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Posts posted by funny1

  1. I'm doing Guide badgework with Ruah and just ghost-wrote a Twilight fanfic.... oy...wacko.gif

    Well she knows Tracy's Achilles Heel, that's for sure.

    And how did that Twilght fanfic come out? Did she like it?

    yeah, I wish Tracy wouldn't get all up in arms over Skye trying to make her jealous. She knows that Luke isn't into her like that. Especially when he keeps telling her he doesn't want anyone but her.

  2. Qs on today with Tracy, ethan, edward, monica, maya I think.

    No luke or skye

    Ethan brought over some wilted-ass flowers sayign they were from Luke.

    And Tracy went on about not letting him back into the house.

    And Monica and Edward were talking about Luke's so -called philandering. :mad:

    Same schtick, different week. :unsure:

  3. I have a feeling if it is Tracy kidnapped that it is going to be like the Miami kidnapping....remember Guza just said Tracy suspects Helena and it has catastrophic and comic results.

    Here is what I'm thinking...skye is not supposed to be around for very long...maybe Luke ditches helping SKye to go find Tracy and that is how Skye's visit unexpectly deepens and renews their romance.

    Or maybe that is TG's summer exit (although I would think he would go into June maybe this year like last year) and he goes to find Tracy but she escapes herself or they can't stand her and let her go and comes back to town only to find Luke gone searching for her. At least she wouldn't be pissed. LOL

    I hope it's not for comic relief. I want Luke to be worried out of his freakin' mind with worry. I want him to want to shread Helena to bits to get to tracy.

  4. It's long overdue... that will certainly bring them closer.

    We might get an anniversary reference in this afterall. Saving her would be a wonderful end to their first 5 years together, and a start to the rest of their marriage.

    Well the spoilers did say that it will deepen their marriage so I hope so. And I agree it's about time. Luke needs to be saving his woman. :wub:

  5. No I didn't....

    That's sweet, actually.

    EDIT... I looked closer and yup, there they are. And considering the pictures he had originally were snap shots, he's even taken the effort to enlarge the picture and frame it. Love it!!!

    I made sure to look for the lunacy pics. Loved it. For all the world to see.

  6. That was the May sweeps preview from SID last week.

    Here is the SOD May sweeps preview

    nothing on brook lynn at all...I think she comes mid-May. Im guessing the week of the 17th

    Thanks Hooked! I hope Tony will be back in time to tape it or has taped it already.

  7. Oh come on Funny - Luxie was really cute yesterday and you've got to love Helena this time around. I just died laughing when she corrected Alexis and said "whom". The Diva turned to be and said "she sounds like you - just... you're not so evil".

    And I know it won't last but Carly ripping Sonny a new one today was priceless. She was FINALLY on the money - Sonny is a bully and selfish bastard who has no problem having others sacrifice themselves for him so he can keep all the power.

    Sorry Remos but I don't waste my time with this show unless one/both are on. This show is mob central and I don't really like anyone else that will keep my interest. Love Helena and like Alexis but not interested in most of the show. And Luxie, well i don't like Lucky or Maxie. So they are gag-worthy to me.

  8. Yes, and I have been lurking here for years. Longer than some have even been posting. I am a Tracy Quartermaine fan afterall, and have been since before this Lunacy vs L&L drama ever began.

    But rest assured, since it seems to be of such interest, that the information I post on SoC never comes from the Lovefest. It comes from a very dedicated Luke and Laura board that keeps abreast of any information dealing with Luke and/or Laura. It so happens that we are tied in that way.

    Thanks for the fooder for my initial post. After being side mentioned enough times in this thread this is the perfect point to come out of lurkdome for.

    Be sure to read all you can, you know you can't resist. ;)

  9. Hopefully not. I have heard though that she will likely be Luke's exit. But maybe she just lures him away on a wild goose chase or something after her and then returns for the baby to be born and then kidnaps liz or something for BH's maternity leave.

    There is a big article on Luke in SID too. No mention of Tracy but pages of stuff about luke and his kids. And stuff about how glad TG is the show honored Luke's past but didn't make him get stuck in it.

