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Posts posted by funny1

  1. It's interesting how they are playing it. Ethan and Luke got an eyeful of how screwed up Kristina is, while Sam got an eyeful of broken Kristina. Then Ethan finds her and isn't bothered by her reaction to scratch him, he just picks her up (calls her Baby - which I just loved), grabs her jacket and takes her to GH. There while Lucky is getting some information, Ethan says he's glad he followed his instincts because she would have been like that for some time. Back at the HS with Tracy, Ethan is obviously wrecking himself about his anger towards Kristina earlier considering what shape she was in when he found her, but at the same time the "hero" stuff doesn't sit well with him.

    I can't wait to see how things play out over the next few days with Mama in charge and Daddy in Vegas.

    I can't wait for Luke to show Sonny "what's up" and whose kid he can't mess with.

  2. Okay, briefly towards the last 20 minutes of the show Tracy comes into the Star talking about what a great take they had that night. Luke agrees but Tracy knows something is off. Luke then says it was easier when he was an island with no one to think about than himself. Trace presses a bit and he tells her about the Kristina incident and how she's been stalking Ethan, and how that little girl is going to cause major problems for his son - he knows it. Later they talk on it a bit more and Luke says he's got to let his adult son figure out how to handle things - he's off to a meeting in Vegas in the morning. The last scene had Ethan back at the bar getting a drink, Tracy walks in and chuckles how much Ethan is like Luke then sees the scratch on his face. She asks him what that's about and he makes a comment to the effect that that's what you get when you try to be a Good Samaritan.

    Thanks. No good deed goes unpunished. :mad:

  3. I agree with you about Skye and beefing up the Q's. I think LuNacy is about as safe as they come, though. Luke passed over Skye for Tracy once already, and that was before he fell in love with Tracy. Now Skye wouldn't stand a chance.

    I love the bit about Tracy trying to convince herself - she's got her own demons around this and I'm wondering if Guza is going to bring any of those out to play. You also might be right, Hooked, Luke might very well be out of town because he would most definitely be with Tracy at the PCPD to bail out Ethan.

    As soon as I saw he teal jacket I thought of everyone here. LOL.... just remember it's JANE'S favourite, okay? :P

    Hey Baby Girl, I've been wondering about you. How are things?

    Luke did tell Tracy he had to go to Vegas in teh morning... So maybe he left before knowing about Ethan.

  4. Tracy is in medianet pics for next week bailing ethan out of jail and with him at the haunted star.

    Luke I think must go out of town cause he is not mentioned at all next week and wouldn't he be there with Tracy bailing him out.

    the spoilers say Tracy bails ethan out of jail on Wed the 17th even though she is not sure he is innocent of the charges. I also saw it worded in the ca'nt miss section that "tracy tries to convince herself that ethan is innocent.

    Luke is mentioned the following week

    Here are the bigger images of them. http://www.gettyimages.com/Search/Search.aspx?query=z.i.H4sIAAAAAAAEAO29B2AcSZYlJi9tynt_SvVK1-B0oQiAYBMk2JBAEOzBiM3mkuwdaUcjKasqgcplVmVdZhZAzO2dvPfee--999577733ujudTif33_8_XGZkAWz2zkrayZ4hgKrIHz9-fB8_In7dfLn91etf49f4NX6PX_dskV3kvyb9-pj-_1tlk2l6kS_zOivTedWsijYrf80Rvv41foNfwz2_Fv3_16a2vwa--X2f_66_xm_WfYm_-bPu_h7eS78Gf8Y_k7qq2pdZnS2aX9sD-Wvt7uDX3920_83wz29E___13r2-bk7fGRi_pvc3v5udm19_Tf1dMDyf2i79P9Dnr7nDPS5a96b7_dehxqX9wv6F935d-qNeWLDhn78-PtrFX78efz6xMDp_82vnIRT7J0PZsVDOO1Dc3_xaHUKxfzKUPQul7kBxfxNlcvMS_8Hk-TWUTLv49Dc0X__G-AeEI5rkK_Pprxn89Wvnk8Z-Y_5gYucOB-_3Xyt3zb3ff-1mtbKf4w-D429lX7ycuhfd779OVXusYv_irya5_5X5C8-vPbtamt9_TfPHr4t3mrU3nuCvXzvPHAb-H_T7yv_C_vHrNgG08M9fZ5q_c68Ff_3a7549d6xMf9gvstpD2_vjN2qm1Sp_sl7OSo--wacG4I8DzoOd-_j91yH2WtvmwV_EGk5Y_D_-H9iUSi5OBAAA&sx=AllEditorial

    Sam beats ups Ethan. :mad:

  5. Yeah Hooked Luke told Tracy he had to go to vegas to make them lots of money and she told him she wanted to go and he said he'd love for her to go but she needed to make sure Ethan doesn't burn down the Haunted Star.

