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Posts posted by funny1

  1. Sugh, I miss LuNacy. I don't even bother with gh any more until they come back.

    Remos, you have any confessions....? :)

    Edit: Does anyone have clips of lunacy in january and February this year? My clips seem to start in March. Thanks.

  2. I don't take stock in that poll either. LuNacy has and is always against the odds and that's a good, not make that a great thing. they are against the grain are not a typical sappy soap couple. they do things their way, no matter who likes it. As long as they get it, then we get it. :wub:

  3. I am going to make one very small correction, after Luke leaves Lucky says "$100 bucks Tracy isn't the ONLY reason he is leaving town."

    BTW, I know we have all talked about this before but Lucky was all about Lacy today, he was totally complementing her on how she was good for him, not going to get into details but it was nice to hear.

    Also, when Luke was talking to Lulu she did say that if it was Dante who was bailing on her how she would be uspet and Luke said something to the effect that they were not young lovers but "older" and that their wounds cut a lot deeper, which hopefully means that he realizes how much he hurt her.

    I hope this time away makes LUKE realize how much he needs her instead of the other way around. He needs to make a big public fool of himself in order to get her back.

    Loved that he said he needs to give Tracy some space so when he comes back she can take him back so he can make an honest woman of her. :wub: As long as he gets her back he can make a fool out of himself all he wants.

  4. Definitely no LuNacy today.... oh well, 3-4 days this week is pretty good.


    Oops, Luke is on just no Tracy. He's looking sober (wonder what happened to the charges) and Sonny is telling him about the hit on Johnny.

    Luke was talking about Alexis so I guess they cut that scene as well. :angry: But Luke still has on his ring so I'm good. :wub:

  5. She's supposed to empty his bank accounts, so is it any wonder he takes money from her? These two need to get it together.

    I'm wondering if she finds out during or after her heart-to-heart with Lulu the next day.

    BTW I'm LOVING how much Lucky and Ethan want LuNacy back together - that's been great to watch.

    It was so :lol: when dumb Maya was telling luke that Tracy was happy and he :lol: at her and told her is she being sweet or is she being a total monster. :lol:

    Remos, Iagree they need to get it togethjer because when they are apart they are miserable and so is their families. :(

  6. After assuring Tracy and Ethan he wasn't going anywhere, Luke came across Hellzabub at the HS and her hence man knocked him out. Ethan didn't buy Luke just leaving when he said he wouldn't but Tracy/Lucky/Lulu assured him that he dose that to the family (I remember a lot of the word "family" at that point).

    I can't remember Tracy being gone but she wasn't around a whole lot either. Popping up at the HS and with Lulu or Ethan.

    September came and Ethan or Lulu received a text from Luke calling for help. Turns out it was a Cassidine chicklette who at the time was rumoured to have a past with Lukcy. Hellzabub was sick and possibly dying, and Luke managed to escape his cell and tried to help her when the posse arrived - Lulu/Ethan had met with the Cassidine Chicklette who had sent the text in the first place. They returned and Luke told his story of woes but Tracy wouldn't believe him.

    It was supposed to go on line that with the arrival of Valentin Cassidine, but the Franco mess pushed that story aside along with most of what JE had taped in early fall. We didn't really see her again until Thanksgiving where there was some really sweet LuNacy, including Luke's comment that 'Under [Tracy's] hard crusty shell is another hard crusty shell, and under that pure mush."

    For scenes to focus on - look at May when Luke tells her "I'm not leaving you for Holly, I'm not leaving you for anyone!", and a few others, then skip until late November. During Claudia's birthday party there are a few cute LuNacy moments if you want filler, but those were the first couple of days of sweeps (so last week of October/first week of November).

    Christmas Eve you have to include - fabulous LuNacy kiss.

    Don't forget the great karaoke scenes with Luke singing and Tracy getting drink and dancing and them dancing together at the end with during the monologue. Makes me want to rewatch.

  7. Wasn't Luke suppose to be thrown overboard today? Or is that tomorrow?

    Yeah, he still has the ring on. You know he loves it being there. Loved the way Coleman and Patrick where looking at Luke when he was talking about how LuNacy treat each other, Luke poisioning Tracy and she treats him bad and threatens him. Too :lol:

  8. I have a long drive tomorrow! 7 hours. But new Orleans should be fun. Thanks halee

    so do we think tomorrow we here luke getting thrown or walking in soaking wet?

    We'd is Ethan calming Tracy and luje moving in with lucky. Funny Luke won't move in the Spencer house or lucky. Lucky would rather pay rent! Lol

    It's the house of horrors. Why would luke stay there if he wasn't happy being confined? Luke is gonna irritate the heck outta Lucky. He looks like a neat-freak and Luke certainly is not. :lol:

  9. Seriously Luv, you should write.

    Larry's dead but it would be great to see someone else come get interested in Tracy. It's her turn for sure and Luke has to understand he's truly on the brink of losing everything. THEN I want it proven that they are legally married.

    Luke said something rather interesting today, that he wanted to do it sober this time..... perhaps they were too drunk but if they signed all the documents that makes it legal (well, GH version of Nevada legal at any rate). Wouldn't that be a kicker - that the ARE married after all and Luke's been living with this for years.

    I was thinking that Tracy finds out that they are married and that is when she goes off to find him (je's vacay) then she comes back and can't find him.

