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Posts posted by funny1

  1. I wonder if Tracy does get sick or is posioned?? How can Luke's worry intenisify the week of the 31st if they are reunited on the 26th??? Just a thought!

    Does she get sick in jail with them captured and he has to get them out?

  2. Well tg always says Luke long ago seperated sex from love so I guess they both have.

    She did have ramon a couple years ago and he harassed her about it jokingly at the b&w ball .

    Hey I wonder if I could try that approach and have a fling? It's just sex..not love! No worries! Lol

    I would think Luke would think that being that Luke grew up in a brothel and "tested" many of the hookers.

  3. LOL... yes, I laughed at the Martinet thing and that's exactly what I thought.

    As for open marriage? It seems as long as the 'others' are cabana boys and floozies, they tolerate. But when it's people they actually know - like Skye, Anna or Ethan, those two get EXTREMELY jealous. So I'm not sure how truly open it is.

    He had to be legally divorced from Laura... but wouldn't it be interesting if the actual lie he told was to Laura about how they aren't married. Either way Tracy is the 'winner'.

    Maybe it's out of sight, out of mind and not knowing the floozies and cabanna boys. The ones they have no history or know personally? Or is it all a game to them both about boasting having affairs with other people just to play mind games with each other to make the other jeolous? You know that kind of stuff is a turn on to them.

  4. I agree..there is no way they will be ending over this...

    This is the pattern...he pisses her off....then he fights to get her back...and always does.

    was helena sitting in that chair today talking to tracy from the pics or is there hope of continuation tomorrow?

    how did luke leave it in the end today?

    Yes those mediapics were today. Helena was sitting in teh chair talking to Tracy about getting Luke to rescue her and she hoped soon with all of Tracy's yelling or did she say screeching. lol. Tracy asked her why she didn;t just get Luke if she wanted him and Helena told her she needed both of them.

  5. true..it would be cute though if they went to vegas and got married again for real

    I keep thinking guza saying skye would unexpectedly renew and deepen their romance...and how luke and tracy are deeply in love...etc. Then he did say something about just how far can helena push luke....and that shocking secrets are revealed.

    I just want more than two sixty seconds scenes a week...is that too much to ask?

    No, that isn't too much to ask. I think about what he said to about deepening their marriage/romance. So maybe it's not as bad as we think. I will remain positive.

  6. I don't know..maybe it is an overblown spoiler...

    I tweeted the SID guy and said i hope tody wasn't the REALLY good luke/tracy/helena that he said to TRUST ME is coming! LOL

    I just keep thinking that everytime luke has to fight to get tracy back, it ends up being really good lunacy scenes before he leaves....hoping the pattern continues

    seriously the most shocking reveal would be that he has never cheated on her ever! I would be shocked!

    That shock, i like/love Hooked! The other one, not so much because you know on a soap if they aren't really married then they would never get married because of the many obsticles that would hender them.

  7. I don't feel shat upon. I'm not pleased about Skye obviously, but I think the fact that the anniversary was mentioned so much was acceptable. We already knew Tracy would be MIA - so really this May 19th was the same kind of spring board as May 19th, 2005. I imagine when they finally reunited Tracy will give him grief for falling into Helena's trap and Luke won't care because he'll be so happy to know she's safe.

    Are they suppose to be on tomorrow? And I am still wondering what shocking Luke will tell her?

  8. Agreed. Aside from the Skye thing being in bad taste, why is she stuck on Luke's anniversary date and why go to the HS KNOWING he would be celebrating with Tracy? What is going on with her?

    The only reason I remember my ex's anniversary is because he told me himself that he choice that date for the historic significance, and it was a month after mine. Without those two pins I wouldn't remember anything.

    Damn, gh hasn't remembered LuNacy's Anny in years now when they do, they sh!t on the fans and the couple. :mad:

  9. I already know Lainey is going to hate today, so will others. It wasn't that great for LuNacy until the end when Luke quickly put it together that Tracy might be in trouble. Then he had a look of worry that mirrored Tracy's look that Helena was counting on Luke coming for Tracy so he could be in Hell's trap as well. (At least Hells didn't pretend that Luke wouldn't come or they shared more 'past' that Luke was telling Tracy)

    Interesting little blip - Luke thought Tracy was giving him the up-yours by travelling to the Caribbean and sleeping with Cabana boys. Lukey sounded pretty bitter about that one, lol.. Now it's long believed that Tracy is faithful as the day is long, but what is she allowing LUKE to believe???? Kinda serves him right for his flirting with anything in a skirt.

    We could have done shots to the word "Anniversary" though. Luke and Skye mentioned it numerous times, and Tracy said it at least once.

    Why does Skye remember his and Tracy's Anny? I mean who remembers their ex's anny with another woman. Skye is a bit stalkerish when she showed up at the Haunted Star.

    And yeah, i wasn't too please with Luke trying to kiss Skye. Wtf is he thinking. he knows he would have gotten some on this day of all. Geez. :angry:

  10. Considering it's their 5th anniversary, lets hope the 'never legally married' bit is our fears and not the show's. Maybe it's the they never consummated the first night and she wonders what other lies he's told.