    I don't remember that she's told anyone either that she loved him :wub: . Maybe she confirmed it with ghost!Alan but not all blatant like she did with Lulu.

    Wouldn't Wthan still be in trouble with the whole Krissy stuff still when Skye comes to town? So Luke would be pre-occupied with that, that his son could get killed by Sonny than to openly flirt with Skye while Ethan is going through the drama?

  6. Wow that is a switch...it is usually never Tracy that initiates the kiss. I was just hoping she was on another day this week, but since there are the pics with Ethan and Luke with ethan dressed up, I guess they must be on tomorrow or the next day. It ended with Luke and Ethan right or was Tracy around too in the scene?

    I am so busy I won't have time to watch it tonight. I'm leaving for spring break on Friday with the kids for a week and I had a flood in my house this weekend and my whole downstairs bedroom/closet, etc are having major drying out with fans and emergency water extraction. My dvr I use is in my bedroom which is quaranteened at the moment! What a mess. New carpet coming tomorrow. What a colossal waste of money I was not planning on spenidng right now.

    It ended with Luke and Ethan. Tracy had already left the scene.

  7. cute that tracy told lulu that the truth is she is hopelessly in love with that black hearted father of hers! And they are suited for each other.

    Of course, I'm sure this is the set up for skye to slither back to town to mess with them! LOL

    You have to sign up but it is instant. She has every show clipped too every day (OLTL and AMC and maybe the others I am not sure plus every promo). You don't have to ever post but you can download all her clips with yousendit instandly. S he has them in segments. She is a huge sam fan, but she loves Tracy too!

    Was the kiss today funny1?

    I think remos said it was.

    Thanks for the info.

  8. Fabulous scenes today - and so, so funny. Tracy was playing Luke like a fiddle and he was falling for it. There was near panic at the thought she'd divorce him - for his son no less. And that was a great line at the end. Tracy's response was 'That's the smartest thing you've said in a very long time". And their song... I've missed it.

    Agreed about the best LuNacy, Hooked. I've already watched it a few times. When Luke finally gives he says "alright Honey, you win" or something like that. I don't recall him calling her Honey before - if so certainly not often.

    I loved when Ethan called her Spanky and Luke told him don't call her that. The boy doesn't like his possession messed with. :wub:

  9. lol

    I read luke said being married to her was the best time of his life!

    Oh and that was not the kiss in the medianet pics...they are wearing different clothes

    Once again, some of the best lunacy is unspoiled!

    He said he wouldn't give her up for his son and he wouldn't give her up for noboday. :wub:

  10. Some very cute luke/tracy/ethan scenes today according to recaps I read. Tracy offers to marry ethan to keep him in the country. I think the kiss was today.

    yeah they kissed today. And played their song. They all were conning each other. Tracy saying she'd divorce Luke to marry Ethan to stay in the country. And Luke was jealous. :lol:

  11. I like Skye too and I feel the same way. I just hope her return is put to better use and the writers actually write something new for her and for all involved. What a refreshing surprise that would be.

    *OT*- Remos I know you were a big BSG fan. (Me too) Have you been watching Caprica? If so, is it worth checking out??*

    **Nice to see you GroovyTQ-Hope you are doing well.**

    ***Waves to Funny***

    Waves back to Halee. Sorry i missed you! :)

    I see you Hooked! :)

  12. Can I just say how much I am *not* looking forward to Skye's return? Sorry, not a huge fan of RC as it is, but more recycled dialogue and situations when it was all so unimaginative in the first place just doesn't do it for me.

    Skye slinks.

    Tracy gets jealous.

    Luke acts like a jerk.

    Hmmm...where's Coleman? Now, if they added him back to the mix, it might not be so bad.

    I like Skye but as long as she keeps her mitts off of Luke and Luke does the same. I hate when they make Tracy jealous and Luke neglectful of Tracy's feelings. This show sucks ass.

  13. Edit: Hey Funny!

    Sorry I missed you GT! :)

    As for my business, Funny... we've FINALLY gotten snow, but it was wet snow and now the cold/moisture combined weather has awakened my Fibromyalgia. I took some muscle relaxants a while ago and my teeth feel fuzzy. I am in my nice warm bed, typing and listening to my daughter in one room with a movie and my sons in another playing Wii. Intellectually I hate how much kids are plugged in, but on a practical level I'm loving the electronic babysitters these days.

    If it gets below 60 degrees here, the heater is comin' on. :ph34r::P

    I received my tv guide for next week. And it talks about Skye returning to pc. It states:

    "last seen (Skye)in 2008, she arrives March31. Who will fall into her trap? Could it be a very married Spencer? Teases Guza: "Luke clearly has some needs right now." WTF! What needs does he have that Tracy doesn't take care of? And if she isn't taking care of them what's her problem?

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