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Posts posted by funny1

  1. Funny, you're the best. Love your attitude! I just voted and commented. I'll say this for the ewcbo fans...They are an organized group...literally it would seem. Wonder if the ptbs know that. A few "multiple personality disorders" among the ewcbo-ers developing in that thread as well. Maybe it's a side effect of catatonia... ;)

    Back atcha QT. Plus I don't think TG wants to go back down that road of LnL redux. JE is his partner N crime. Maybe Tg can put it in his contract to only be married to Tracy. Hey... if he gets the vacay package he got last time no telling what he can get this time. ;)

  2. I agree with you both remos and QT. Luke has been going out of his way to get Tracy back. And he doesn't do that just to do that.

    I don't get all up in arms with the LnL vs LuNacy stuff because I don't like to waste my breath because we all know who is the better couple and who is better suited for Luke.

    So... with that there is no stress here.

  3. Funny1--was today the first day with kids? How were they? Good group?

    No yesterday was the first day back since we had the tropical storm. Wednesday was the first day. They seem much better than last year but I have to reserve my "real" opinion until a few months from now.

  4. I wish I knew Nex! I am doing my damndest to find out but no dice thus far!!!

    Hooked thanks for the well wishes but they came back on weds. Oh and I thought you were suppose to stay away from your addition? I guess not.

    Lisa Q welcome the boards.

    angel nice job!

    remos still waiting!! :P

    Ms. Q Thanks!

  5. Remos I'm waiting for the next fic installment. You know I'd have to ask. :P Since I haven't asked in a while.

    Angel waiting for the next one. Yeah I know I'm greedy like that!!! Great fic. Can't wait for more. As always.

    Ms. Q did you get my Pm?

  6. I have returned, and I come bearing gifts...

    Luke and Tracy's Excellent Adventures continues...

    I have missed you all terribly, but Hooked has been keeping me up to date via phone, and it would appear I haven't missed anything else. No Tracy... not happy... not happy at all. Again I ask "Why bring her back this summer at all?"

    I'm going to be positive however, and believe that Tracy is out finding Luke. We will get them coming back together and they will deal with Lulu et al. AND the ewcbo is just a figment.

    Also trying to update the Blog. Some filthy-McNasties were on, but I've removed that.

    BSG, can you PM me the all-purpose diva's gmail again. I've forgotten.

    Great Job Remos and WB!!!

  7. Ned returns and runs ELQ with his mother OR Dillon returns to make a movie about his mother

    Tracy gets shot (but not killed) saving Lulu OR Tracy gets shot (but not killed) saving Luke

    Tracy finds out about Jake OR Luke finds out about Rick Webber

    Anthony forces Tracy into marriage OR Scott forces Tracy into marriage

    Tracy wakes up, kidnapped OR Tracy wakes up, unable to move her legs

    Tracy and Sam get trapped on the Haunted Star OR Monica and Tracy get trapped in the Q freezer

    Tracy loses her wedding ring OR Tracy loses something of Lila's

    Luke arranges something special for Tracy on the Haunted Star OR Tracy arranges something special for Luke in their bedroom (I wish we could see their bedroom) :P

    Tracy must choose between saving Ned OR Dillon's life or Luke must choose between saving Tracy or Laura's life

    Tracy gets in a jam and hires Diane OR Tracy gets in a jam and hires Alexis

    Tracy gets drunk with Luke OR Tracy gets drunk with Diane

    Tracy grows her hair out and dyes it jet black (like the 90s) OR Tracy revisits the horror that is February 20, 2008

    Luke suspects that Tracy is cheating OR Tracy makes it looks like she's cheating to get back at Luke

    Tracy has a run in with Paul OR Tracy has a run in with Paul's now grown daughter Susan

    Dillon returns home with a pregnant girl friend OR Lulu finds out she's pregnant with Johnny's kid

    Tracy imagines her and Luke growing old together OR Tracy imagines her and Alan as kids

    Tracy breaks down and cries and Edward finds her OR Tracy breaks down and cries and Monica finds her

    Lulu accidentally hits Tracy with her car (but doesn't kill her) OR Tracy accidentally hits Johnny with her car (and kills him)

    Tracy get amnesia and can't remember that Alan and Lila are both dead OR Tracy gets amnesia can can't remember ever being involved with Luke SpencerTracy comes to Lucky's rescue OR Lucky comes to Tracy's rescue

    Those are my picks Ms. Q.

    Angel I choose Edward for the next chapter.

  8. Hey all!

    Carrie left to visit her aunt this morning and is now on her way home. I can't believe she survived me for 3 days. hee.

    We had a great time with BSG, the food connoisseur extraordinaire!

    We have to this again sometime. Hopefully, funny, and ms. Q, at least can make it next time, and anyone else who can.

    funny, aren't you up past your bedtime? heh.

    Yeah totally pased my bedtime. I can't sleep so...

    I am up watching youtube stuff.

  9. funny, remember when I said I would post Oh, Baby after TL came home and before hooked left???

    Here it is!!! :D


    Since I called the part before The Beginning of the End, perhaps I should call this part The Beginning of the Beginning?

    (I am borrowing those titles from the Facts of Life finale :lol:). But they are so fitting, aren't they?

    This is the end of an era, everyone!!! :( :(

    I hope you all enjoy the epilogue!

    Oh course I have to comment to you about how awesome your story was, and you already know that. I would comment in details but I know some haven't read it, so I will keep a zip upper lip. Nice ending. B)

  10. My bags are packed...I'm ready to go! Can't wait to go to NY tomorrow! We will have to do a late night br party! I'm bringing my camera!

    Funny1--Where you be woman? We have been having some big br chats going on and have been missing you immensely!!!

    I've been doing some stuff for work and school. Been trying to ween myself off the br so much since school is about to start up also.

  11. Funny!!! You know I want to talk to you too! I just need to make some plans with those two NY girls!!

    So I saw your pic...you look just like a pictured! You skinny little thing!

    Did you guys see the pic of me and Nex I emailed?

    So what was Nex eating in that pic? :)

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