    "The other thing is, I think you keep him relevant by honoring his past, but not getting stuck in it. Nostalgia is great for the audience but it's death for the character, so he can't remain forever celibate because Laura isn't there. The man has got to move on. And he has. I'm proud that we've had the courage to defy a lot of people that want Luke and Laura and that's it. If you do that, I have nothing to do, and I"m going to leave if I have anything to do. So this is so much better for me, and if Genie Francis (ex-Laura) choose to come back, great!" IN fact, her return would provide the kind of drama Geary loves best. "It would be very complicated and complications are what it's all about," he says.

    hooked it's very intresting that when you post something on this board that certain people on the soc board just so happen to post that same thing right after you posted this. And this has happened twice that I've known. Makes me say hmmm... Lurkers, lurkers.... <_<

  10. Yeah... I was thinking that. I've been so focused on my kids and getting their home life and school life back on track, that keeping up with the LF is about all I'm doing. I haven't thought any outside of that.

    But I might be inspired. wink.gif

    Yeah, lmaybe they will be talking to you... ^_^

  11. D'oy.... why don't you just wave a red flag in front of her Tracy?dry.gif

    Getting Luke's attention away from Laura was easy, she's a dishrag with no backbone. Getting his attention away from Tracy has proven impossible for everyone else, so why does Hells think she stands a chance?

    I since Laura is the "supposed" love of Luke's heart :mellow: that Luke could easily be lured away from her. But she don't know the power of Luke and Tracy. :wub:

  12. Yeah.... but if the last "making jealous" is any indication, Skye can start and do what she wants but Luke isn't interested in dropping Tracy for anyone.

    As for the cutting of scenes - yeah we have the mediapics to show us that a hug was intended, but spoilers as they've been reported set the various Spencer relationships back by at least 18 months if not more. What we actually saw was the Sons Spencer acknowledging their support for each other and really listening when it mattered, and Pa Spencer helping them over a hurdle in that relationship. We did NOT get any of the jealousy/favouritism talk the spoilers told us we would. Much like Luke was supposed to practically dump Tracy for Skye, but instead we got his observations that he's never cared enough about Skye to work for her the way he's worked for Tracy. Skye can do naked cartwheels in front of Luke if she wants and sure he'll react (he's male after all) but that doesn't mean she's going to get much more than a reaction. So perhaps what we have is TPTB realizing the way they had originally written the various encounters didn't ring true to the characters so they changed it, and personally I think what we got is a whole lot better than what was spoiled. Besides, if something is going to be cut I'd rather it be a hug than a kiss anyway. wub.gif

    As for choppy scenes - I'd say no. That's obviously in the eyes of their beholders. Sure Ethan didn't say goodbye to Kristina, but in all fairness TPTB have 42 minutes to tell these stories so why waste their time on niceties that don't progress the story. He was there, he apologized, he left - short and simple. This wasn't supposed to be their big conversation. Kristina did react BTW, she was stunned silent that he was apologizing to her. Jax didn't threaten Warren either, he sympathized and gently asked him to leave Kristina out of his anger. Very different than what we were told would happen.

    Now tomorrow, if Maxie does see the tension as mutual in LnL2 then we will get a huge indication as to the direction they intend to go with that story. If she doesn't notice anything from Lucky, it will be another huge indication. So far almost none of the Lucky spoilers have been born out in the show itself. (I'm still waiting for Lisa to be the thorn in Scrub's relationship that everyone is talking about - it's not there on screen.)

    Remos, now you know I have to respond to that comment in bold. Luke and Tracy do all the naked cartwheels together and more.

  13. Man this board is down a lot. Frustrating.

    Anyway yes to Tracy. Good to see she's mixing it up with others AND this time around she's fully with Luke supporting Ethan. Luke, btw, went to town on Dante's ass - I wouldn't want to cross Luke in that mood.

    And he did handle Lulu all wrong - so funny (though not meant to be humourous) the way Tracy had to chastise him about how to handle Lulu.

    Loved when Luke handed Dante his ass. Then Dante running behind him to tell him about the "law" Luke wasn't having it. He was pissed at the idiot cops of the pcpd that let his son get beat up in jail.

    Tracy might need to give Luke some stress relief with all his kids in some kinda trouble/drama. :wub:

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