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Posts posted by funny1

  1. I never thought Tracy's hallucination would be something from 5 years ago - I always thought that one just her current imagination (and yes, short hair :P) It's Luke's truth that I'm watching for.

    The Anjelica line killed me, lol.....

    And I lol when they started to kiss and fell on the floor drunk and then the guy that married them was like "next!".

  2. New spoiler on DD....

    "Luke blackmails Tracy"

    It was listed with other spoilers I've seen before. This could be fun. Just like the Roulette game, blackmail could take away Tracy's excuse making it easier for her to accept him. Perhaps that's what Luke is doing out of town - blackmail fodder, lol...

    I wonder what he will ask her to do when be blackmails her? Sleep with him? Marry him? And we know he knows quite a few secrets with Spanky. You ain't getting away from him.

  3. Not me...I'd much rather have edward/monica making their remarks over Tracy than Maya. I don't really like her character at all. She does nothing for me, even though she hasn't really had a lot of airtime. She rubs me the wrong way. I think it stinks she gets the scenes instead of John Ingle. It would be nice to see his concern a little bit veiled thru his snarky remarks about the house being quiet, etc.

    I would rather Edward on too than Maya. She is wrong most of the tome and always thinks she right. She doesn't know what she is talking about any way. She's been on town for what... five minites and has thrown attitude all over town.

  4. I finally got to see today's show.

    Three scenes. The first one Tracy is still yelling at him for getting them in that situation.

    The second one Luke tries to get the guard to see that Tracy is sick so he has to let them out. Apparently Hells warned the guard Luke would try that so no dice.

    Third scene Luke is frustrated he still can't get the lock picked and tells Tracy she doesn't need to keep pretending. Then he sits down beside her (the mediapic where they are side by side with the same gesture). Tracy starts taking jackets off and says her head hurts. Luke touches her forehead and then gets really concerned when he realizes she is burning up. He rubs her back and brushes her hair away from her face.

    What brings Luke's confession of an non-wedding out? Is it because he can't legally give directions for her when she is in the hospital? Is that when it emerges. Or is it when he's scared she will die? Assuming this really is it, why now?

    That's my thong too remos. Why would Luke all of a sudden tell her they aren't married. He could have told her the other year when they were going down in that plane. Why was he running after her when she tried to divorce her, then he looked was when he thought she had divorced him.

    If its on the hospital then they would have found that out when he was in the hospital for months with his heart attacks.

  5. so was that the medianet from next week with the water? Ya think it will continue? Did luke notice she was sick?

    I'm heading out to see the Sex andthe City movie tonight...can't watch til later

    Funny are you done with school yet? We finish on the 3rd

    No. Those medianet pics didnt happen yet. Yes be did notice she as sick. He asked her what happened to her. Then he got closer and she threw the cup.

    I het out the 10th.

  6. do you think it will continue tomorrow then? Was it the last scene? Did they show her reaction when luke showed up?

    I really hate how little they have shown her kidnapping

    She threw the cup at him and asked him what took him so long. She called him a son of a bitch and threw her cup at him. She was gettings sick.

    Edit I hope they continue. She threw the cup at hom. Thats how it ended.

  7. Tracy was on at the end. She was starting to get sick. It's probably from the water she was drinking. She was on the last 10 seconds at the end. She threw her water cup at Luke. He wanted to check her out since she didn't look too good.