    While I agree that a non-marriage would possibly provide great story and a real romance from the top this time, it wouldn't jibe with so many other things that Luke has done.... but then again all of his tricks to STOP her from divorcing him might have included the parts where they weren't legally married in the first place and he didn't want her to find out. Personally I've always wondered how legal it was when the bride was so drunk she didn't remember the ceremony - in r/l that wouldn't be legal because you have to come to the alter of your own free will, not coerced.

    Who cares in the long run because Luke loves Tracy completely and Tracy loves Luke. No matter what happens we have LuNacy and they HAVE been a couple for 5 years... still the longest on the current show.

    I'm looking forward to what Luke has planned for today.... sad that Tracy won't be there to share it, but Luke does romantic really well when inspired.

    I would love to see her face when he tells her that they didn't sleep together their on the first night. Luke is a romantic at heart but I think he scales back because Tracy isn't into pda's. But he would alot more if she was.

  11. maybe his shocking reveal is that he is in love with his own son! LOL

    Okay..I'm going to be positive today...I think it is either a) they were never legally married and that is why he is fighting to win her back which could be really good only in that now he can still want to remarry her and she can even have a prenup maybe proving to her once and for all that he is not after her money (even though she knows it deep down) or B) that he has never really cheated on her with all his talk, etc...

    I am wondering if maybe luke rescues Tracy but helena takes them hostage again. I know they are at least together by first week in June.

    In any event, this is what I am most happy about....Tracy is actually in a preview that is like the third listed on teh list where they are usually listed in order of importance at the time! There is no skye mentioned anywhere in that preview as her story seems to have gone by the wayside.

    Oh and one more thing....those pics were from the week of the 24th when Helena is supposed to be revealing her secret plan to tracy on the 25th. I think today we will see Tracy with Thor maybe in the dungeon...cause Helena is in different clothes on the docks with lucky/nik this week today or tomorrow I think

    Still wondering how luke/tracy are in scenes with Steve Webber coming up...unless they weren't captive too long.

    I'm curious as to the exact wording of the preview...the SOD versions on SZ are often paraphrased to be just the gist...but sometimes there is a bit more to it...like the last time SID said something about Helena not just having a plan about the paternity ll2/niz stuff but other things as well. The other things as well part was not in the summarized version.

    If they aren't legally married then Luke has already proven to her that he loves her and is not about her money cause he's always come back to her. And if he wanted to leave her he could have left her many times whether it's with Laura or Holly, or Skye. And why would Luke wait so long to tell her that they weren't married if they weren't?

  12. OH... I like yours so much better than mine. happy.gif

    EDIT - maybe the 'fights to win Tracy back' has to do with her assumptions about Skye and Helena... nothing terribly serious at all

    Maybe... Could something that is shocking could be telling her he has not philandered on her? And IA with her freakin out about thinking all those thoughts of Helena filling her head with Luke being with Skye. She trying to get her goat.

  13. Squee... Something told me they wouldn't ignore this big anniversary. I can't wait to see what Luke has planned for Spanky. wub.gifwub.gifwub.gif

    Wow - that was the fastest knock-out on history. Helena wasn't playing around.

    I was tinking the same thing too remos with tthe knockout. I was thinking, damn that's like 5 seconds and Tracy is on the gurney. geez, helena knows how to hire professional henchmen.

    And I can not wait for what Luke has planned. :wub: You know you'll have to write the rest. ;)

  14. I imagine she reveals it to Tracy. And I also suspect Luke and Tracy will be gone for a considerable amount of time, leaving Lucky in the dark for awhile - perhaps looking for ways to undermine Helena completely OR just spending some together time before another wave of CassaSpencer drama happens. As for Brooke - once it's revealed to Lulu that Brooke was brought on to cause trouble THEN Tracy's presence will make a better story. Prior to that however, Tracy doesn't have any reason to get into the middle of her daughter and granddaughter.

    I just hope they don't have her do like they did a coupld of years ago and had them go out of Dodge like they did with her on;y coming back a few weeks saying she got in a fight with him. Lunacy need a Honeymoon that they've never gotten.

  15. Tracy's on automatic pilot with that one, unfortunately.

    Twilight..... oh my....

    Well first I've got to tell you I have no idea what I was doing. I asked The Diva some time ago if she wanted me to read it and she said no. Fine with me - I don't have to read her material. But she had a Reporting Badge to do and one part was create a newsletter among a group of them. Unfortunately she was doing this solo so she had to come with everything on her own. When she was stuck after a few ideas, I told her about the world of fanfic and fan art, so that's ultimately what the bulk of the "newsletter" became.

    The good part of this is that the poor thing didn't realize thinking in terms of 'fanfic' was normal. She thought it was a little freaky and needed to keep it a secret. The whole thing has given her permission to be freer with her creative side (like she wasn't free enough already). She didn't remember that published authors populate our family tree. I have no idea what she though I was... but that's not an avenue I wanted to explore. :P

    Shhh, she doesn't need to know what mommy does undercover. :lol:

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