today. Rae corrects Cassie by telling her, although Abby’s outburst did not help, the baby died because of months upon months of stress not because of this single argument. Cassie recalls how she’s been scheming and plotting for months to break up Abby and Max and keep Jeremy from learning that he is father of the baby. Melissa cannot get over Frankie. The fact that he told her he is going to be with Greta romantically kills her inside. She replays him telling her in her head over and over and over again. Not being able to take it anymore, Melissa calls her sister, Sarah, and asks her to come home to Salem. Vivian arrives to be with Simone and the baby. A rare, motherly side of Vivian comes out as she comforts Ivan’s niece and her baby. Vivian asks Simone how she even got baby Keith and where she’s been all this time. Simone and Vivian go to the Hospital Cafeteria while Rae checks out the baby. Simone tells Vivian all about how she got the baby from two of her friends in Salem. But now, she is thinking that her the transaction might not have been legal. Simone breaks down in Vivian’s arms and tells her that she can’t lose Keith….she can’t lose the baby! Bo arrives at the Police Station while talking on the cell phone to the Fury. He motions for Roman and Shane to put a tap on his cell phone. The Fury tells him that if he keeps working on trying to trace the phone call, he’ll never be able to save the next victim, whom the Fury is looking at right now. Bo is terrified. Philip tells his parents that he will stay in Salem until Bo’s wedding in February, but after that, he won’t be making any more promises. Vivian asks Simone to tell her the name of these friends who gave her the baby. Vivian tells Simone that Salem is not that big so she might know the person, or the person’s family, anyway. Simone tells Vivian Annie Douglas’ name. Vivian says she does not know her. Simone then tells her the second name of the “friend” who gave her the baby. When Simone tells her it’s Sami Brady, Vivian’s eyes and mouth open wide. Andy arrives at the hospital to spend time with his grandmother Caroline as he has been doing every day since he came to Salem. He sits and prays at her side. Suddenly….Caroline wakes up! The Fury ask Bo why he is not curious as to who the next victim is. Bo calls the person a sick bastard and tells The Fury to stop teasing him. The Fury tells him it is another good person of Salem. Bo demands the Fury tell him right now. The Fury informs Bo that it is Salem’s Pretty Little Princess. The line goes dead. Bo calls out to Roman and Shane, asking them for where the call was traced. They realize the call was made from the payphone at the pier. When Shane and Roman ask Bo what the caller said, Bo says that The Fury warned he is about to attack Salem’s Princess! The three man speculate as to who this could be. After a few seconds, Bo realizes who the next victim is. Bo storms out of the police station trying to save her! Meanwhile, at the pier, The Fury dressed in all black stalks the next victim......GRETA! She stares out onto the open waters, daydreaming of Frankie no doubt. She turns around suddenly when she hears someone sneaking up behind her. The Fury, dressed all in black, comes face to face with Greta who lets out a blood curdling scream. Her eyes grow big as they meet the eyes of the Fury. The fury wraps its hands around Greta’s neck and begins squeezing the life out of Greta!
  8. King
    Episode #295 - Friday, January 26, 2007:
    Austin, Carrie, and the rest of the Brady’s and Horton’s remain vigil by baby Roman’s side. Simone and Vivian recap the crazy last few days. Simone breaks down at the thought of losing the baby. Vivian tells Simone that she knows the baby is going to make it! And Simone says she can’t bear to lose the baby to Austin and Carrie either! Sami sits alone in her cold, dark jail cell and cries herself to sleep. Shawn and Philip continue to argue and fist fight! Belle arrives with Claire. Philip demands Belle give him the baby! Vivian and Kate clash. Vivian says she is going to expose Victor’s secret to Caroline if he doesn’t give her majority shares of Titan! But Kate informs Vivian she cannot do that because Victor will then expose a huge secret about Kate which will hurt Alamain International as a result, since Kate is the V.P. of Alamain! Rae comes into the waiting room, and it looks like she has some bad news for the Brady’s. The Fury hides out in his or her lair and prepares boxes for mailing. Belle refuses to hand over Claire to Philip, but Philip reminds her of the court documents that say he has temporary custody until the permanent custody trial can take place. Kate, Vivian, and Victor realize they have to do something because they each have secrets on each other, and they’re caught in a stalemate. Lucas and Will have an emotional conversation about Sami. Will says he sees how much Sami has hurt his father. Will can’t even recognize his father anymore he’s been so hurt by Sami. Max and Cassie grow closer than ever as they bond of their baby, but she secretly plots and schemes to make sure no one ever finds out that Jeremy was the real father. Meanwhile, Jeremy flashes back to when Jan asked him on a date, and he said no. Then he remembers how his father, Mike, skipped town without a word. Jeremy drinks himself into oblivion. Rae does not have bad news for Austin, Carrie, and the Brady’s! In fact, she has excellent news. Rae reveals that Austin and Carrie’s bone marrow donations worked wonders, and they were both matches for the baby. Carrie and Austin are overjoyed. They hug in the moment of happiness, and they share a tender peck on the lips. They watch intently as Rae checks all of baby Roman’s vitals. Lucas asks Will if he’d understand if he left town for a while. Will tells his father that he needs to do whatever is best for him right now. A bunch of packages arrive at the hospital…a nurse explains to Bo and the rest of the Brady’s that these packages appeared outside suddenly. Bo fears the packages might be from the Fury. Belle lashes out at Philip, telling him she can’t believe how evil has become! Philip explains he isn’t evil, but Claire is all he has! An emotional Philip tells Belle and Shawn if he is going to lose Belle, then he won’t lose Claire too! Victor says all he wants is for Alamain to stop their tricks and deceitful attempts to one up Titian…and Vivian says all she wants is to reap some of Titan’s benefits! Kate comes up with the perfect solution! There is a package for Marlena, Cassie, Jack, Caroline, Maggie, and Roman! Bo says what is on everyone’s mind…these people were all victims of the Salem Serial Killer! Lucas says a touching goodbye to his son, Will. Lucas sheds tears and tells Will that he knows Will is going to find love in Salem very soon. The two men break down and touch foreheads. Lucas tells his son he doesn’t want to leave him. Will understands and tells his father to go. Lucas breaks down and says goodbye to his son. Kate suggests merging Alamain and Titan! That way, everyone will get what they want, and NO ONE’S secrets will be revealed! Vivian and Victor refuse, at first, but when Kate argues her case, they realize it makes the most sense. Belle tells Philip she refuses to sympathize with him! Shawn asks Phil if he paid off a judge. Philip swears he hasn’t. But Belle chimes in that it must have been Victor then because no judge would ever take Claire away from his parents and give her to Philip! Marlena opens her package and finds a bloody, orange jumpsuit - the same one she was wearing when she was shot and “killed” in prison after she was arrested for the serial killings. Roman’s present is a mini groom that rests on top of a wedding cake - similar to the one that was shoved down his throat when he was “murdered.” Jack’s present is a bloody brick. Maggie’s is a bloody bottle of wine. Cassie is given a dead turkey, reminding her of the piñata was stuffed in. Victor and Vivian agree to sit down with Frankie and map out a legal plan to merge the two companies. Caroline receives Irish Soda Bread, which was what poisoned her when she was "killed." Jan realizes that Willow can never learn Shawn and Belle are raising baby Trey now, or she’ll go after the family Shawn and Belle have now created with Trey and Belle. Jan says to her mother she does care about that baby, and she knows she was not what is best for the baby, and neither is Willow! Jan tells Megan that Willow can never know Shawn and Belle are raising that baby, or she’ll use him as a means to shake Shawn and Belle down for money. Unfortunately for them all…Willow is listening! Lucas shares a touching goodbye with Austin, Kate, and Billie. Kate is devastated to see him leave town over the likes of Sami Brady. Lucas tells them it has to happen…Lucas and Kate say goodbye. The police officer takes Claire from Belle’s arms and hands her over to Philip. Belle breaks down in Shawn’s arms. They both fall to the ground as Philip and the police officer leave with Claire. Shawn and Belle are grief-stricken as baby Claire is snatched from their arms, but little do they know that, at this very second, Willow is kidnapping baby Trey right from their loft while the babysitter is distracted! Everyone is devastated and blown away by their gifts from The Fury. Bo and Roman wonder if since Marlena received a gift, if she is off the suspect list. Bo tells Roman he can’t shake the feeling that something weird is going on with Marlena. Meanwhile, Kristen drugs Marlena’s coffee when no one is looking with the same drug she’s been drugging Marlena with for weeks. Kristen is determined to make sure Marlena loses her mind. Sami awakens in her jail cell to Lucas. Sami is happy because she thinks Lucas has come to show his support for her. Lucas tells Sami to shut up. Sami is confused. Lucas explains to Sami that he has come to say goodbye to her…forever. Sami cries and says “No” over and over. Lucas tells her that it’s over for them forever. He says he has heard about her sentence of twenty-five years to life, and he is happy. Sami is appalled. Lucas says she deserves everything, EVERYTHING she gets for what she has done to Austin and Carrie over the years. He cannot believe how many times she has hurt her parents, her son, and him over and over and over again! Lucas tells her she’ll never know the pain of having a soul mate who is one constant disappointment…a person who is constantly keeping a secret from him. Lucas says its exhausting. He says the last fourteen years…and his love her has drained him of every ounce of energy, and it’s not worth it to him anymore. Lucas claims that at his core, he is a good, decent person, looking for a good, decent person to share his life with. And he says at Sami’s core, she is a liar and always manipulating life. Lucas tearfully says they will never mesh, and they will never be together again. Sami tries to argue, but he angrily lashes out and tells her shut up! Lucas informs Sami he is leaving town…and leaving her behind forever. Lucas walks out. Sami’s screams, and her yells echo throughout all of the jail cell.
  9. King