  8. Luke with two scenes - Skye comes in to tell Luke that Edward made inquiries when Tracy missed an ELQ board meeting, and discovers her credit card was used but Tracy was never in Fiji. Luke realizes what happened and he kicks himself repeated for not realizing what had happened, that Helena has Tracy. Skye asks how he can be sure, and Luke said Tracy/Hells were butting heads, then Tracy disappears and Helena disappears - it doesn't take a genius. Helena is always trying to hurt him and this time Tracy is caught in the middle while he was having too much fun flirting with Skye. Skye watches Luke's face and she's amazed. He asks her what and she says "Its surprising. It's beautiful really... the way you love your wife. It's written all over your face." (Me: I'm hoping that FINALLY is Skye getting the hint to leave)

    Tracy with one scene - yup, some good zingers about Helena needing more fiber in her diet, to which Hells responds everything is flowing freely. Then Helena makes some comment about how she expected Tracy to be better bait, but Luke must not be as passionate about Tracy as she believed. Tracy says just you wait - you'll see that fire. Oh.... actually it's water that put the end to a witch like you. Helena responds to "little Dorothy" that she'd better not click her heals and expect to get out of the cell. Then Tracy tells Helena that WHEN Luke arrives he's going to be "pissed" (yes, Tracy used that word) to find the conditions she's living in. Helena ways the rats like it so she would think Tracy would be at home amongst her own kind.

    Tracy had two scenes with Helena. The second scene was when Helena told her that Luke had better hurry up and find her. And that she left bread crumbs so that a blind man could see even without a guide dog could follow. She told Tracy that if Luke doesn't come soon that she'd have no use for her.

  9. grandma cerillo!

    someone was speccing that dr. webber would come to the dungeon to help tracy cause helena has something on him she insinuated...

    I think Luke will break em out.

    wow, tracy sick again! maybe after her whole ordeal, she forgets the paternity stuff til later on when it resurfaces!

    I want to see big pics..what is luke showing her? maybe the text she "sent" him on his phone, but if he had his phone why would he not call for help.

    I love the pic of them with their hands resting on their chins in the same pose! too funny

    I know T and W for sure....not sure about TH this week but that would be nice!

    Which pic has Luke showing Tracy something? I see he is holding something while Tracy is in jail. And then I see the one where she is throwing her drink in his face.

  10. I guess the shocking confession might be unrelated to this dream or hallucination type deal...but to me it is reminding me of the lucky shoots nik type spoiler that was really liz's vision. Not sure what the win her back part would be about though..unless she wakes up and thinks it is real?? Maybe that leads to a confession?

    SOD is out tomorrow and SID on W...maybe that will shed some light

    I hope it's nothing more than that she is dreaming.

  11. Medianets for week of the 31st!

    Tracy does look feverish and sick....Luke kissing Alexis? LOL Now I'm wondering if the whole confession is some delirious dream sequence for Tracy or hallucination. Like she dreams Luke tells her he is in love with Alexis and she wakes up thinking it is real and then he has to convince her it isn't! Luke looks in a cell or something and he is wearing glasses and different clothes so the alexis thing must be a dream. I need to see these bigger asap! LOL









    Thanks for the pics Hooked! So it's all a dream in Spanky's mind!! Makes me feel much better! Aw, Luke is all conderned with Tracy. :wub:

  12. Monica should spit on Jason since he cares less about her, when they call her for being the next of kin.

    And I hope they pre-tape tg stuff. I still don't understand why when Luke leaves then tg has to go. Luke could always be in town and refered to.

  13. are there new pics? She wasn't sitting on we'd? I still didnt get to watch yet

    The getty images that were already posted. It was with her and Helena and Tracy was sitting down while Helena was standing looking at her. And no, they haven't aired them, unless it was cut.

  14. I'm wondering how/when they will do TG's vacation. I'm thinking either it's been shifted so he will return later in the fall OR his break this spring was intended to keep him around longer in the summer. Either way he's going to be part of the hospital thing. His exit would have been announced by now otherwise.

    Tracy doesn't look that good in those pictures, does she. There's not much by way of creature comforts for her.

    Especially the one when she is sitting down. She'd never let Helena see her like that unless she was ill.

  15. No, no... remember the Toxic Balls - Tracy left the hospital before she was cleared.

    Oh, oh yeah, I forgot about that. I thought you meant Helena would posion her. At any rate i want to see her get sick, and this time with Luke to witness it. He will flip. One spoiler did say Luke tries to free both of them. So maybe she is incapacitated?

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