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Posts posted by funny1

  1. This made me laugh. :lol: :lol: :lol: If you need clips, give us a holler. Do you recall the episode though? I'm sure I have (or can find the clip) somewhere. I just can't for the life of me remember when it happened, other than during Luke's heart attack story... I am guessing December 2007, but I'm not in the mood (or that desperate enough) to go through transcripts. Yet.

    I'm glad to have made you laugh! :P I have no idea I went to look for it and I can't find a few clips. Ugh.

    Br anyone?

  2. Glad you enjoyed the video star. :)

    Question LuNacy Fans: When did Tracy tell Luke that (she put up with him) because living with him was better than living without him? I was thinking December 10th of last year, but that's wrong. She said something like that before, right??? Slipping, I'm slipping!!! :o

    Sorry Ms Q I tried to find that epy but I seem not to have it! :o And I'm missing a few others. Oh. MY. LORD!

  3. Lainey, I feel like I haven't done anything (productive) either. :( Told myself I wasn't going to do any lesson planning or grading 'til after Christmas, but today I decided I would wait a little longer. I'm supposed to be on break. I can procrastinate, right? :lol: Oh, thank you for the kind comment on my video. :)

    I agree I need time to reenergize from work. So I'm not htinking about that dreaded work until next week sometime. :P

  4. You got that right! I'd like to see it on our screen and SOON!!!!! They are looooong overdue. Hope this sexiness from them on NYE we are suppposed to get is their best sexiness yet!

    I agree it's time for lunacy to get down on the screen at least once geez. Is that too much to ask for iic? I'm gonna be positive and say it will be their sexiness. He is suppose to shut down the HS and be all romantic with her convincing her to be back with him so all fingers point towards...lovin? Kissing? touching? It's gotta be. Positive thought, positive thoughts. :)

  5. I'm glad A & M finally got to see each other. Now if only Guza can make Alan come back. And why didn't he have them kiss or say ILY. What is it with Guza and people over 50. They don't get any kind of lovin'. Like he's afraid that if we see it we might run to the hills to wash our eyes. They do have love lives.

    Well any way I did like the A & M scenes. And the Spencer were okay but I hate when Lulu thinks everything about Luke should revlve aorund Luara. Like when she asked if he missed mom. I'm like he is missing Tracy, his wife. It's not all about your mom Lulu. ugh.

    I can't wait for tuesday and I hope they don't cut anything.

  6. QUOTE (TracyLuv @ Dec 23 2008, 01:02 AM)

    Ah, there you are! Hee. That's right... I forgot you are on vacation. Got LuNacy fic? . I'd say you were lucky but when Hairspray closes in a week I will be on vacation too. A looooong one. heh. I don't know whether to or :) or :(

    You forgot to answer the most important part of my post :D.

    And if not, you are off all day tomorrow - hint hint.

    See ya manana. Have to try and get at least 7 hours tonite. I am beat. Let's hope for some great luNacy tomorrow!

    I wanted to write then I got to the computer and didn't. I wasn't feeling it. I'll see if it happens later on today.

    C U manana.!

  7. Ah, there you are! Hee. That's right... I forgot you are on vacation. Got LuNacy fic? ;). I'd say you were lucky but when Hairspray closes in a week I will be on vacation too. A looooong one. heh. I don't know whether to :) or :(

    Something good will happen. Everything will work out! :) I'm sending positive vibes out to you.

  8. That couple is called ClauSon or ClawSon, and I really like them too. Actually Laine, they are being patterned after LuNacy.... "the couple that shouldn't be together for all sorts of reason, but discovers they work better than with anyone else". At least that was what an insider said a month or so ago.

    As to the LuNacy ommission, yeah, I wasn't amused either. But I'm not sure if this was actually teasing something legit or sending the JaSam/Liason/LnL2/LuSam fans around the bend again. Remember that Fall of Romance spoiler that came out and nobody got nuthin.

    LuNacy better be "getting" something and a lot of it. I expect it if they are all alone with no interruptions. SHe better pull him into the stateroom and let the romance begin.

  9. Hey guys! Just dropping by to say hi! I've been swamped with EVERYTHING. Getting pulled in way too many directions and I'm sick on top of it all. Oy. But I'm making a little lovefest BR date now for Sat night. Hope to catch up with you guys then!

    YAY! I can't wait for this! We'd better get some lovin. :D

    I hope we do get some lovin' too. And they need all the lovin' they can get. Is it too much to ask for a holding each other in bed scene? Please.... :P Excuse me while I pray to God for an answer. :)

  10. There's really only about 3-4 hardcore LnL fans left who do their bit to try to hold GF/Laura up as some goddess. It's like shooting ducks in a barrel.

    And Sidelinegirl - since you've already shown you eavesdrop here, be my guest to either come join the Tracy/LuNacy love for real or to report back. You know you're one of the 3-4. :D

    And yes.... I have my b*tch on. ;)

    Too funny how someone who hates Lunacy hangs out over here lurking and then they...excuse me...she, loves to mention the lovefest over on soc like we are some secret.

    I hope you like what you read. Interesting that you can't hang on your own thread or make a pro-lnl thread over there at soc. Hmmm. Hope you love what we talk about! ;)

  11. Lots of mentions today of Luke and Tracy in the Luke/Lucky convo and the luke/alexis convo!

    Here is the standout scene from this week's SID..Luke/Tracy!!!


    Thanks for the article Hooked!!! Glad LuNacy is getting some press. It's nice to know that they see the romance/chemistry other than us.

    Remos glad you posted in the thread at soc. The nerve of those idiots. I'm trying to stay out of that thread. Their bitching and moaning is so over already. They need to find a new hobby.

    Nex thanks for the clips.

  12. Halee-- Hope you feel better. Lysol works wonders...Feel better.

    Remos/Hooked--Thanks for the scoops. I can't wait.

    I hope this is a breakthrough to Luke and Tracy.

    I can't wait until vacation time. I so need two weeks off. Counting down the time... tick tock.

    Ms. Q-- I feel your pain with counting down.

    TL-- I'm trying to get back into the writing mood. Maybe by/during vacay time. ;)

  13. Tracy will be filled with guilt if she lets Luke collapse and she did nothing to help him because she thought he was trying to fool her once again but I hope that will bring them closer together and they can finally deal with their problems. Another close lose will make her realize what Alan said to her about loosing her husband.

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