    Spring is almost upon us, and that means the finale of KING's DAYS is just around the corner! Spring is usually a time of rebirth and new life, but on the blog, it's going to be a time of death, murder, intrigue, scandals, and secrets! As usual, nothing is as it seems in Salem!

    THE FURY: The Fury storyline is going to intensify. Everyone will be going to Smith Island for the handling of Cassie’s remains. It’s going to be a blood bath. The Fury’s identity will be revealed on March 30th with the most shocking murder yet. And it will set the stage for the next chapter of The Fury storyline. The Fury is going to reach into every storyline. It will be a true umbrella story.

    Kristen/Eric/Greta/Frankie/Melissa: These five are going to be big as the blog reaches its final months. They’re all entangled, and they need not to be. Kristen’s pregnancy is going to be a big thing in Eric and Greta’s lives. Even though Greta chose Frankie, Eric/Greta have always been the rooting couple for fans, according to the poll. Greta is going to be targeted by Fury. And so is Kristen. It’s going to put things in perspective for these five. This has been one of the best and most popular original plots the blog has done. It’s going to get its proper sendoff!

    Caroline/Vivian/Victor/Simone/Nicole/Kate: Vivian now knows the identity of Kate and Stefano’s other child, and it’s going to come pouring out. This storyline will take a turn…it will hit the point of no return at the end of March. Every secret will be laid out on the table. And the Fury is going to hit this storyline and really shake things up. At the end of the spring, one question is going to remain. And it is the question that, in my opinion, has really plagued Victor for the last 15 years on the show. The blog is going to come to an end soon, and that question will be answered. Who has Victor’s heart…Kate…or Caroline?

    Bo/Hope: They will be very involved in the Fury storyline, of course. Georgia hitting J.T. is going to cause a huge rift between them, but they’ll have to team up in order to stop the Fury. It’s going to be a huge story. Bo and Hope are going to have the same playful back and forth feistiness that they’ve had since they were teenagers. No third parties. Just Bo and Hope.

    John/Marlena: Marlena’s downward spiral into insanity has been halted, thanks to Greta exposing Kristen. But there will be more to this story. Marlena is going to find out about Eric and Kristen sleeping together and that Kristen is pregnant with her grandchild. John’s suspicions about Marlena being the Fury will increase. These two will find their way back to each other, even though it seems bleak. Someone unexpected will play matchmaker between them…and it’s not Kristen.

    Sami/Peter/Annie: Peter is Sami’s hero. Lucas and Austin have abandoned her. What Sami has needed this whole time is a bad boy, who is misunderstood like she is. He will be her knight in shining armor. Annie is going to play into this in a huge way because she was the one who kidnapped Austin and Carrie’s baby and because she was the one who killed Alan. With the blog coming to an end, it’s only a matter of time before Lucas (Bryan Dattilo) returns. If readers think they know how it will end with Lucas/Sami...they should think again!

    Steve/Kayla: Steve is going to come out of his coma, and he and Kayla will try to work through their problems. But readers may remember Steve was having horrible flashbacks before his coma. He was tortured during his missing years. It’s going to have a big impact on things. Stefano, of course, will be involved…and the Fury. Steve will begin to wonder if he is actually behind the horrible things going on in Salem.

    Andy/E.C./Addie/Sarah: Sarah and Andy have now teamed up to stop the Fury and reveal his/her identity. E.C. will grow more and more mysterious. And Addie and Andy will share an attraction. E.C. and Addie will both have secrets behind them, and they’ll be connected to Salem in a VERY shocking way!

    Shawn/Belle/Philip: Shawn is going to push Belle away because of what she did to J.T. Philip, of course, will be there for her, but it will not be romantic. Philip and Belle’s romantic relationship is over. Belle’s going to discover a huge secret about Philip though…

    Jan/Jeremy: They’ll be back. They’ll be a couple. They’ll be closer than ever. And they’ll be closing in on the Fury. Jan wants revenge on the Fury for what he/she did to Jan’s mother, Megan. Alice and Maggie will not love the fact that Jeremy is seeing Jan Spears.

    Jack/Billie: These two are going to get very close, very fast. Since her cancer has returned, everything with these two is going to be magnified by Billie’s impending death. These two are going to grow closer than ever. They’ll be on the hunt for the Fury. There’s a huge twist coming.

    Abby/Max/Connor: Abby and Max are in a rough spot. He turned his back on her and was a victim of Cassie’s lies. She cannot forgive him so easily. And Connor was there for her when Max was not. The Fury will target Max.

