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Posts posted by funny1

  1. Love that JE is all on Tg. :wub: But can my man please get a haircut? And spike it too while I'm asking. :lol:

    And is LuNacy going to be on V-Day epi? And why is gh celebrating v-day the day after when alot of soaps had their epis on Friday. I gues they couldn't push the mob indoctrination of the lil mob kids back. jeez. :angry:

  2. Luke is on tomorrow with Lucky I think--might be a chance for a lunacy scene

    "Lucky gains new insight into Luke" (the SON preview says insight into what happened with his parents)

    Luke is also listed as being on Wed. the 10th

    . On Wednesday, February 10, Luke and a delighted Helena, respectively, both agree that Nikolas is finally being true to his breed.

    GH's 12,000 episode airs feb 23rd...people are saying the new opening will debut then...we'll see! zhere is an article about it....JE is in the picture. I think she is on that day.


    Thanks hooked for the info!

  3. True. But we've know for years that the best LuNacy is never spoiled or even hinted at. They were, and have been for some time, a very together couple. I liked that Luke walked in with his kids (Tracy getting there just before obviously) but left with Tracy and the Q's. That's his family - all of them. Even his two exchanges with Carly showed familial affection.

    Funny I think you're right about the PDAs. Tracy is not comfortable with any positive attention in front of anyone but the kids. Having arms around her is a big step. But like Sam said the other year, ANYONE with eyes to see can see that Luke adores Tracy and she adores him.

    I also looked at the karaoke clip just now and just before the montage when Mac was walking over to Alexis Luke had his arm around Tracy. :wub: I didn't see that before.

  4. Morning everyone....

    Wow, serious excitement over the whole Dante thing. Everyone is excited to see what's going to happen today. I'd say this is the best "start of sweeps" in ages. I'm looking forward to it myself.

    Lunacy was definitely in the back pew for the Christening Friday, so we might get something from them today. Once Dante gets to the hospital Luke is supposed to be there for Lulu and Tracy will be right there with him. The tension SHOULD be between Luke/Sonny, not Luke/Lulu as some have been suspecting. We will see.

    BTW I was watching Karaoke night again and Funny, Luke DOES say ILY to Tracy just before she smiles and they dance away. So sweet! I LOVE happy LuNacy... :wub:

    I have to go back and look at that clip Remos. And yeah Luke is more open about affection. And I think he scales it back for her comfort. She didn't grow up with the mushy lovey dovey stuff so it might make her uncomfortable to hear it.

  5. Or maybe it is about Mike being beat up and maybe sonny blaming ethan for the gambling? Maybe that is why Tracy is talking to ethan in the office and luke/tracy/ethan are talking. I think Dante gets shot either next week too---so it is probably sonny at the hostpial and lulu is there, so maybe that is why luke is around?

    I thought that Domte gets shot this friday? Well as long as lunacy and luke are on, T'm good. :)

    Damn I just saw the bo and nora sex scene. Now why gh cant do that for lunacy. They didnt even have a bed. Nora was sitting on top of Bo. Damn bastards. :angry:

  6. A Funny... that office sees lots of action...

    Look for a sofa!

    Hooked, double thumbs up for technology. I can't wait to see them expanded then we might get a better idea where they are.

    I'm looking but I can't find it. And they'd get action whether they had a sofa or not. Luke isn't conventional on those things. :wub:

    Thanks Hooked! Much larger. :)

  7. Well those rings are pretty shiny. They are often playing with their rings too. There's something really normal about that.

    I looked at those medianet photos. The desk is a mess - so something tells me it's not Tracy's desk. Perhaps it's Luke's. In the background I picked out a dart board and a music stand with sheet music on it. Where could that possibly be? I thought it might be Jakes in one or two pictures, but the messy desk and music stand really throw me.

    How can you tell there is sheet music in the background with the pics so small? You have the larger photos somewhere?

  8. Nice if it could be Tracy's office, eh?

    As for today, yes we had two scenes. Luke and Tracy have been sharing a lot of coffee since that brouhaha this past summer about Luke's drinking, have you noticed? Today was no exception. Luke was talking about his three kids and how different they are. Then he talked about how he used to know Lucky because Lucky defined himself by being everything Luke was not. Now Luke just didn't know what to think. He was not being self-pitying at all. And to underscore that Tracy reminded him that this wasn't about him, it was about Lucky. She told him everyone can see how much he loves his son, and in the coming weeks/months Lucky is going to need his support. Luke smiled lovingly and appreciatively at Tracy. It was a good day, not overly emotional at all. Just the comfortable LuNacy we know and love.

    I loved the day with tg and jj and of course lunacy. I also enjoyed the close-up of luke's wedding ring :wub: when he took the bottle from lucky. IDK I just like to see Luke's wedding ring. sigh....

  9. I'm so over Jason's hospital. He needs to die in a hail of bullets. Seriously its just beyond too much. And to top it off no lunacy for three weeks. Sucks ass to be a lunacy fan. We get the bottom of every damn barrel. I'm pissed to the core.

  10. Today was indeed a good Lunacy day!

    Very passionate kissage, yay!

    One caveat, I could have done without Luke's suggestion that he and Ethan go find som booze and share a hooker for Christmas.

    I get it Guza, Luke is supposed to be a bit of a nihilistic and all, but if Tracy is Mrs. Luke Spencer he shouldn't be running after hookers. :mad:

    I just wish the writers didn't insist that Luke run around on Tracy, she obviously remains faithful to him. :(

    I took it as him joking with Ethan. Him being in self pity because he can't help his son through what he will have to endure.

    Loved the cuddling/touchage/kissing. Nice. And it was a good long kiss too. Happy lunacy to see lunacy happy with each other around the holidays.

  11. It was good to see Luke tell Lucky when Lucky asked if he was gonna call Laura and Luke said no.

    Liked that the Q's were on and Tracy and Monica were fighting over a chair and Tracy fell. They always seem to bring the Q's outta the vet closet for the holidays. sigh.

  12. Loved that Tracy gave an ice pack to Luke. Just wished Luke would tell her already. He might be afraid that she would tell. And in the medianet pics, the second one, Tracy looks like she took some of Luke's pooka shells for her bracelets.

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