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Posts posted by funny1

  1. I think her lack of comment is comment in itself. So much for rumours...

    But at any rate, Christmas will soon be upon us. I don't know how the rest of you feel but I'd rather have LuNacy happy and rarely shown than what we had leading up to last Christmas with Tracy not allowing Luke anywhere near her.

    I'll take the happiness any day remos but with more closeness with lunacy flavor thrown in there. I'd pay. To see a follow up scene after Jake's karaoke. There was no way groupie Tracy wasn't gonna be turned down.

  2. I can't believe you guys are still at this!!! Remember, back in the day, I started the Kimberlin Elite thread about the same time as this one. And you guys are regrettably way ahead of us!

    Personally, I was more of a Skye and Luke fan... I think Tracy is better off alone and caustic.

    Nah, Tracy is good with her husband Luke.

  3. JE was fab and she looked great!

    There was much more Lunacy interaction than we've seen in a long time.

    The dance at the end was my fav part of the whole thing.

    On the downside, I hate how Tracy is always drinking or drunk at social functions..wasn't she drunk at Claudia's

    party too.

    Still all in all it was... good Lunacy! Long overdue.

    Loved the Lunacy closeness. Tracy all drunk, i guess that's the only way she'll show her wild side...to the public. I'm sure she doesn't have to be drunk to be wild with her husband :wub: in private though. ;)

    Hopefully they'll be one for Christmas and NYE. Is that too much to ask for?

  4. Im indifferent to gf coming back for Christmas. She comes she comes, she doesn't she doesn't. All I care about is lunacy being together. Maybe lunacy can get a kiss under the mistletoe while Laura watches. Then Laura will get the hint. Go back to Paris.

  5. Love the Quartermaines Turkey Day but is it just me or did it seem a bit more sedate than in years past.

    Yeah DiMax got frisky didn't they? LOL

    My poor Lunacy babies didn't even get a peck on the cheek.

    I wonder if Tony is just at the stage in life where he doesn't want to do love scenes or lots of kissing with his

    leading ladies.

    Maybe JE feels the same way, they both do the "double entendre" stuff real well though.

    I guess "implied sex" is better than none at all LOL.

    The "Happy Thanksgiving " to the audience at the end was kinda cheesy but I still liked it. :)

    GH is just a bunch of ageist bastards. They dont like to show anyone over 45 making love/romance scene. :mad: I doubt it's TG/JE having a problem with kissing/sex scene. Thems TIIC that have a proble with it.

  6. When is the Spencermaines Thanksgiving? Tomorrow? I hope its some good lunacy goodness. They need more scenes together. I liked them at the Franco art exhibit. Loved, just like you did remos, the way Luke talked to Sonny. Luke doesn't play when it comes to being neutral.

  7. It seems to me like they (the writers) don't want to completely shut the door on LnL.

    Someone on another board said it best, she said she was a Lunacy fan, but she sometimes feels a little like Luke is just biding his time with Tracy,just waiting for the day when Laura returns.

    Sadly,I sometimes feel the same way.

    Tracy deserves so much more.

    Where's Lord Ashton when you need him! :(

    JE is a queen she should be front burner on this damn show not playing second fiddle to a woman whose not even in PC! :mad:

    Yeah i saw that quote as well. You on SOC too? This is why I stayed away from that board for so long. It's just frustrating, I mean like that poster said Laura is the elephant in the room or the dark cloud that lunacy's relationship. i just wish they'd make a decision on where to go and just do it.

  8. Yeah I noticed that.

    Luke admonished Lucky against gambling everything on one shot at love or some such anaolgy.

    Lucky says it's not gambling it's love.

    Lucky says something like you (Luke) couldn't make it work with the love of your life or stay faithful and now here you are in a consolation marriage with Tracy.

    Luke's only reply is pretty much "I just don't want you to make the same mistakes I did".

    That's all he could say!

    Why couldn't he say "Tracy is no consolation prize!, "she's my wife and I love her very much"

    Sometimes I hate Luke and the writers of this show. :angry:

    IA and I hate that they are playing Luke by having him straddle the fence. I wish the writers/Luke would for once settle this and not play us and lnl once and for all.

  9. What happened?!?!? What did he say??

    Luke tried to warn Lucky again about being married to Liz and then Lucky went off on Luke. Then Luke said that love is a risk like gambling is and he should be playing the same number over and over again. Then Lucky said something like He couldn't stay faithful and blah blah and said that he left the love of his life for a marriage of consolation. Luke didn't agrue back. :mad:

  10. Well they have had LuNacy playing some serious tonsil hockey, and Tracy gave Luke real tongue, so I think it's rather inconsistent. I doubt it's policy, but I do agree that we should be having more romance and some bedroom scenes for LuNacy.

    The last time they played tonsil hockey was new years eve right? anything since? I mean I know they have kissed each other but no major tongue.

  11. Jackie Zeman said again in a recent interview that years ago she and Kin were supposed to kiss at the end of a scene. When they started, Jill Phelps told the camera to pan away from them. JZ/KS questioned her on why as it was written in the script for them to kiss and she told them "nobody wants to see old people kissing". Jackie said "and we were in our 40s then).


    Oh Lawd! And they think people over 40 don't have sex/kiss/romance. Y&R are always bed hopping. I mean victor Newman (Eric braeden is like 65) has had like 5 love/bed scenes this year. Peter Bergam (plays Jack) has had like sex all over the place and he is around 55. Erica on AMC is like 63ish and she is dating a younger man. And There are others on amc that are older than 40 have bed/sex scenes. Damn what the hell is wrong with Gh. i'm so sick of them. Sonny is like the only character over 40 that has sex on camera. :mad:

  12. I have seen that spoiler as an estranged couple reunites for thanksgiving. Unfortunately I think it is Diane and Max. Carolyn tweeted something about Diane gets her wish on Thanksgiving and she was taping that episode the other day.

    From the looks of things, it doesn't appear Luke/tracy are on the outs anymore.

    I have been watching OLTL. I love love love David! Tuc Watkins is just hilarious. I find myself going back to watch old david/dorian clips to get their backstory.

    DOOL is about to do a quad with four older characters.

    ATWT has a cougar story going on with Barbra in a sexy little lingerie type outfit for her seduction.


    Luke and Tracy are on the wrong show for an adult relationship. They need to be on any other soap. Everyone else does bed/love scenes and kissing/romancing except gh. And all I ask for is a minium of cuddling. :mad: Gh doesn't even want to blantly elude to lunacy having sex. Pisses me off.

  13. I was just over at SOC. I haven't been there in ages. Remos I can't believe you are still in there having the same fights with that Luke & Laura obsessed dude. It totally gives me a headache reading it. Guess it's fun for you. (?)

    I don't get how you don't say t hell with them. They are all so nausiating. It's the same crap they say over and over. It never changes. It's like beating a dead horse. But I love the way you keep the lunacy flag up. Since they ran most of us away.

  14. Thursday, October 22nd

    Luke and Tracy start the show. Apparently that kiss still wasn't a home-run. Luke is still trying to get back into Tracy's good graces. She responds by saying if he wants "nookie" he has to work harder. Then they are distracted by Ethan/Rebecca/Nicholas.

    Damn Tracy! She hasn't given him any yet?!?!? She knows she's been prisioner for months. What's the deal with that? Remos you know I had to comment on that. :P

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