    Stefano: The true reason for Stefano’s vendetta against the Brady’s will be one of the closing stories of the blog. It’s going to kick off this spring. Stefano has caused the most pain of anyone ever in the history of DAYS. He has to get his ultimate comeuppance.
  10. King
    Episode #233 - Wednesday, April 4, 2007:
    Maggie continues to try and charm her police tail. Sarah continues to search the graveyard in the rain. She stumbles upon the freshly dug grave of Vivian. She begins to sink the mud. E.C. continues to crush on Andy…and pray they don’t get discovered from the crypt for a few days. Kate and Nicole clash at the office. Kate tries to reach out to Nicole, but Nicole calls her a !@#$%^&*] and a whore. Abby has shocking nightmares about the Fury. She tosses and turns in her sleep and wakes up Maggie recalls how Rex was so brilliant…too brilliant for his own good…and how he figured out very quickly that Maggie was acting very peculiarly. She realized he was putting two and two together and would soon have figured out the truth. Shawn refuses to forgive Belle for allowing J.T. to run out of the house and get hit by a car. Belle begs Shawn to forgive her, telling him they were so close to being happy. Shawn says they never will be now and cites her for the reason! Hope comforts Billie over her cancer. E.C. reveals he has a flask full of booze and breaks it out. Andy tells him he can’t drink while the Fury is on the loose, and he’s doing nothing to stop it. E.C. reveals they have no choice. Andy begins screaming and the top of his lungs for Sarah. Recovering alcoholic, Maggie, chugs down the bottle of wine while she entertains the police officer. Sarah is shocked when, as she is sinking into the wet, rainy mud of the grave, she hits something hard - the Fury’s Mask! Nicole sneaks out of the office to meet with her “mother,” Faye Walker, who reveals a shocking truth to Nicole. Max worries for Abby as he watches her toss and turn in her sleep. Abby has horrible nightmares about watching Mimi have her head cut off and seeing her boyfriend, Connor, butchered right in front of her face. Maggie reveals after she killed Rex, she couldn’t stop killing…and had to kill Mimi and Connor because she knew they’d stop at nothing to figure out who the Fury was. Maggie suddenly goes from cold and stoic to every emotional…as she enters the attic of her house and is surrounded by pictures and items of all of her victims. She curls up on the floor and breaks down in tears. Belle opens up to Philip about all of her problems with Shawn. Sarah calls Bo, Hope, Jack, and Billie who hurry to her side at the grave. They begin to investigate the graveyard, as Sarah reveals they were asking around town where Vivian was, and the clues led here. Faye reveals that she and her husband, Paul Walker, adopted Nicole from a shady businessman in a last ditch effort to save their marriage. Nicole cannot believe that she is Kate’s daughter. Nicole flies to Chicago to see her brother, Brandon Walker. She breaks down in his arms and confesses to him that they are not brother and sister. Nicole is shocked beyond words when Brandon reveals that he knew! Belle realizes her confidant and ex-lover, Philip, has a secret! Maggie sits on her floor and cries in an eerie scene as her victims’ pictures stare back at her. John receives a shocking call from Brady Black…who reveals to John that he and Chloe are divorcing. Bo, Hope, and the rest of the police dig up the grave and find a casket……they open the casket up and find VIVIAN! Bo and Hope try not to panic and pull Vivian from the grave. They begin C.P.R. Andy realizes no one is coming to rescue him so he gives into E.C.’s peer pressure and decides to get drunk with him. For her own piece of mind, Nicole has her own DNA tests done…that confirm she and Kate are mother and daughter! Bo and Hope call Kayla, who arrives on the scene. Moments later, Kayla pronounces Vivian dead.
  11. King

    "Things are heating up! The blog is dying down for it's final months, but it is NOT slowing down! Every episode will be CAN'T MISS and a Sweeps episode until the bitter end! With deaths, revelations, new loves, returns, old faces, murders, pregnancies, births, secrets, and reunions, the blog is really upping the ante in EVERY storyline!"...previews the headwriter. "Sweeps will kick off on Friday the 13th...of April! It will be another six week Sweeps period, and nothing will ever be the same for the characters we love."

    Maggie/The Fury: “The killing will continue. The last victim will be the most shocking of all! It will become a little more clear as to why this is all happening, but it won’t be crystal clear until Salem tries to figure it all out. With Jan and Jeremy, Jack and Billie, Andy and Sarah, and Bo and Hope all being desperate to find out who the Fury is, it’s only a matter of time until Maggie is exposed. In the mean time, Caroline is going to be accused. Stefano will be involved in this storyline, but not the way one would think. Stefano is NOT behind the Fury! The Fury *IS* Maggie. And it‘s Maggie alone. John Ingle (Mickey) and Tonya Boyd (Celeste) will be back to heat this storyline up even further!”

    Tony/Kristen/Eric/Greta/Frankie/Melissa/Miguel: “This is going to be one of the biggest storylines of Sweeps. Kristen and Eric grow closer than ever as their baby news sweeps through Salem. Greta and Frankie begin to question their feelings for their ex-loves, Eric and Melissa. Miguel (Eddie Cibrian), Melissa’s ex-husband and father of her children, will join the scene. He’s a very dangerous man, and he’ll up the ante on a lot of levels. Kristen is going to have a surprising reaction to Tony being alive and well.”

    Jack/Billie: “Jillie are going to be very big! Billie’s cancer is terminal, and she’s going to die. She is willing to put her life on the line to find the Fury. She figures she can do something good with her life. And this is it. Meanwhile, Jack will find Billie’s diary and discover a list of things she’d like to do before she dies. The #1 is really big, and he will do anything to make sure it happens for her. He isn’t counting on the fact, however, that Billie will wage her own personal war with the Fury and can die at any second.”

    Nicole/Lucas/Sami/Peter/Annie: “Seter are the big, hot new couple of the blog. But his infidelity with Annie is going to come back to bite him! Annie and Peter will be both be searching for her taped confession. And it will resurface. There will be a huge shock, a huge reveal, and a huge return - Lucas (Bryan Dattilo) will be back! Nicole is now Lucas’ sister…and Peter’s. She will play into this storyline in a huge way.”

    E.C./Andy/Addie: “This storyline is going to heat up in a lot of ways! Andy cannot get Addie of his mind…or E.C.! E.C. is his roommate at the all boy’s university just outside of Salem. Addie is a new, mysterious, spunky girl in town. She has big ties to Salem. Andy finds himself drawn to both in a variety of ways. Andy will start to question his sexuality. It’s going to be a fun storyline…and hot. The ante will be upped as it is clear that E.C. and Addie both have secrets. Do not miss Friday, April 20th.”

    Stefano: “Stefano’s vendetta behind the Brady’s will be revealed. Fans will discover that there IS no real Brady/Dimera feud outside of what they’ve seen on screen since he came to town in the early 80’s. He came to town because of his son, Tony… and he stayed for another reason. Roman made Stefano the target of a huge investigation. Fans watched the feud begin and develop. I believe the Dimera/Brady feud stretching before the time Stefano came to Salem is a re-write that some writer made along the way. There’s no big secret there…but there is something…something that made him stay in Salem…That‘s the real secret here.”

    Bo/Hope: “Things will continue to be rocky with these two since he was so easily duped by Georgia which led to her hitting J.T. while being doped up. They’ll work together, though, to find the Fury. They’ll slowly find their way back to each other. However, the fact that Maggie is the Fury is going to liven things up. It‘s going to be a big wedge between them.”

    John/Marlena: “Marlena is keeping a huge secret from John. It involves Stefano. It’s going to come back to haunt her. Someone unlikely will play matchmaker for these two. Her secret will come out…and then no more secrets…only romance and love.”

