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Posts posted by funny1

  1. I can't type worth a flip on that phone! Not only was I on my iphone but I was also walking along the path along the creek home from the tire place where I had to leave my car and saw an alligator in the creek while I was typing! LOL

    Sorry about your computer funny. That sucks.

    Here are the little pics...I'll post the bigger ones when they appear somewhere. Tracy/Lucky look the same from the back! Spikey hair is gone and back to shorter again. Two outfits so that means hopefully more than one day. No skye anywhere in the pics






    You seeing alligators hooked?! You sure you're not living in my state?

  2. Tracy in medianets for week of 12rh. Lunacy hug! Tracy with Helena and with Ethan Luke lulu

    hair cut. Lol

    I will post them in a few. I don't know how to cut and paste in my iPhone

    You're on your phone as well. Me too. Freakin' computer has a virus. I need to buy a netbook.

  3. I wish they would spend more time explaining Luke's actions rather than inferring as well. Tracy is smart but this is her sensitive spot that doesn't have much objectivity. Luke needs to acknowledge that out loud. (It might shut down some of the nay-sayers as well.)

    Luke and Tracy are straight freaks. Foreplay all the way....

  4. Honestly Funny, I think we are going to get something like that. TPTB have taken great pains to prove that Luke is all about Tracy so they're not about to drop it now. I imagine it will be something along the lines of Tracy yelling that he couldn't wait to have her gone and Skye's up to something, and Luke saying YES she is up to something and he'd be able to find out if Tracy didn't come down so hard. THAT was why he wanted her gone so he could talk to Skye. We're not back in 2008. Luke has even reinforced his fidelity and Tracy has acknowledged she knows that to be true. I think Team LuNacy will be reconfirmed before the day is out.

    In an hour or so we'll know if I'm right. :P

    I hope it works out that way. It has to be if they kiss. She must know he is playing games with Skye. But he needs to clue her in sometimes I would think. I hated when he dropped his family for Skye's call. I guess luke saving a damsel in distress was jump started since he doesn't get to use ti much with Tracy.

  5. Oh, goody goody. Thanks Hooked. It still doesn't tell us anything we couldn't figure out on our own, but wouldn't it be fabulous if Brook has grown into a mini version of "Grannie" in the recent years? We need more baby-bitches on the show. Kristina is a Damsel and Maxie/Lulu have been tamed. We don't have any really fabulous trouble makers anymore. Talk about complications - Tracy's granddaughter trying to break up the relationship of Luke's daughter, and that's EXACTLY what LuNacy want for Lante anyway.

    I hope she brings the drama this summer. I'm getting tired of Lante taking over the show.

  6. I am so confused...so jax was at the Haunted Star? Maybe the kiss scene was just cut. And they went with the grab kiss instead.

    Please tell me that tracy/skye had at least a few good smackdown lines?

    Was luke being rude to tracy?

    Tracy went to get Jax at the Metrocourt to get Skye away from Luke.And to make Carly jealous. Luke was trying to be alone with Skye so he was flirting with her but I took that as him trying to see what the hell she wanted. Tracy did say something about gangsta something but I don't remember what.

    I hope that bar kiss is tomorrow since they haven't been alone yet since Skye came. And Skye is suppost to go and talk to Jax at the Metrocourt.

  7. It wasn't just a kiss - Luke grabbed her and practically ate her. I don't know if it was planned that way or not, but Tracy wasn't expecting that from Luke at all. Something tells me that was a TG ad-lib and JE loved it.

    And not to mention all the moaniing that went along with the kiss. :wub: Yeah, je pulled back and was laughing. :D

  8. Was today the kiss over the bar at the haunted star? If not, maybe that is luke trying to reassure Tracy tomorrow.

    I can't wait for skye to call her a harpy and a shrew and for tracy to ask "where her gansta baby is that she had the never to name after HER mother" LOL

    No this was a kiss that wasn't spoiled. They were standing when they kissed.

  9. Something is going to be an explanation. Guza has actually been a lot better lately about making sure things make sense. Not everyone may like it, but the connections are there. Luke and Tracy are too close now to have nothing by way of Luke's justification, and Skye will leave with her tail between her legs somehow, so we already know LuNacy will come through this one. It's just a matter of seeing what Luke is up to. (I hope it's ultimately for Tracy's benefit.)

    They did explain Holly and Anna, and Luke never cheated with either of them. Nor did he choose Laura. Luke has made it known to anyone who will listen that Tracy is his choice and he's not changing his mind for anyone nor is he letting her go. Something is up. Brook is returning for May Sweeps but nothing is known about it - so I think it's safe to bet Luke is involved with something Q-irky.

    Yeah Lunacy needs some drama. And I expect Luke and Skye to flirt. As they always do. Skye will do it cause she knows that she can get to Tracy but Skye doesn;t know how close Lunacy are since she left. She she'll be like the others that haven't gotten to Luke in that way.

  10. LuNacy was cute in the beginning. By the end Luke was dumping her to spend time with Skye and Tracy had already sussed him out. Jerk - I hope we get an explanation as to why Luke would do this 180. Skye just walked in so Tracy is on at least one more day this week.

