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Posts posted by funny1

  1. Balkan: No Tracy and the Balkan haven't crossed paths...yet.

    Trucky: Lucky told Luke before the wedding that he would lock him up if he didn't marry her. After the wedding he told Luke to not bring Tracy into the heist and use their honeymoon as a cover to pull the jewelry stuff. Then he gave her a head-up about what Luke was up to as Luke made her leave with him front he police station. Lucky has been very supportive of LuNacy. :wub:

  2. *sigh* I know, I must. The pics just look AWESOME. And you know I was just teasing you...:)

    BTW....we got SNOW !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Lots of it, the roads are clear but it's still on the ground, and we may get MORE tonight.

    I love seeing it, but I don't love the temp too much. I mean, 19/20 degrees is BITTER cold when you're not used to it.

    We got one full day and part of another one off work. THAT was the best part. Hee hee

    Too cold for my blood. Anything under 60 and the heater is on. This is flip flop capital down here.

    Hope things are going well. :)

  3. I just really hope that she is revealed as whatever she is--undercover or whatever and she can drop that accent. It's one thing if she spoke that way normally, but she doesn't have that accent naturally and it is so annoying to me.

    She seems like a decent enough actress...it is the character I really don't care for.

    Well on a happy note...I hear lunacy is back taping tomorrow so they should be back in about 3 weeks

    Oh God! I have to wait three freakin' weeks (thanks for the update Hooked! btw. :P ) But three weeks. This show sucks. ^_^

  4. Yeah, I've never understood that rut either. Days had Mickey in the other room or working for almost a decade before killing him, and had Alice in the other room for a few years when Francis Reed was too ill to work. This is not hard. They have other vets off the camera yet still in Port Charles for months on end - why not Luke? It would certainly give the anti-LuNatics less fodder - they're already at it from what I can see.

    They are at it again? It doesn't surprise me. As if anything would be different if their couple got back together. Tg would still be taking his vacays and tiic would still be doing the same thing. But they don't have to worry about it because they aren't together so it's whatever to them. <_<

    But yeah, they need to have Luke in town sometimes and have Tracy/spencers refer to him from time to time. And have Luke being referred to as calling them every once in a while. How hard is that? Let me think.. not hard at all.

  5. I never understood why tiic have to always have Luke leave town just because tg does. And why couldn't Tracy be by the phone on-screen talking to Edward about running ELQ or something rather than having Tracy come back and leaving Luke out of town. Do these people know how to be creative with tg's vacays and je's screen time when he is gone. Let me think... um.. NO. :mad:

  6. Yeah, I know what you mean. It gets tiring to watch, but now that they are legally married maybe they will have more adventures together instead. They made it through Tracy's doubts about the legitimacy of Luke's love for her, so now I think it is time for more fun stuff.

    I like fun and all but some romance as well. But I don't want them to always be comic relief either. But as long as they are kinda happy (as lunacy would say) then okay.

  7. Hooked, the latest spoilers sound the best, thanks.

    Tracy knows Luke - she's lived with him for 5 years. She also knows Lucky was telling her something. I truly think what we see will be better than the original suggestion. I just hope we get to see them in a type of caper and that the wedding brought the end of the "Lukey the Horn Dog" angst.

    Ia I would love if lunacy did things together than always having angst among themselves.

  8. You remember one time I asked you in a PM if you'd ever been in a hail storm and you said no and I think you even asked me what it was? Hail storms are about as close to "ice" or snow as we get around here until after Christmas. If we get snow at all, it's generally Feb/March. One year it snowed on VALENTINE'S DAY, and personally I thought it was beautifully romantic.

    Sap that I am. I have not watched in so long, someday soon when I have my own internet back at home....I will catch up. The wedding pics looked beautiful.


    And um...even though I'm not watching, may Genie Francis infect some other show on some other network for the rest of GH's on the air life. As long as Jane is around, anyway. I couldn't care less that it would give JE good material. I cannot stand watching GF and her boring, one note acting, playing her boring, one note character.


    And I can honestly say it hasn't a thing to do with Lacy. Except for the first five minutes I watched her and was so fascinated because she looked just like my Barbie doll, (yes, as a five year old, you think funny things), I've always been annoyed by her.

    As anyone who has posted here more than a year can probably tell you. She even ruined Mike Horton for me on DOOL when she played Diana Colville.


    So, so overrated.

    I am pleased to hear such raves about JE's recent scenes. Any thoughts that MAYBE she might submit for an Emmy next year? I know she never does anymore, but she so deserves it. And WOW. Good to hear Tracy/Brook are getting more material together. :) YAY.

    I hope everyone had a good Christmas and a Happy New Year.

    Hey hey hey now... I know what hail is. :lol: I am not THAT bad. :P

    But I do remember you asking me about the hail.

    I'm glad to you "see" you around here. I hope you get your internet back because the board seems to be jumping again.

    You so, MUST see the LuNacy wedding clips. Beautiful. :wub:

  9. LOL that's what I was thinking - all of you are significantly south of me, as far as i know, and I grew up in a place with 6 months of snow minimum. I guess we embrace what we know.