    Kate/Victor/Caroline: “Now that Vivian is out of the picture, this storyline is going to get down to the nitty gritty - who does Victor love more? Kate…or Caroline? Who has his heart? Who is his true love? It’s a question that has tortured Victor for years. With the blog coming to an end, he’ll have to answer it himself - once and for all!”

    Jan/Jeremy: “Both will be back. It will be very Bonnie and Clyde. She’s wanted for the murder of Willow, even though she did it in self-defense. They’ll be darker, more dangerous, and more in love than ever. They’re out for the Fury’s blood. Little do they know, it is Jeremy’s Great Aunt Maggie. Jan wants to find her mother’s murderer…and she will. On another front, this couple will be met with major resistance from the Horton’s.”

    Steve/Kayla: “These two have their work cut out for them. They need to figure out exactly what happened to Steve during his missing years, and they need to find their way back to each other in just a few months. Not to mention, there is something major coming up with Stephanie. There’s been a lot of lies here. Lies out of love, but lies nonetheless. Steve and Kayla will be featured heavily in the blog’s closing months.”

    Philip/Shawn/Belle: “The triangle is over with these three. There’s nothing romantic between Phelle anymore. But Shawn’s jealousy over Belle and Phil’s newfound closeness will be a huge motivator for a Shelle reunion. Shawn just cannot get past blaming her for J.T.’s accident. Philip has a big secret…fans will find out what it is very soon! Chloe (Nadia Bjorlin) will be back to add a new dynamic to this crew.”

    Max/Abby: “What happened on the island with Fury is going to have a huge effect on them for months to come. Abby will continue her dissension into mental illness that runs in her family. Max will stand by her side and try to help her through this.”

    Returns: “John Ingle (Mickey Horton), Tom Pelphrey (Jeremy Horton), Heather Lindell (Jan Spears Dimera), Taylor Handley (Will Roberts), Tonya Boyd (Celeste Perrault), and Peyton List (Georgia Brady) will all be back during May Sweeps…along with Nadia Bjorlin (Chloe Lane)…and one big surprise!”

    Exits: “With Maggie out there killing people…there will definitely be some big exits coming…”
  12. King

    Bi-Bi, Tradition!?

    Is the blog saying Bi-Bi to traditional love triangles? Things have taken a turn for the interesting as Andy Donovan, son of 80's supercouple, Shane and Kim, has recently bumped quite literally into a new, mysterious blonde beauty, Addie (Emily Harper). Quirky Addie is keeping a huge secret, but what can it be!? Fans have already noted the identical name between her and Addie Horton, Hope's mother, but it is unknown right now as to whether that is a red herring...or some kind of clue!

    It might not be so easy for lovebirds, Addie and Andy. Why? Because Andy's roommate at Salem's local all boy's university is the equally shady and mysterious E.C., who has the hots for Andy! E.C. recently got Andy drunk and took advantage of him in his drunken state, which has caused Andy to question his sexuality. Is this the first bi-sexual love triangle of the blog!? Fans should not miss Friday, April 20th, when this storyline takes a DRAMATIC turn...and E.C.'s shocking secret is REVEALED!
  13. King

    There is some breaking news happening on SONBC! King has now announced that his blog will not be going off the air in July as originally planned! "It's true. The blog will NOT be ending in July!"...exclaims the headwriter/creator. "When I made the decision to end the blog, I was anticipating a lot going on this summer on a personal level, and it was unclear whether I could handle it all. But now that the summer is upon us, I am realizing I can handle it while still continuing to do the blog. On a business level, I was also very disappointed with SON and the direction it was heading in...and then I discovered the 'IGNORE USER' feature."...laughs the writer.

    As for the blog's storylines, the writer says not much will be changing. "Almost all of the storylines we are going into summer with were already planned. Maggie was the Fury long before the decision was made to end the blog. The Fury storyline and all of its victims were laid out in late 2006 when the story began. And all of the other storylines, as well. Nothing big will be changing! Just more fun and drama ahead!"

    Look for Maggie to claim her most shocking victim yet the week of May 14th! It is said to be a DOOZY!

  14. King

    Austin Peck (Austin Reed), Christie Clark (Carrie Reed), Roark Critchlow (Mike Horton), Wayne Northrop (Roman Brady), and Leann Hunley (Anna Dimera) will all be returning to show this month!

    "I am very exciting for these returns! I am especially excited for Wayne to return as Roman. I have never written for Wayne in the role of Roman - only Stefano. The last time we saw Roman in January, he was played by Josh Taylor who took Roman off to Europe to reunite with Carrie's mother, Anna."...says the headwriter, King. "But they will be back for a very big event. Also returning will be Mike Horton (Roark) who will return for the crisis with the Horton's and Maggie being the Fury. His return will coincide with ex-love, Carrie Reed, and her husband, Austin, who will both have little to do with Mike's return."...previews the writer. "They'll be back to interact heavily with Lucas, Sami, Peter, and Nicole."

    "It's going to be a very big month. These five returns...mixed in with Calliope and Eugene Bradford...in addition to another surprise couple who will be announced tomorrow."

    The blog is expected to make a big announcement tomorrow...in addition to the big casting news!
  15. King
    Episode #162 - May 15, 2007:

    Billie and Jack’s wedding day arrives. In the bridal room, Billie prepares for the ceremony. Kate, Georgia, Austin, Lucas, and Philip arrive to be with her. She is very weak from her cancer treatment, but she is grateful to have her family with her. When alone, Georgia and Kate breakdown together over Billie, her cancer, and how she will be soon lose her life. They cry and comfort each other. While alone, Billie and Austin talk about how long the road to happiness has been for the both of them. Austin brings in his son, Billie’s nephew, Roman Roberts Reed. Billie gets very emotional with the baby on her lap and breaks down in front of Austin. Austin tells Billie how proud of her he is, and they share a special moment. At the altar, Abby and Jack have a father/daughter moment. She wishes him all the happiness in the world. Jack says he never thought he would find happiness with anyone other than her mother, Jen. Billie turns to see......Hope standing at her door. Jack and Abby flashback and celebrate Jennifer’s life on this day. Abby says Jen would want Jack to be happy. Hope enters Billie’s room, and they talk about how far they’ve come. Billie apologizes for everything she has done to Hope. Hope tells her not to worry about it. Billie asks Hope if she’s heard that her cancer is in a very progressive level, and it is likely she will pass away within a few weeks. Hope says she has heard and that she is sorry. Billie slips and almost falls in her weak state, but Hope grabs her before she can fall. Hope helps her up and helps her to the couch. Moments later, they laugh about the irony of this situation. Billie asks Hope to take care of Georgia when she’s gone. Hope does not tell Billie about how tumultuous their relationship has been as of late, but she agrees to Billie’s request. Hope apologizes for everything she has done to Billie, as well. Billie and Hope embrace and prefer to remember the times they were friends. Kate is very pleased Billie has finally found happiness after all of this time. Billie makes a joke that Kate didn’t even have to scheme or manipulate or pay anyone off to make it happen either. Georgia and Bo bond as Georgia says she does not want to lose her mother after only finding her a year ago. Will tells Billie he has loved getting to know her and was grateful to have her support when he came out. They hug and bond. Laura contemplates telling Jack the truth about Jen being alive, but she cannot ruin his happiness. Billie feels overwhelmed by all of the support she is receiving today. She says this is going to be what she remembers when she is in the last moments of her life...the love. Billie thanks her bridesmaids - Carrie, Georgia, Abby - for everything they’ve done. Billie learns Victor is unable to make it to the wedding because he is stranded in Greece on business. Billie does not want to replace Victor with Austin as the person who is giving her away because Austin is one of the groomsmen. Billie asks Bo to give her away...and he agrees. They share a special scene together where they recount all of their moments together. Bo says he is so happy she has found happiness. Billie cries. Bo and Billie walk down the aisle to Jack.........
  16. King
    Episode #166 - Monday, May 21st, 2007:
    Sarah, Melissa, Eric, and Greta enter Frankie’s house to see Frankie is holding pictures of Eric and Greta making love in the park in the rain! He asks Greta and Eric what the hell these pictures are of. Greta tells Frankie they were on their way to speak with Frankie about this. Frankie is appalled. He sweeps everything from the dinner table in rage. Eric, Greta, Melissa, and Sarah are scared and jumpy at his outburst. Frankie demands to know what the hell is going on. A tearful Greta breaks down. She says she has been struggling with her feelings for Eric for months now. She says she has been so torn between Frankie and Eric. Frankie bursts out and interrupts her. He screams, asking her if she doesn’t think it’s been hard for him and his feelings for Melissa! But he goes on to say he committed to Greta, and he planned on sticking by her and their marriage. Greta breaks down and begs Frankie to try and calm down. Frankie is devastated. Frankie asks her how many times it has happened. Greta swears it only happened once. Frankie turns to his nephew, Eric, and realizes what their recent bonding had to do with – Eric’s guilt. Eric apologizes to Frankie profusely. He says he never stop loving Greta. Frankie punches Eric in the face. Melissa sees a strange look of sadness on Sarah’s face. Melissa looks at the pictures. Melissa realizes what happened. She realizes the look on Sarah’s face…is a look of guilt! Frankie lashes out at Eric and Greta saying he cannot believe they played him for a fool like this for all this time after he married Greta to help her inherit her fortune. Eric chimes in saying he married Greta for selfish motivations too – to get a share of the inheritance to help Melissa get her kids back. Greta steps in between the Brady boys. She tells Frankie the affair only happened two nights ago and that it wasn’t happening the whole time. Greta says they were on their way here tonight to tell him the truth about everything! Melissa grabs Sarah and takes her outside. Sarah throws Melissa’s hand off of her. Melissa confronts Sarah and tells her she knows Sarah was the one who took the pictures! Sarah denies it, but Melissa tells her to save the bull for someone stupid enough to believe it! Greta tearfully apologizes to Frankie. She says what they shared was magical and that she didn’t mean to do this to their marriage. They both flashback to when Frankie and Greta made love for the first time – Greta’s first time making love ever. Sarah confesses to Melissa she took the pictures and mailed them to Frankie. Melissa demands to know why Sarah would do this. Sarah recounts how she saw Eric and Greta kissing in the park and making love. She says she had her camera and one thing led to another. It was an instinct, Sarah says. Greta tells Frankie she wants to know who sent those pictures because they made Eric and Greta out to be liars. Frankie says they are liars! Frankie tells Greta and Eric he never wants to see them again. Frankie lashes out at Eric by saying he is a disgrace to the Brady name…first by cheating on Greta with Nicole all of those years ago…and now this – breaking up his own uncle’s marriage. Greta begs Frankie to forgive her. He says he cannot. He admits he might be able to in time. But he tells her their marriage is over. Frankie is shocked to see Greta does not seem very upset by this news. Melissa asks Sarah why she just didn’t tell Frankie instead of exposing Greta like this…so duplicitously. Sarah says she cannot tell Melissa that. Melissa informs Sarah she will tell Frankie Sarah was the one who took those pictures. Sarah falls to the ground, crying, and begs on her hands and knees for Melissa not to do that! Greta asks Eric to leave…and he does. Frankie asks Greta if this is what she wanted. She does not answer. Frankie pushes and grabs Greta and turns her to face her. Greta cries out that she was on her way tonight to confess everything and ask for a divorce! Frankie is devastated further. He cries. Melissa demands to know why Sarah is so scared about everyone knowing she was the one who sent the pictures. Sarah flashes back to Miguel threatening to kill her unless she helped reunite Miguel and Melissa! Sarah tells Melissa she cannot tell her. Melissa grabs Sarah and brings her into the house to reveal the truth to Frankie! Greta apologizes to Frankie and confesses that she loves him. She says she never thought this would happen, but she also says she would never ask Frankie to forgive her or give her another chance after this. Greta agrees maybe the best thing to do is to end their marriage. They are both beyond devastated at this turn of events. Greta prays one day Frankie will be able to forgive her. Frankie says he does understand what it is like not to forget or stop loving your first love…remembering his love for Jennifer. Greta and Frankie embrace. They both hug and are saddened at the destruction of their marriage. Greta tells Frankie that she loves him and a part of her always will. Frankie replies he loves her too. The two hug and stand in the darkness of the house. *FREEZE FRAME.*
  17. King

    Last week, King’s DAYS revealed that Lucas Roberts was the final – and most shocking – victim of Maggie Horton’s reign of terror. This, of course, means that Bryan Dattilo has been released from the blog. “This was the most difficult casting decision I’ve ever had to make so far in the 18 months the blog has been going. Dattilo is amazing, and Lucas is a great character. LUMI is one of DAYS’ biggest couples so it was a big move. I have written our halves of supercouples before, but there was always the intention of bringing them back. This time, it’s hard because Lucas is definitely gone so he will not be returning.”…King says.

    Many readers are not pleased with the decision and want to know…WHY LUCAS!?

    “It had to be Lucas for a number of reasons. Of course, I wanted to have a big name be the last victim. It had to be shocking. But it also had to be someone who is close to Maggie. The whole storyline had to come to gigantic climax and culminate with the death of someone very close to Maggie. It had to be a Horton because the first victim was Alice, and it had to come full circle. More than that, this is going to be a Sami story. It’s not a gratuitous murder. It is going to mean some major character development for Sami. She realizes now that she has lost so much time she could have had with Lucas because of her lies and deception. This is the one thing that Sami cannot rationalize and revert back to her old behavior. Sami has Peter now, and there are some really great Seter fans. Sami needs to really grow up and be one of the feisty heroines of Salem that we all know and want her to be. She cannot regress from this. It’s too big.”…King says.

    “Will is also going to be very affected by this. He’s lived through so much. And now, he is has to live through the worst thing that can happen to a young man. Lucas is connected to many people. His siblings – Austin, Billie, Nicole, Jennifer, Mike, Philip – will all be affected greatly. His other family members – Alice, Maggie, Kate, Will – will be affected. It’s going to change things on the canvas for some time.”

    “When the blog was going to go off this summer, I knew this would be the big end for LUMI so I told readers things may not end the way they think for all of their favorite couples. It was a very hard decision. Lucas is a great character, but his death will open up so many new doors and directions.”

    Dattilo will last air on Friday, June 1st.