    Glad to see you over here ILTQ. I have to take a break from the insane asylum (sp) at times. The negativity over there is too much for me and I have to get into a more positive vibe.

  10. Luke leaves becuas she won't give him another chance, so he has to go clear his head. She is gonna push him off into water, get him arrested, and take his money. I don't blame him, he is going with her wishes and giving her space as her actions has dicated. but when he comes back, I hope he has a plan to get back into her good graces. And maybe she will be calmer by then, I hope. She can't resist him for too long when he is in town.

  11. Spoilers ~

    Most of these may have already been posted as SOC is a composite of other's info. But here it is...

    Luke tries again to win Tracy over, & he’s thrown overboard

    June 23rd: Lucky & Ethan find themselves stuck in the middle of Tracy & Luke's spectacle.

    Ethan tries to calm Tracy but fails

    Luke breaks into the Q mansion to see her, but Tracy has him arrested

    Tracy will be demanding a "divorce"

    *end of spoilers*

    I'm guessing the last spoiler and the "Tracy wants to sever all ties with Luke" spoiler from another day are one and the same.

    Also, the Helena's kidnapping of Elizabeth's baby doesn't last long. She gets what she wants, and then makes it all appear to be a hospital error.

    Wonder what she does...a DNA implant?? You never know with Helena.

    And, Funny, you'll probably like the scenes coming up with Luke and Sonny. Nothing is spelled out in spoilers, but I'm surmising that Luke tries to dissuade Sonny from the car bomb meant for Johnny by reminding him about what happened to Lily. Luke was there to see it, wasn't he?

    I don't remember if Luke was there to see Lily get blown up but you'd think tehat SOnny wouldn't want to go down that road with car explosives since his first wife was blown up.

    Tracy demands a divorce? How do you divorce if you aren't legally married?

  12. Funny, this not legal but he has all the legal documents explanation of the marriage/non-marriage seems suspiciously vague to me. Intentional or not, they have certainly left the door wide open for a return to the "real story." Seriously, we were there. And everyone watching knew that Tracy investigated every legal avenue those first few weeks. (After that, neither Tracy nor Luke wanted out of the marriage. :wub: )

    This is so clearly a rewrite that I wonder if they intend it to remain a rewrite. Guza's comments about how there was a reason they didn't show the Vegas wedding was hooey as far as I'm concerned. And maybe he meant it as only short-term hooey. :lol: You think?

    And Ms. Q, lovely job on the new graphics. :D

    Ms. Q making LuNacy banners with Tracy hair extensions! It's just like old times.

    Yeah GTQ, they are leaving it open. And yeah, Tracy did her best to get out of that marriage to Luke. And just the other year, Luke was trying to stop Tracy from getting a divorce from the Dominican Republic and when he thought she had gotten it, he was sad and told her he didn't need a piece of paper to tell him to stay away from her.

  13. Remos, so glad your eyes are better.

    You know, they have been very vague in their explanations of how Luke and Tracy are supposedly not "legally" married. First, Luke admits they aren't. Then, he says that he has "all the necessary legal documents." :blink: Isn't that what "legal" means?

    Does he mean that they didn't say the vows? If so, they have corrected that oversight. I thought I read something about how Tracy hallucinates her version, and then Luke tells her what really happened. We never got that. But Luke has been very sketchy on the details. Makes me wonder if they are already setting up a possible un-rewrite of the rewrite. :unsure:

    GH doesn't know what they are doing. I guess they are doing the re-un-write because of tg's vacay. And when he comes back maybe they'll spring on the "they are legally" married. I dunno... :wacko:

  14. Some LuNacy related drops on SOC...

    With Luke, Tracy begins to turn softly (I *love* the wording)

    Unfortunately, Luke doesn’t know this & he steals some of her $ then splits

    Franco can't fool Tracy

    Luke is mentioned for the 29th: He tries to keep Ethan safe

    Me: Interesting that Luke disappears the following day...

    That's it for spoilers...

    Looks like the Maura West rumor has people split...

    Half say they like/love her; the other half are screaming that they need to write for the cast that they already have.

    No matter how much she "wants" to hate Luke she can't because he is her soulmate and vice versa. She'll miss him like crazy thi summer.

  15. Not a new guy as in someone replacing Luke, a new guy as in someone to help Tracy realize the only one she wants is Luke.

    As for spoilers - the fact that she's involved with Franco bodes well.

    I've finally watched the entire show from yesterday and I've got to saw WOW... even JI doesn't have the ability to make AI's Maya any better. That was awful - highschool acting awful. I can't help wondering if they are keeping her because of the politically correct backlash. The comment "thanks for putting Zoe through boarding school" basically took care of any potential pairing with Michael in that department. We aren't going to see Zoe, at least not anytime soon. But Maya..... bad, very bad. I want to like her on principle - another Q daughter - but I just can't.

    I'm out of painkillers but a bottle pre-mixed Martini I purchased the other week is going down nicely - always Happy Hour somewhere in the world. :P Think I'll sleep and wake up for 3 PM.... eye still aches like a bugger but my sight is so much better. Drive safe Hooked, and hope your back is okay throughout.

    Yeah, I'm not a fan of Maya either. SHe doesn't know what she is talking about most of the time and she is always holding onto her purse as if someone wants to steal it...well maybe Ethan would but no one else would. :lol:

    And since they got Tracy into a bed wearing a robe what is the big deal with her and Luke being in a bed and her wearning a robe again?

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