    Nah, no snow here. We wear flip flops 95% of the year. Shorts and flip flops and on the beach (not me, but in general) on most Christmases.

    IA, we are used to what we know. A fireplace and snowing I've seen on tv. :lol: Most of the time it's sun and fun down here.

  10. Interesting what appeals to us. Personally a roaring fire with snow falling outside a cabin is the most romantic thing I can think of or beach house on a rocky cliff side by the ocean. A peaceful beach just doesn't do it.

    And you would think I'd be sick of beaches. :P I'm for anything that looks good and feels good. But yeah, a fireplace can be very sexy as well. As well as a tropical private island.

  11. Thanks Funny your awsome

    But what about romance episode

    Yes I LOVED remos' fic

    I still like our cave idea though :D:P

    Okay TQ I think I picked them all.

    Damn, this is what happens when you have to go back to work. My brain isn't back to normal. :lol:

    The cave/limo fic was Ms. Q's. Them trying to get warm in the cave because they think they are gonna die and all. With all that bodyheat and all... :wub:

  12. Here are my picks:


    12-27-10 Wedding Day 3


    6/09/10 Flashbacks to Vegas wedding – Tracy Angelica Quartermaine


    12/27/10 After wedding reception when Tracy burns the prenup and kisses Luke passionately



    “Lucas Lorenzo Spencer... I have always taken great pride... in being the difficult one-- hard to handle, hard to please. But you are the challenge of my life. You outdo me every time. You know me better than anyone. You know my heart. Heh. You even know that it beats faster when you walk into a room. You're worth the trouble. I love you with all my heart. You are my beloved husband.”

    This one was very hard to pick because I loved the wedding one as well. :wub::(


    11-4-10 “I crave some horizontal time with my pink popsicle.”


    12-27-10 Luke and Tracy dance, Tracy burns the pre-nup, and Tracy kisses Luke.


    12-21-10 You can now kiss the bride.


    Tracy: “Mr. Luke is come here to see me, his fiancé. Not you. Why don’t you go and scrub a toilet.”


    12-27-10 Smile and Wave


    12-22-10 At the wedding (right before cake)


    12-21 “Tracy Spanky Popsicle Quartermaine”


    12-21-10 Wedding Hair


    10-21-10 Dark blue with a matching skirt.

  13. About to read "Honeymoon" as we speak...Can't wait!

    Haven't seen all of today's episode yet but DID happen to turn on the TV just as the one Tracy scene was on, so I caught that. Then I changed the channel when they revealed Olivia was alive. I was hoping she would be dead :( I know that sounds horrible.

    Hey I wouldn't care if all of them died. Most of them on that bus are useless, imo. So you aren't alone in that feeling.

  14. Here are mine:


    6-9-10 Tracy is really sick, Luke threatans Helana and the Wedding Flashbacks.

    6-10-10 Luke and Tracy renew their vow in the dungeon, Tracy gets worse and she finds out they were never married.

    12-27-10 Wedding Day 3


    3-8-10 Ethan needs a green card, Tracy and Ethan think about getting married.

    6-9-10 Tracy is really sick, Luke threatans Helana and the Wedding Flashbacks.


    6-10-10 Luke and Tracy renew their vow in the dungeon, Tracy gets worse and she finds out they were never married.

    11-24-10 Luke gives Tracy her engagement ring on thanks giving.

    12-21-10 Wedding Day 1

    12-22-10 Wedding Day 2

    12-27-10 Wedding Day 3


    “I love you with all my heart……….” 6-10-10

    “You gave me a reason to get up in the morning……………..” 12-21-10


    “I crave some horizontal time with my pink popsicle.” 11-4-10

    “We could barely make it to the hotel room” 11-15-10


    Luke asking for horizontal time. 11-4-10

    Luke and Tracy talk about their wedding, Luke says they barely made it back to the hotel room. 11-15-10

    Wedding 3 11-27 (last scene, no dialogue)


    You can now kiss the bride – 12-21-10

    Kiss after Lucky’s toast. 12-22-10

    Kiss after Luke’s toast. 12-22-10

    Last seen of the wedding kiss 12-27-10


    “I wouldn’t wish that kind of pain on anyone. That not actually true. I would on a few people.” 1-28-10

    “Ha would you look at that your nose just grew 2 inches, Pinocchio.” 5-27-10

    “You were supposed to keep me sober. FAIL!” 11-10-10

    “Mr. Luke is come here to see me, his fiancé. Not you. Why don’t you go and scrub a toilet.” 11-24-10

    Luke: “Tracy you look like a million bucks.”

    Tracy: “Actually that would be Maya. I look like a lot more” 11-24-10

    “I forgot you were dating the spawn of Sonny. Speaking of the spawn.” 12-1-10


    After Luke gives her the engagement ring – 11-24-10

    Smile and Wave 12-27-10

    After burning the pre-nup. 12-27-10


    Luke at the wedding 12-22-10


    “Tracy Spanky Popsicle Quartermaine”


    Wedding Hair – 12-21-10


    Wedding Dress – 12-21-10

    Okay those are my noms. The one in bold is what I added.

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