  18. King

    Dylan Walsh (Sean, Nip/Tuck) will be joining DAYS in a mysterious role. The character is named Duncan, who will be very involved with Bo and Hope's summer storyline. Duncan is going to bear a very striking resemblance to Bo Brady. "It's going to be a fun story, but it will, of course, mean some trouble for Bope!" The blog will be doing two special bonus episodes this weekend. "There will be a special Saturday AND Sunday episode this weekend."...previews King. "There is a lot going on right now, and a lot had to be backburnered due to the Fury climax and Lucas' death. I need to jumpstart the summer storylines, and these two bonus episodes are needed to do that. In other news, Darrin Brooks (Max Brady) and Ashley Benson (Abby Devereaux) will last air this weekend. There is a big disaster storyline in the works for July 4th weekend. "Stefano will be heavily involved with the carnage. The Phoenix will leave Salem in ashes."
  19. King
    Roman, John, Marlena, and Eric arrive at Sami's to help her and Will get ready for the funeral. Jennifer tells Abby she needs to get to Lucas' funeral. Abby tells Jennifer she's gathered her here to say goodbye. Carrie arrives at Sami's. Abby and Max say goodbye to Jen, Jack, Frankie, and Caroline. It is a very sad, tearful goodbye, but Jennifer knows Abby will find happiness outside of Salem that she cannot find her. Carrie sits down with Sami. Carrie tells Sami how horrible she feels. She says she wishes they were on better terms so she can comfort Sami the way she needs to be comforted right now. Before Carrie can say another word, Sami throws herself into Carrie's arms. At the funeral procession, Marlena and Carrie walk Sami down the aisle on each side. Georgia walks her cousin, Will, down the aisle. Billie is touched to see her daughter and Lucas' son so close. Sami, Will, Kate, Roman, Caroline, Eric, John, Marlena, Belle, Shawn, Philip, Peter, Bo, Hope, Frankie, Georgia, Greta, Hope, Jenna, Jack, Alice, Jeremy, Jennifer, Laura, Melissa, Sarah, Victor, Mike, Billie, Austin, Carrie, and Nicole are all in attendance for Luca's funeral. Sami is outraged when she sees Maggie's daughters, Melissa and Sarah, arrive at the funeral. She wants to lash out at them, but she recalls Lucas' last words to her telling her to let go of the hatred. The funeral is touching and emotional. Lucas' memory is discussed by Sami, Will, Kate, Billie, Austin, and Philip. There is not a dry eye in the house. Sami tells Lucas he is the love of her life, and she'll never love someone the way she loved him. Peter is expressionless. Everyone recalls their favorite memories of Lucas in flashbacks. Abby stops by the foyer of the church while the rest of the funeral is going on. She lights a candle. She says a prayer to her Uncle Lucas. She asks God to remember Aunt Maggie...and help us all understand why this happened and find the strength to forgive her. Max comforts her. They kiss. She lights a candle. Chloe takes advantage of being alone in the loft for the day...to have a secret meeting with someone. Chloe Lane has a secret...but what? Once the funeral moves outside, all of Salem mourns as they lay Lucas in the ground. Sami, Will, and Kate cannot believe this is goodbye. Sarah and Austin both get chills when they turn to see Miguel sneaking around the cemetery. Abby and Max touch down in Miami. Max says he is going to help make them a life here. He says he is very connected in Miami with their racing scene, and they'll be very happy here. Sami, Will, and Kate remain behind after everyone has left. They lay a flower on the coffin and say goodbye, forever. At sundown on the beautiful beaches of Miami, Max and Abby stand on a beach with a priest. She is dressed in a stunning wedding gown. The train of the gown blows in the wind.
    Max: I, Maxwell Brady, take you, Abigail Devereaux,
    to be my wife......to have and to hold...
    from this day forward...in good times and bad...
    in sickness and in health...til death do us part.
    I promise to love you and honor you...
    all the days of our lives.

    I, Abigail Devereaux, take you, Maxwell Brady,
    to be my husband...to have and to hold...
    from this day forward...in good times and bad...
    in sickness and in health...til death do us part.
    I promise to love you and honor you...
    all the days of our lives.

    Abby and Max seal their marriage with a kiss as the Miami sun sets in the background. The young lovers kiss.

    Next on DAYS: The end is near for Billie Reed.
  20. King
    Monday, December 19th

    - Everyone lays unconscious and lifeless in a fiery haze that is the now-unrecognizable Brady Pub!
    - Bo comes to and struggles to find Hope! Once he does, they begin searching for their loved ones.
    - Bo and Hope manage to rescue Maggie, Mickey, Alice, and Caroline.
    - Austin comes to and sees that Carrie, Nicole, and Sami are all unconscious and lifeless and is horrified when he realizes he only has time to save one woman. Seconds later, Austin emerges from the flames with Carrie and takes her outside to the others who have been rescued.
    - Frankie and Lexie manage to get Jack back to his room at the Lodge and try to nurse him back to health.
    - Max panics when he can't find Chelsea in the flames!
    - Abe and Jennifer manage to make it outside to the others, as do Roman and Kate.
    - Abby begs Bo, Roman, and John to find Jennifer and Josh!
    - Celeste is found by John. She tells everyone that she predicted this would happen! In the midst of the chaos, she tells John that Marlena's life is in danger.
    - Stefano/Alex continues to watch Marlena sleep as he recounts that his plan has worked! He has his Queen of the Night, and no one will be looking for her since she left on her own accord.
    - Bo finds Tony's lifeless body and removes him from the rubble.
    - Roman finds an unconscious Josh and a lifeless Sophie and manages to evacuate them to the ambulances that have arrived on the scene.
    - Carrie wakes up outside. She and Austin worry about Lucas, Sami, and the others.
    - Shawn and Mimi and Philip and Belle get out of the fire, but when Shawn is injured, both Mimi and Belle run to his side. Philip realizes without a doubt in his mind that Belle loves Shawn more than she loves him!
    - Hope saves Billie just in time as the ceiling almost caves in on her.
    - Billie panics when Patrick is no where to be found.
    - Patrick and Nicole realize they are trapped in the corner of the pub with no where to go while the fire rages closer and closer towards them.
    - Sophie and Josh are pronounced dead on the scene.
    - Devastated over Sophie, Lucas re-enters the pub, promising to rescue Sami!
    - John rescues Kate from the fire.
    - Glen emerges from the Pub, but he rushes back in for Barb - against Bo and Hope's wishes.
    - Outside, Billie grabs Tony who is on the ground, lifeless. She demands he tell her what the secret about Hope is!
    - Tony comes to for a few seconds and whispers something in Billie's ear.
    - Jennifer approaches Abby, who can tell from Jennifer's face that Josh did not survive the fire. She breaks down in Jennifer's arms.
    - Chelsea is alone in the pub and trapped, unconcious.
    - Marlena comes to and comes face to face with Alex, who is outside her cell. He smirks and laughs an evil laugh. He gives her Queen chess piece and tells her checkmate. Marlena puts the pieces together and is shocked to realize that Alex is Stefano! She begins screaming through tears as Stefano laughs, wickedly.
    - Lucas finds Sami, brings her outside, and is devastated to find that Sami is not alive.
  21. King
    Episode #8: Wednesday, December 21:

