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Posts posted by funny1

  1. HA ! I have not signed on here in so long, I'm surprised my account was still good. Guess it lasts forever, just like fruitcake.

    Bad joke. Sorry. Anyway-this place-the clean, NICE, respectful air-so different from the cesspool of SOC and the LnL'ers whining about being victims.

    Them, victims? Yeah, and I'm the Queen of Sheba.

    But to Tracy-I've had this theory, and I don't know if I'm right-I'm not sure Guza even cares enough about TQ to do this, but hear me out: they once again recently said in the mags, that Valentin was going to make his first appearance.

    Add to that the renewed Helena/Tracy rivalry-it's not over, not by a long shot. I'm just wondering-could Helena be about to set Tracy up by sending a "new man" her way-that will either be Valentin or another Cassadine in disguise? Since they are now saying Helena wants Luke, and Tracy repeated it again today, then said "there are other men" for her, I'm really starting to wonder if that's not where it's all heading. Luke will come back to town and Tracy will just think he's jealous, but Luke will know something's not right about Tracy's new man-and he will have to do what he has only done once thus far: be her rescuer.

    It could be a man Tracy already knows, or someone knew....but I'm just thinking such a thing has Helena written all over it. What say you all?

    If I believed in anvils, I think some major ones were dropped today.

    Hey ILTQ, long time no see. I know it's my fault. I haven't been on soc in a few weeks. I needed a break and I've been negative free from that place, as I need to be from time to time. Hope everything is well. I have been watching LuNAcy and enjoying them much more without being on soc. Well, not so much with the un-marrying them...

  2. Did you notice even Helean knows Luke is very much "attached" to Tracy or Spanky as she called her today. i lol when she said that. Luke was pretty much quiet today, not too many lines for tg. Easy day for him.

    Can the romantic twist be that they are really married and Luke is lying to her so that Helena will leave her alone? Just a thought.

  3. But here is the thing with the spoiler, Just as Tracy begins to reconsider Luke splits town with her money. the money we are talking about here is the $15 million Luke stole and put in Tracy's account. So if we really want to split hairs the money Tracy has had for the past 5 years is because of Luke. Therefore, he is intitled to it. (yes I know it is stolen Cassadine money, but you know what I mean)

    I agree. And I hate the way they make Luke downplay his money. He isn't poor and he has had his own money but yeah he stole the money form Helena which is his money and she stole it from him. He has every right to get it back if he wants.

  4. Trace is supposed to be in the hospital tomorrow. I hope to hell Edward gives her at least one day before rubbing her nose in it.

    And LuNacy is not over - not by a long shot. We should know better than to think Luke would give up on her for good. After those vows of hers? How do you let a woman walk away who admits "You know my heart, you even know it beats faster when you walk into a room". He may give her space - for three months - but he's not leaving her.

    Marrying Ethan - oh man... do you think Ethan would be that desperate/stupid??? Green card be damned, that would ruin his relationship with Luke in one fail swoop.

    Sounds like soulmates to me remos. :wub: And you know Tracy wouldn't say it if she didn't mean it. I mean that took her alook of effort to say that since she doesn't say the mushy stuff too often so you know she means it when she does say it. :wub:

  5. Just watched the Skye, Ethan (and Maya...can't stand her) scenes on YouTube. It sounds very LuNacy-forward to me. The Quartermaine interloper (I'll just call her QI from now on; she's seriously so inconsequential and bland she barely warrants a name) asked why Luke loves Tracy. Skye proceeded to answer her, essentially confirming that, yes, he does. And we know Skye knows Luke loves Tracy since she remarked on "how much" before Luke left to find Tracy.

    As for the "What about the romance" line...QI only fancies herself to know anything about the Qs or Lunacy. She's essentially the village idiot, certainly when it comes to LuNacy. Hmmm...come to think of it, maybe that was her purpose of being in the scene. QI, who doesn't know LuNacy from Adam, gave Ethan and Skye an avenue of explaining LuNacy without actually turning to the audience to do so. Know what I mean? Because I felt that today was one of those expository episodes in relation to LuNacy.

    So, back to the exposition...The idea was not to suggest that a "spark", LuNacy's or anyone's, was less than love or romance. Instead, the spark was as special, or moreso, than romance, hence the mention of how few people are lucky enough to have it.

    But the *best* line was when Ethan said that, no, this wouldn't be the end of Luke and Tracy. Luke would find a way to make it a beginning. That was the most telling of future story.

    Anyway, I'm still on the LuNacy train. But right now, I'm also on the Throw Guza from the Train. Intentions and future story plans aside, his timing reeks to high heaven. I'll give him a pass, however, if Tracy's hurt and/or fury plays into story in a meaningful way.

    Love your summation. And love the way you summed up Maya. She knows nothing about no one in Port Charles and is always dishing her opinion around town about people she knows squat about. I wish she'd shut it.

  6. Helena might not have sent tracy medicine in the dungeon, but I think she sent a hair cutter--Looks like JE got a hair cut in captivity! LOL

    Luke's ring was off today but Tracy's still on I think

    were there two or three scenes today?

    Luke's ring has been on his right hand for a few epis. I don't know what that is about.

  7. Thanks remos for the recaps!

    The one thing that bugs me is how fast Tracy got better. It is one thing for her fever to break but she was coughing up her lungs and then poof! she is all better to yell at Luke. Grrrr!!!!

