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Posts posted by funny1

  1. Yeah it wasnt a fun day for Lunacy fans at all. And tiic are pimping lnl all over the place. Luke hasn't even touched or talked to TRacy alone (if you count at the Q mansion) tiic don't seem to get into with them. Ugh. And why is Luke at Laura's old house and not home with his wife. I understand he is happy/shocked that Laura is alive but spending all his time with Laura is sending mixed messages. He needs to think about Tracy first and she how she feels. It's time for him to step it up. :angry:

  2. My opinion: I know Luke chooses Tracy, and I know TG wants LuNacy, but I am really getting pissed by how little emotion he's showing with Tracy. We've all seen the incredible magic between TG/JE, but right now he's acting with Tracy like she has no meaning. I'll continue to carry the banner high, but I'm not happy with how TPTB are pimping LnL and doing nothing for LuNacy.

    Yes IA I dont like that Luke hasn't been close to Tracy. And I like that she called him out on "his reunion" while she sits at home quietly. Saying what about her. He needs to think of her for once and drop goodie goodie Laura. :angry:

  3. edit: ya know what I just saw that kinda annoyed me. The scenes from last year when Tracy was helping Luke try to get guardianship of Laura and she had her "I love you... rare emotion for me" scene. What the hell is all this smack Luke is talking about it just happened after his surgeries... come on!!

    I think he meant after his surgeries he said "it sealed the deal". Confirming what he already felt. That they were completely in love with each other.

  4. I think this is exactly what they are doing. Luke and Laura will never be outside of each other's orbits because they have kids together. Tracy will always be insecure about that because she's had some hard life experiences to teach her not to fully trust. This way all three of them can be on and have stories moving in different directions. Honestly, it frees of LuNacy for the next level and it frees Laura to be developed as an actual character.

    You noticed that too, eh? If the backlash of the latest article has taught me anything, it's that the FF are Laura and Laura-with-prop. LnL fans are almost unanimously not Luke fans. Poor AG.... we've got LnL/LauraFF and we've got LuNacy/TracyFF, but we've got very few LukeFF.

    Hey I'm an Lunacy/LukeFF. Do I count. I think that's one. B)

  5. I know. That's why I said you should all be glad I'm Canadian - of you wouldn't even have the recaps. :D

    I did a quick and dirty on SOC too.... let me just say I shouldn't type this much or this fast. My arms are aching.

    Do you appreciate what I do for you???? (INSERT SYMPATY HERE, NOT I TOLD YOU SO's)

    Remos did you see me on soc? :P

  6. Thanks Remos for the recaps. I like that Tracy sounded sort of sure of herself with Lulu, but WTF with LnL kissing at the end? Was it a goodbye kiss. I just really hope that Tracy gets to be strong and have dignity in this like Laura. I hate that she is happy for a few days and then realizes Luke would have left with Laura if she let him.

    I am glad she is kicking him out and will make him work to prove he still believes her. So he never said he LOVES tracy, but he made it clear without those exact words right? LnL fans are pissed. But I think it didn't sound so great for Tracy either.

    Lucky has just lost all respect for me. Even GV's hotness can't redeem him! At least Lulu knows the Luke/Tracy connection is strong. But I guess she lived with them and has witnessed it.

    Hooked basically Luke said he loved Tracy w/o saying it I guess to protect "the angel" and her mental state. :P Anyhoo, it seemed to me that Luke told her bye because he was like people change and they can never go back. Really saying it without saying he has moved on with Tracy. :)

    And the kiss was a goodbye one just like he did for Skye.

  7. Remos, Thanks for the spoilers!

    I haven't watched yet, but I thought today was the day that Luke was supposed to tell her that he loved Tracy.

    I don't feel sorry for the LnL fans. They have tried to ruin every special moment that we've gotten between LuNacy.

    They've had 30 years (so they say) to watch their couple. Now it's our turn for some magic.

  8. Ms. Q, do we have a stat on how many times this has happened in the past 3 1/2 years? At least once per 4-6 months. It's funny that the LnLers have grasped on to this spoilers and are using it as 'proof' that even Tracy knows Luke will never choose her. Meanwhile the rest of us are saying are you kidding? Tracy drops that one as often as she changes accessories.

    remos maybe that is a turn on for both of them. :P She tries to break up with him. He tries to get her back. :)

  9. Halee/funny definitely a "pinch" on Friday--I watched again in slow mo! LOL

    Yeah I saw it. Luke seems to love tapping her ass. :P And that he should.

    Well here is my take--I know most of the posters at the Lovefest are lunacyFFs, but I know there are a few of us who are TracyFF.

    IMO I kind of think TG is going to retire and be done at the end of March sweeps. I think it is a given Genie will be back to either usher him off. Or to stick around after to be the anchor for her family if Luke is gone.

