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Posts posted by funny1

  1. Where is funny? I haven't "seen" you since I got home! Br tonight?

    Hey Hooked I'm here. I haven't posted too much, but I'm here. WB!!!

    She's been around. I think she has a course to do or something. Everyone is busy and TIIC's use of Tracy hasn't exactly inspired much conversation here.

    Yeah I've got a class and some workshops for my job that has been keeping me busy for a bit.

  2. I spent way too much money today - and I'm not happy like Lainey usually is. I actually had 6 people mistake Rusty for a girl today, that is a record. And today was the first time in months we've been running errands and someone hasn't asked why the kids aren't in school. Oy, my head hurts. Good news is Mikey is away on business so I have the place to myself after the screamers go to bed in the next 2 hours! Yay me!!!

    How did it go today, Hooked? Get anything fixed?

    Nex, not to be a pain but I'm going to be a pain - do you have the scenes of Luke and Robert talking just before the ewcbo wakes up?

    Funny, it's been 48 hours - where's #20?

    Remos RL is actually starting to make be backburn that for a few days. But don't worry I'll write it soon enough. Why are feeling for the ending?

  3. No, I shall not succumb, Funny. If you could have seen the way I looked all weekend you would be assured that I will NEVER be fashion conscious.

    But I'm getting it from them and my daughter is nicknamed "The Diva" for a reason. It's an academic discussion for me solely. Even my boys will occasionally tell someone that colours don't match. The Diva has great influence around here. Where she came from in anyone's guess.

    Whew I thought I'd lost you. Okay I'll except that.... for now remos but I'm keeping my eye or my typing on you. :P

    Besides I think you're cool in your own right.

  4. Yeah well, there's that...

    As for the hair, I've noticed it's pretty flat to the head and no oomph. All the chicks that were given bangs in January and now getting comb-overs to appear that they don't have bangs. Tracy needs something more exciting with that do. Short hair can be fun, especially on someone with her personality, face and improving wardrobe. Haven't noticed more blonde, though. (you fashionistas are getting to me, ugh...)

    Oh NO remos not you too!!!!! Noooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!

  5. Well I just watched the boring-ass Emmys and watched to see if TG would win. I everyone saying if TG won would he thank JE. Well we got our wish, TG did win and he did thank his as he put it "partner in crime" JE. I knew he would whoohoo. :D


    Ms. Q I was also disappointed that gh won. I was thinking the samw as you do, that Guza can continue writing sh!t that he does and he can always go back to saying we won best drama that year. Gh sucks!!

  6. Nah.... you have her as a 12 year old with lots of potential to learn at Tracy's feet. Besides, it might be interesting if Daddy's little princess had to compete with Daddy's little princess.

    You've done a lot of male bonding, now it's like to bring on the X chromosomes.

    Sure. that means i'll ship her off. mwahhhh!!! :lol:

  7. Yeah, I know. It just had to go there, if you know what I mean.

    Finally got to yours today - nice. Can't wait for more. They are so sweet together. Will Lulu and Dillon react as well as Lucky and Ned?

    I should just ship Lulu off. You wouldn't care would you? :P I'll throw her in there, ugh!!!

  8. Well it came with a warning. It's not my fault you did... whatever you did.

    And considering your implied reaction yesterday, you might want to read this one at home. It will also get a response - though for different reasons...

    Yet more Annals...

    OHHHHHH NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! I kinda knew what you were up to! Good job though can't wait to read the next!

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