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Posts posted by funny1

  1. Morning everyone... I see Spinelli commented on our blog yesterday. Good stuff. Lukey braved the cyber waters this morning.

    Funny, that story is in the process. His nibs had the audacity to interupt me last night, so the mood was broken. I'll pick it up, however. It's not like I thought it would be - Tracy is talking to me and giving me a different story to tell (only in a group of writers can I say that. you know what I mean and my sanity isn't in any more peril than usual). Once I get the feeling back I will finish and post. Is that good enough to get more of yours?

    Loved the fic remos. Glad to read someone else's fic besides my own. Great job. And just for posting a fic of your I'll recipricate that with one the new part of my fic in the br later tonight.

  2. Nex thanks for the clips!

    Halee Do we actually have the white flag waving? MUAHHHHHHHHH!

    Hooked thanks for the spoilers. I'm gonna miss them in the summer. But it gives you time to refresh yourself. And gear up for when Tracy and Luke comes back.

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