    Loved the beginning with Luke and Tracy. They had a nice kiss, and moaning too. :wub::lol:

    But then, oh lawd Luke, wtf are you thinking by giving up a chance in the tropics with Tracy for Blaze.

  11. Someone talk to me. I'm adjusting curriculum for this year and planning into 2010/2011. This is boring me out of my gourd. Talk adult please... anyone....

    I'm trying to visualize Sonny and Skye, and you know what... I can!

    I saw that spoiler as well.

    Tg is only leaving for three weeks?

  12. I don't think NLg is going anywhere. She responded on her facebook yhat she is staying.

    No Tracy today. I guess she had her week without Luke in the story last week but would it kill them to have a scene where Luke thanks her for bailing Ethan out?

    Lulu was a hypocrite today...Ethan is capable of beating a girl because Luke raped Laura and etan is likes son, bur when tracy tells her that Dante could be like sonny and she insists he is nothing like sonny and it doesn't matter

    Lulu is only about Dante and how they can get in each other's pants. She tells Ethan about Luke raping Laura as if that was her's to tell. On one hand she says Ethan is like her father and that he could beat Krissy and then on the other hand Dante isn't like Sonny. :mad: I agreed with Ethan when he told her if she wanted to insult him she needed to go back outside the door. Why did she stop by to talk to Ethan if she didn't want to back him or find out the truth in blaming him?

  13. You're far more generous than I am. I think the viewers are obsessed with romantic pairing, happily ever after and End Game. They wouldn't know CONTINUING story if it bit them in the nose for the most part. It is a soap opera so obviously romance is part of the deal or you're right - there would be no story for a character. But before we even go there we have to know something about the character or there's no point in supporting the OR their pairing. But the jumping of the gun on this one has gotten even worse lately. Maya, Skye and Brooke even have polls on some soap boards to see who they should be paired with and I've already seen complete conviction that Skye's return in the end of LuNacy (granted they are anti-Lunatics so we know the source of those attitudes). But it just amazes me. On one hand we have fans saying everyone is paired up too quickly, but on the other hand every male/female conversation is a "chem test" and character who aren't even on the canvas are 'paired' in the eyes of many.

    It's crazy how they pair everyone up esp.since they haven;t even seen them on screen yet. Geez I just want to see if they have chemistry and can act. if they can do that, then develope the characters then play with the pairings.

  14. Hope all is well with everyone!

    Funny chick, can ya post a link to the latest fic? please?

    Thanks for posting the yummy lunacy and cast pics. One thing about the "family" pics.... Liz has to go, maybe even along with Nick, and Dylann and Ned should be added. That would make it a TRUE Spencermaine family portrait.

    I'm working on it TL. ;)

    Hey there is another TG interview.

    He says he loves his New Spencer family.

    He doesn't care about fanbases. He doesn't want them to hinder his creativity.

    He also says lnl won't happen.


  15. Well..... my way was a little more interesting. :P

    Yup, no Tracy, and I wanted to bitch-slap Sam myself. I actually cheered Carly, which is a total change for me. And yes Hooked, that summary just about covers it.

    So does this mean we can shelve the Homosexual assumption, or like Cole Porter is TG into "Experiment"?.... (not that it will EVER be our business, mind you)

    EDIT... oh, you should watch it Halee, I've never seen a TG interview were he was so relaxed. It's cute - Liz Taylor story and all.

    Is there a full interview anywhere, Hooked?

    Found the full interview Remos.

    Also there is a preview clip of Sonny and Luke confrontation about Ethan. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qcKMxHokXqU

  16. Seriously? LOL.... Liz Taylor - everyone's had a turn (that's nasty, but it's the truth). So... TG is into three-somes.... Gotta love that. The Mormon contingent of Utah is probably screaming.

    I think Hooked meant "as her boytoy" not "and her boy toy" He said he was her boy toy for years before she went to rehab and married another husband.

  17. The confrontation with Alexis happened today, as did Sonny having a gun at Ethan's throat at the Star. Tracy does believe Ethan for the most part and only was conditional when talking to Alexis - which seemed appropriate given how upset Alexis was (now isn't a good time to tell Alexis her daughter is a liar).

    Ethan is quite upset that his brother couldn't even be bothered to look at Ethan's hands to show they hadn't been used to his someone.

    Johnny talked with Ethan at the PCPD then went to see Jason, and Johnny is the one who pointed out Krissy lied about the car accident for months so many she's lying about this now - Jason just wants to be really sure before carrying out any hit orders because they can't be undone.

    I HATE SONNY. Just thought I'd add that.

    The fact that Lucky didn't even want to hear Ethan's statement was :angry:. I think they are trying to set up Ethan and Johnny for the mob. Ehtan will be pissed and will not take the laid back approach to life and will want danger.

  18. We knew that was coming. The thing was spoilers said Dante talked Sonny down - it didn't mention Trucky being involved. I hope this is indicative of the entire story - that's it's not the Sonny/Sam obsessive thing some spoilers have made it out to be.

    I saw Luke coming to Sonny in his place twice, right? I saw he had the leather on and then no leather on. Why don;t they shoot the idiot already and not try to talk him down, geez.

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