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Posts posted by funny1

  1. Luke and tracy have a love scene and tony does his love scenes in the nude-- (yeah right)

    At least if you are going ot make up [!@#$%^&*]--make it plausible!!

    I've heard Tg say he used to do love scenes nude back in the day. He just asked his co-star if it was okay. :lol:

  2. I think they go separately and Lunacy are on the ELQ jet.

    My thoughts:

    Why isn't Tracy sitting next to luke on that couch??? Her self-preservation instincts have probably kicked him...

    Here is my scenario of how I hope it works out--she gives Luke a choice; and then she leaves. She goes back to PC and gets plastered somewhere--with Coleman maybe! Then a couple days later...she is at the Q mansion and Luke strolls in...she assumes he is coming to say bye and she has already had divorce papers drawn up--she goes to give them to him, and he rips them up and says he is there to come home to her--that he chooses her! She is amazed--they tumble to the couch (since nobody in PC uses a bed) and fade to black! Ya like it???

    Someone write that fic!

    Hooked IA with Remos you should write it since you have the ideas. WHen is that next fic gonna come from you?

    Damn Tracy, Luke tried to give you a kiss and you pushed him away. SHe knows she needs some lovin' and in a big way. :P

  3. Thanks for the pics, Ms. Q! :)

    As you said, Ms. Q, Tracy doesn't look too amused. However, she doesn't look that mad either. I assume this is after she and Luke are thrown into the same cell. And, by the way, I couldn't help but notice that there's only one small bed for the two of them.

    QT there's nothing wrong with Lunacy sharing a small bed is there? LOL :P

  4. I am a LuNacy fan first!! and then a Tracy fan. I've always loved Luke and I've always LOVED LOVED LOVED our girl, but as a pair, they both have brought out sides of each other we've never seen, especially where Tracy is concerned. I have never been more "in love" with Tracy and that is because of her with relationship with Luke. Her vulnerable side has surfaced while she still maintains her edge and that came out of a relationship with the only man who has ever loved her just the way she is. I am not willing to settle for any less than that.

    ITA TL! I'm not into LuNacy with other ppl. That doesn't do it for me only Luke and Tracy keeps me watching the part of gh when they are on.

  5. Sorry Guys but I'm a LuNacy fan first. If there is no LuNacy there I ain't with it.

    Plus I'm gonna remain positive about the situation and say that we are talking like they are already broken up. I refuse to believe until I see it played out. This is why I take all sprumors with a grain of salt. And I do mean grain...

  6. The Poll is 142-all. Now some person who admitted she hasn't watched in at least 4 years is stating with great conviction that the poll is rigged, that there is no way those number can be where they are, and freely admits she didn't even know Luke/Tracy were a pair BUT is suggesting we are cheating and upping our numbers with additional memberships. I'm thinking who had the time for that [!@#$%^&*]? If someone was doing that the poll would be a lot more scued towards the general bias of that board anyway, and WTF is this person who can't picture LuNacy therefore they can't be contendors?

    I know it's just for fun, but it really insults me when someone who doesn't even watch can be so convinced that the LuNacy side is cheating because no one can see them together. My integrity is being challenged by this person and I shouldn't have to defend myself against someone who doesn't even know what she's talking about.

    remos you can't convince idiots to not be idiots. She doesn't know what the hell she is talking about. I've seen her so don't be too upset by it.

  7. That was a great look. Almost as good as Skye realizing she'd already lost him.

    Groan... and here I thought I was the only one who watched the opening credits just to glimpse her that day. Not good... not good at all.

    And so you were asking, what did Luke and Tracy do today. Well, here was how they spent the afternoon...

    The Annals

    Nice job remos. Helps me with the lunacy drought. Thanks.

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