    And the fact they she didn't even ask Luke questions as of "How did you pull of the fake marriage when I had a team of lawyers go through it?" She just willingly accepted it.

  8. I'll carry the flag - I'm used to it.

    Okay, SZ spoilers for the week:

    * Luke tries to win Tracy back, but she makes her heart grow cold.

    * Nikolas releases Luke and Tracy from Helena’s dungeon.

    * While discussing their families, namely Luke and Tracy, Ethan flirts outrageously with Maya, and Maya seems to like the attention.

    * Tracy makes a full recovery in Miracle Hospital. But her view of Luke is another matter. Never again.

    Coming up:

    * Someone takes care of Luke, shoving him off the boat into the water

    * Luke fails to make any inroads with a hurt Tracy

    I'm always on teh Lunacy train. I am not giving up on them, I just don't like the unmarried rewrite just for the sake of angst.

    Thanks for the spoilers.

  9. I didn't notice Luke's ring, but I did notice Tracy's and she's still wearing it. I'm sure it will be off soon and I hope IF she throws it away, we get to see one of the Spencers picking it up and pocketing it for her. You're right - she does love that ring.

    I imagine we are going to get moments of Tracy being called Mrs. Spencer and she's going to argue the point. I'm just really curious - Tracy basically has to carry this story until October by herself.

    Maybe he will give her another one, this time bought with his money, whenever she gives him back his money.

  10. No, what I mean is her emotional protection will probably crumble once she's finally alone, but she will most certainly stay firm and resolved while Luke is still in PC. I'm just going to have a problem with patience while this all plays out.

    Me too. All this Lunacy angst is not good for me. DId you notice Luke's ring was on the right hand today?

  11. No, just in general - I want to see what keeps happening for Tracy. I want to see what Luke does to win her back and why he just leaves. I want to see her when she's alone and the walls can come down. I don't think I've been this impatient for a LuNacy story to play out in ages.

    When she threatened to divorce him about a year ago he did say that he didn't need a paper to tell him to stay away from her so he'll continue to fight for her. Is all of what you said going to happen on Monday? Her walls are going to come down? I thought she will remain steadfast when it comes to Luke?

  12. I'm hoping they will really let Tracy fall this time, like she did once before when Luke left. She's going to kick him to the curb but he's still trying. However when he's physically gone she's going to crumble. I really, really hope they go with that and have Tracy be self-destructive like she's been in the past. Then when Luke returns he can fight for her life.

    I hope what tiic are doing to LuNacy are well worth unmarriying them. There better be a pay-off.

  13. Felix only in so far as he's the one who's wife kicks him out and he's lost. Otherwards Oscar would fit Luke better.

    I am sure it will be fine for Tracy time. She's gone for at least 4 weeks of TG's time anyway, so August into September we won't see her. Lockdown is July so that's a given with Tracy, so really that only leaves about two weeks before JE's vacation and about 2-4 afterwards before Luke returns. It's not that bad. I also expect that the Spencermaine Jr. will be around with her and for her. We'll have to see.

    But either way, I'm thinking the fact that Luke is gone for 12ish weeks is pretty clear that they are legally married. He would be more on top of her if they weren't and he wanted it legalized. Besides too many recent events would have to be rewritten or reinterpreted, and that's a whole lot of work for nothing. Luke can still woo her and work towards a "real" wedding without them needing to be not legally married.

    But what would be his excuse for not telling her they are legally married so she wouldn't be married?

    And the bold part... you know what I want to say. :wub::lol: But I'll let you read my mind.

  14. Wouldn't it be the other way around?? I can see Luke as a pig, like Oscar who likes to smoke cigars and plan poker and Lucky as Felix the super neat and clean guy?? It could make for some funny television!

    I agree. Luke is the the messy one and putting his feet up all over the table and Lucky is the square who vaccuums and dusts.

  15. Okay, here it is....


    (getting down on his knees in front of her) Tracy Angelica Quartermaine-Spencer, you have transformed my life. Not just with the bank accounts and the mansion and the corporate jets - I mean all that's nice, but none of that could keep me here, with you if I didn't want to be. It's you darlin'... it's you. Your humour, your intelligence, your feistiness and your huge heart which you always try to keep hidden. You make my life worthwhile. It's because of you that I give a damn. I love you with all my heart. My Spanky. My Sweetheart. My Wife.


    Lucas Lorenzo Spencer, I have always taken great pride in being the difficult one - hard to handle, hard to please. But you are the challenge of my life - you outdo me every time. You know me better than anyone. You know my heart, you even know that it beats faster when you walk into a room. You're worth the trouble. I love you with all my heart. You are my beloved Husband.

    Loved their vows. I'm trying to remain optimistic.

  16. But I'm wondering if they really do. Just even listening to Luke, and I quote now from my DVR so I know what I'm saying...

    "Stay with me. I promise you, if you just stay with me I'll do what I should have done years ago. No more phoney Vegas weddings. None of that for us, from now on the real thing, I swear to God. If you stay with me I will marry you for real."

    Now is that literally the marriage is not real. OR is he saying in Luke-speak that he wants a proper one without it being a con? I still can't tell for sure.

    I know what you are saying, that he didn't mean it literal BUT what is with allt he spoilers talking about Tracy kicking him out, leaving him pennyless, tossing him overboard if that was not what he meant?

    Hooked, I didn't get the email you sent to everyone could you pm me what you said? Thanks.

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