    I am glad Tracy is giving Luke the heave ho if she finds out he is staying with her because Laura wouldn't let him come with her. I do believe Luke loves Tracy for sure, but I would much rather Tracy overhear that than have her be in the dark and the audience know.

    I agree with Remos that maybe Tracy only overhears part of that conversation.

    In any event I would rather have Luke leave the show and go riding off than have Luke and laura reunited and both remain on GH while Tracy is still on the show.

    My take now is that it is important to continue to write/call for Lunacy....but my calls and letters will be more geared to making sure Tracy has a storyline or part of storyline to still tie her in to the canvas when TG leaves.

    Just my take...but I don't think Lunacy is ending with Tracy ending the marriage. I think we will see the whole push/pull schtick again for a while--with them ultimately getting back together right before Laura shows up again. That would be classic soap angsty build up yet again.

    The good news in all this is Tracy is a) getting airtime--November is shaping up to be as good if not better than October . when is the last time we had five weeks in a row of Tracy at least maybe 6 B) Because of Laura it is providing Lunacy with a conflict and angst--if they were just all happy-then what would they do wiht them? Make luke go about his stuff and Tracy just at home? and c) Tracy seems to be a viable character on the show at the moment which is nice. Perhaps if we focus on that and give that some attention it can continue.

    Gotta run--going to write to Frons and call him--LOL

    Hooked this doesnt make me happy being a lunacyff!!! not happy. :angry:

  10. Why couldn't Laura have gone off into the canyon looking for help and gotten eaten by a Coyote?!?!

    Why oh why?

    (They should so let me write this show).

    Off to watch election returns....

    Yeah i wish she had but she had to "save" luke first since he did save her. But once he was free he should have pushed her over the cliff. :P

  11. Remos polls close at different times according to the different states. But i think first polls close at 7p. if not mistaken. Some states polls close at 7, 8, 830 9, etc. All those times are eastern times btw.

    And correct on the democrates are being blue and republicans are red.

  12. Funny, here you go. Have at it...

    Interview spring of 2008...

    Well, I've been very, very lucky in the last five years or so to be able to work with Jane Elliot, because I've been a huge fan of her for my entire career in soaps. She and I are both the same age, and I think she was on the show a year before I was. She also came and went and did other shows. But because I have this compadre, this colleague who shares my history and my history with the show, I haven't felt as isolated.... So I've been really fortunate to be able to grow and mature without resentment because it is difficult when you were the focus of the show and having great story all the time to be back-burnered and sort of moved over into the more supporting category, unless you have someone as spectacular as Jane to work with. And that has been really a saving grace for me in the last few years.

    From Cyndi Rinehart's soap segment in March or April of this year...

    My favorite co-star is Jane Elliot. We have waited to work together for thirty years and they finally put us together a couple of years ago. I've never had so much fun or been so challenged by anyone before.

    It's a very good dynamic that we have together and the characters are such an unlikely

    combination but, in truth, they're quite perfect together.

    Thanks guys. I saw your quote Ms. Q. Now i'm gonna use TQ's quote as well. THey make me sick. Sick I tell you. The idiots they are. :angry::angry:

  13. Oh man, I'm in rehab....

    God, grant me the serenity

    to accept the things I cannot change;

    the courage to change the things I can;

    and the wisdom to know the difference.

    Seriously grant it now!

    Annoying living in the past Lnl-ers! :angry:

    OMG halee sorry I forgot but i fell off the wagon on soc because they think laura is the end all be all and i cant take it. esp. they trying to call you out and then throwing up quotes from years ago.




    It!!!!! :angry::angry::angry::angry:

  14. That's what I hate about triangles. In order to make them "work", one of the three is made to be the fall guy - or girl, in this case. So sick of the "angel" ( <_<) at Tracy's expense.

    Wy can't my girl Helena come back and clip Laura's wings!!!!


    HAlee they talk about calling you out but I see lots of "new" lnl posters voting too. Ive never seen so many "new" lnl posters before until this poll and Laura coming back.

  15. Hey, quick question...

    How many times have Luke actually said the words "ILY" to Tracy...

    Which scenes?

    Off the top of my head, I have...

    November 2006 upon Laura's return SL

    January 2008 near the end of the heart attack SL

    October 2008 on the plane to LA

    Was there more???

    Does "In Love with my wife count"? If so that was when he was trying to win her back at the MC? and she walked away from him.

  16. I think she is just butt hurt that Luke chose Tracy over her. I mean Tracy hasen't used an underhanded tactic to keep Luke in YEARS!

    IA she is so used to Luke being in her world and can't fathom the thought of having Luke with another woman. I don't think she'd ever thought she'd see the day....Luke moving on with his life without her. That he choose another woman and her not being the center of her world. If she needs the attention go seek Scotty, he'd help her in that department.

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