    - Belle continues to deny her love for Shawn, but Phillip pushes and pushes until Belle finally admits that she is still in love with Shawn!
    - Celeste predicts that many more lives will be lost. Celeste tells Bo that someone close to him is going to die!
    - With Patrick, Nicole, Abe, Chelsea, Glen, Barb, and Doug still inside, the Pub undergoes a second explosion as the Brady's and the Horton's look on with horror.
    - Patrick and Chelsea are recovered from the Pub after the second explosion and rushed to the hospital.
    - The rest of the Salemites at the Pub rush to the hospital to be with their loves ones.
    - Billie grapples with Tony's shocking confession. She goes to the chapel and throws herself at the altar, praying for Chelsea and her health.
    - Caroline and Lucas discuss his love for Sami and how he regrets not being understanding towards her vulnerability in the Tony/Stan situation. She urges him to confess his love for her when she comes to. Maggie joins the conversation. Lucas and Maggie comfort Caroline over Shawn.
    - After an Lexie examines their test results, Julie and Sami are given clean bills of health. But Julie is given the devastating news of Doug's critical condition!
    - While waiting for news on Sami, Austin and Carrie catch up as she explains that things did not work out with Mike. Austin tells her about his business that has recently gone under. She asks him about his love life.
    - Bo remains shaken by Celeste's prediction that someone he loves will die!
    - Everyone is relieved when Abe and Nicole make it to the hospital, revealing that they made it out in time for the second explosion.
    - Phillip is rattled by Belle's confession that she still loves Shawn. He leaves Belle broken and crying to be with thier daughter.
    - Lexie is ecstatic that Abe has his eyesight back while Tek is perturbed by the development, and Abe is even more disturbed as he recalls Lexie and Tek's caress at the scene of the fire.
    - Bo and Hope are dealt disturbing news when they learn that two bodies were uncovered from the wreckage, but have burned too badly and are beyond recognition. They fear for Glen and Barb's lives, but they decide to wait on the DNA test results.
    - Mimi and Bonnie comfort each other as they await word on Patrick. Shawn is there for Mimi, as is Mickey for Bonnie - which does not bother a compassionate Maggie.
    - Shawn Sr. flat lines, but he is later brought back from the brink of death.
    - Lexie reveals to everyone in the waiting room that Tony has slipped into an irreversible coma. Some rejoice while others are pained that he will never pay for this!
    - Lexie tells Caroline, Bo, and the rest of the Brady's that Shawn Sr. is in very, very bad shape from the blast!
    - Nicole eavesdrops on Carrie and Austin's conversation about their love lives, and Carrie catches her!
    - Billie, Jennifer, Bonnie, and Mimi are dealt devastating news by Lexie when she reveals that Patrick's body could not survive the injuries that it sustained in the blast, and he has passed away. Billie and Jennifer comfort each other, as Mimi and Bonnie breakdown in each other's arms.
  22. King
    Episode #15 - Friday, December 30th:
    - Shawn and Mimi spend the night in Alice's and dance the night away. They share a romantice evening.
    - Hope and Billie individually are tormented by Tony's secrets. They vow revenge on him.
    - Abby and Max leave the party and head to the Penthouse Grille.
    - Jennifer is pleasantly surprised when she sees the beautiful dinner that Frankie has planned at the Devereaux house.
    - At the party, Carrie tells Austin that she wants to pursue a relationship with her, and he says the same.
    - Carrie and Sami ask to speak with Victor out on the Penthouse Grille terrace and ask him how to go about ruining Nicole and removing her from Austin's life!
    - Shawn tells Mimi how much he loves her and how much she has changed his life. Then, he shocks her when he proposes! Mimi accepts Shawn's proposal!
    - Victor refuses to speak with Sami, but he tells them he'll speak with Carrie since he's always had a soft spot for her. A disgruntled Sami leaves them alone and is shocked to see Nicole and Austin sharing a slow dance inside!
    - Frankie and Jen share a dance, but she tells him that she is not ready to move on yet. He says he understands and they continue their dance.
    - Alex/Stefano drops Jack off at the Devereaux house with instructions...to await his orders, but in the meantime, to watch John, Roman, Bo, and Hope very closely! Jack refuses once again to help Stefano, but he tells him that it is too late and has been too late since he administered the cure to Jack. Stefano warns Jack that there is no way out now, and he must follow his instructions or Jack Jr. and Abby will pay the price with their lives!
    - Shawn and Mimi are thrilled when one of Bonnie's workers shows up and lets them out in time to celebrate their engagedment before midnight so they head to the Penthouse Grille.
    - Lexie arrives at the party and tells them that Shawn and Tony have both taken turns for the worse.
    - Bonnie, Mimi, Abby, Max, Bo, Hope, John, Billie, Kate, Lucas, Caroline, Roman, and Shawn all wish death upon Tony in response to the news.
    - Alex/Stefano walks into the Devereaux House and breaks up Jen and Frankie's evening. He tells them that he has a surprise that is going to change their lives forever.
    - Kate begs Billie to tell her what is REALLY bothering her.
    - Tek corners Lexie in the bathroom at the party and kisses her. Celeste spies it and interupts it.
    - Carrie re-enters the party and tells Sami that Victor gave them a huge lead on how to rid themselves of Nicole!
    - On the terrace, Kate hounds Billie until Billie confesses the awful secret Tony told her after the blast. Billie tells Kate that Tony told her that CHELSEA WAS NOT GEORGIA!
    - Alex tells Jennifer that he has dedicated years to researching the disease that Jack was suffering from. He tells her how he has found a cure, and then he opens the door to reveal JACK!
    - Celeste predicts murder at midnight!
    - Bonnie, Mimi, Abby, Max, Bo, Hope, Billie, John, Kate, Lucas, Caroline, Roman, and Shawn all end up missing around midnight.
    - The countdown begins and the clock strikes midnight.
    - Belle and Phillip, Abe and Lexie are shocked when they are the only two couples left at the party. They ring in the New Year with a kiss.
    - Austin and Carrie share a sweet peck on the lips as Sami looks on with envy and vows to make Austin hers.
    - Jack runs to Jennifer and takes her into his arms as tears of joy stream down both of their faces. They ring in the New Year together with a passionate and romantic kiss! Alex/Stefano watches with an evil smile, as a stunned, yet happy Frankie, retreats to his apartment.
    - Someone sneaks into Tony' s hospital room and pulls the plug on Tony! He flatlines.
  23. King
    Episode #25 - Friday, January 13th:

    - Sami tells Nicole that wants her to leave town or she is going straight to her father, Roman, and Abe with the evidence that she has on her!
    - Carrie sees Victor at Titan and thanks him for the lead he gave her and Sami on Nicole. She explains everything that happened with Jan. Victor excuses himself and calls Kate. He tells her to meet him at Lucas' apartment building in a few minutes.
    - Belle and Phillip re-cap their entire relationship for Laura.
    - Celeste lectures Lexie. She tells her that she must confess her affair to Abe! Lexie refuses.
    - Cassie and Stefano mourn Tony as they share their favorite memories of him.
    - Jack scrambles to try and come up with a way to stop Stefano from hurting his family.
    - Abe remembers the strange carress he saw between Tek and Lexie the night of the explosion. He decides to have Tek investigated.
    - Nicole breaks down and begs Sami not to do this. She tries to convince Sami that she is a good person. Sami feels bad for Nicole, but she explains that she won't let her hurt Austin the way she hurt Eric and Greta and and Victor and Brady and Chloe.
    - Rex tells Cassie that despite Mimi aborting his baby that he still loves her!
    - Nicole recounts her time in Salem. She tearfully packs up her belongings and leaves Sami's apartment. She writes Austin a letter that has her resignation and goodbye to him in it. On the way out, her suitcase falls open, and she continues to cry as she reaches down and picks everything up. She looks up to see Victor and Kate standing there.
    - Victor and Kate rake Nicole over the coals for everything she has done. Kate says good riddance to bad rubbish. Victor tells Nicole that she is getting everything she deserves, and he feels bad because he once saw a good person in her!
    - Roman has a nightmare about Tony begging for his life!
    - Meanwhile, Abe gets a call from the jeweler inspecting the wedding ring found at the scene. He tells him that it was sold at the jewelry store at Salem Place.
    - Celeste calls Tek and asks him to meet her. When he arrives, she begins killing him with kindness and tells him that she would like to get to know him better and thank him for being there for Alexandra the last two years during Abe's "death" and blindness.
    - Bo tells Hope he lost his wedding ring, and Hope tells him that it is ironic since she lost the bracelet that he gave to her on their anniversary.
    - Abe investigates Tek and realizes that Tek has a history of sleeping with married women!
    - Sami and Carrie celebrate their victory over Nicole, but Carrie begins to feel guilty. Sami tells her that Carrie let her do all of the dirty work anyway, citing the catfight with Nicole. Carrie begins to wonder how Austin will re-act when he finds out what she's done to Nicole, but she shakes it off, saying that she was doing it to protect Austin. Meanwhile, Sami vows to keep Austin and Carrie apart and plans to use Carrie's role in Nicole's leaving town to do it!
    - Nicole says goodbye to Salem and, tearfully, leaves town.
  24. King
    Episode #34 - Thursday, January 26:

    - Shawn rips into Billie and tells her to BACK OFF his father and mother.
    - Stefano tells Tek to get his act together and move forward with the plan to seduce Lexie away from Abe.
    - Billie tells Shawn that she has never stopped loving Bo.
    - Mimi decides to break into the computer files and change Claire's paternity.
    - Laura and Kate exchange words over Mike, Austin, and Carrie and also, Bill.
    - Sami plans a romantic evening for Austin and Carrie, who are shocked at how nice and supportive she is being towards them.
    - Mimi breaks into the computer lab, and Jan follows her!
    - Austin and Carrie dance the night away and discuss making love. An eavesdropping Sami realizes that her plan might be blowing up in her face.
    - Cassie finds Rex's journal and gets an up close look at the pain that Mimi caused him. She sets out to find her.
    - Victor must break up a hair-pulling catfight between Kate and Laura.
    - Not knowing that Kate has already changed the results, Mimi is shocked to see that someone already HAS changed Claire's paternity results.
    - Shawn tells Billie to stay the hell away from his parents and their marriage or she will answer to him. Billie tells Shawn that she still loves his father and has no intention of cutting Bo out of her life.
    - While in the DNA lab while Mimi stares at the screen in confusion, Jan realizes what is going on! Jan figures out that Claire is Shawn's baby and that Mimi and Bonnie know the secret.
    - On the way out of the lab, Mimi bumps into Cassie. When Mimi insults Cassie and begins to walk away, Cassie grabs Mimi by the hair as a catfight ensues.
  25. King
    EPISODE #50 - Friday, February 17:

    - Mimi cries to herself alone in the church.
    - Abby continues to follow the light to the other side.
    - The Horton women continue to pray for her.
    - John awaits on the trace from the phone call.
    - Belle, Shawn, and Phillip await Claire's paternity test results. Shawn and Belle continue to say that there's no way that they slept together. All three think it's peculiar that Shawn could be a match for Claire and Phillip isn't.
    - Victor finds Mimi at the church. She tells him everything. He says that he knew that Claire was Shawn's. He says that he is sorry for his son, Phillip, but that he is happy for his grandson, Shawn.
    - Max prays to God and says that he and Abby aren't meant to be together. He says that he knows that now. He says that if God can pull Abby through this, then they'll just be friends.
    - Stefano learns that Roman has confessed to Tony's murder.
    - Victor sees an opportunity to hurt Basic Black when Mimi says that she's considering leaving town. Victor encourages her to take a few months and leave town to clear her head.
    - Cassie and Rex arrive at the hospital.
    - Bo and Hope get into a HUGE war at the hospital over Chelsea, Billie, and Hope keeping the secret of her marriage. It culiminates though when they each question what the other was doing the night of Tony's murder.
    - Abby is stabilized.
    - Belle and Phillip come to the conclusion that it simply can't be true while Shawn begins to think it could and hopes it is.
    - Rex heads to the church where he finds Victor. Victor tells Rex that Mimi is leaving town.
    - John heads back to Basic Black and finds a resignation letter from Mimi.
    - Stefano also learns that Bo and Hope's marriage is on the rocks because Hope found out about her being married during her time as Princess Gina!
    - Jack and Jen stand by Abby's side with Laura and Alice.
    - Bo and Hope tell each other that they don't think the other killed Tony, but that the other was doing something very bad that night.
    - Shawn says that regardless of it being true or not, Mimi still lied to him and he'll never forgive her.
    - Max and Cassie collide into one another and spill coffee all over each other.
    - The results are in - Lexie tells Phillip that he is 100% sure NOT Claire's father...and Shawn is 100% the father of Claire.
    - Bo tells Hope that he was with Billie, mourning Chelsea. Hope tells him that she was investigating what Tony had told her. They war between Bo and Hope reaches a new level when this revealed.
    - Victor heads back to Titan where Marie tells him that the President, C.E.O., and head designer, of C.A.B. Designs is waiting in his office. Victor is pleasantly surprised.
    - Cassie and Max exchange first names. Her attraction to him is evident. He rejoins Jennifer and the Horton women in the waiting room.
    - Bo gets drunk at the Cheatin' Heart. Billie joins him and tells him to stop drinking.
    - Alice urges Hope to find Bo and make up with him. She goes in search of him.
    - Belle and Phillip are devastated. Shawn is shocked, but overjoyed. Kate tries to comfort Phillip, but he pushes her away. Phillips runs from Belle. Belle remains devastated and in shock.
    - Victor enters the boardroom and is shocked to see that the CEO of C.A.B. Designs is ANNA DIMERA!
    - Abe finds proof that Bo and Billie were together at the time of Tony's murder. And he discovers that Hope was at the Dimera Mansion. He removes the three of them from his suspect list.
    - A drunk Bo falls into Billie's arms as they're leaving the bar. Their faces are inches away from each other. Bo recalls Hope's furious words. He kisses Billie as Hope turns the corner of the Cheatin' Heart Alley.
    - At the bus station, Rex arrives just in time to stop Mimi. He tells her that she can't go. He explains that he knows how it is to be in her position and have your life ripped out from under you. He says that running away is not the answer. She interjects. But he stops her. He tells her that he still loves her and wants to be with her. He tells her the only reason he came to the church was to stop her from marrying Shawn. A shocked and speechless Mimi gives Rex an innocent peck on the lips. She boards the bus. She turns around. A tear falls down her cheek. Mimi leaves Salem.
    - A desperate Jack sneaks into Shawn Sr.'s hospital room. Jack cries. He apologizes to Shawn Sr. Jack grips Shawn Sr.'s respirator plug and pulls it out. Shawn Sr. flatlines.
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