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Posts posted by funny1

  1. ^^^Oh man, I feel your pain. Good luck working out the kinks!^^^

    Funny how is it being rugrat free?

    Halee its FREAKEN AWESOME!!!!! :D No kids for 9 weeks is gonna be great as it usually is. I need some time to recharge my batteries esp. with that God awful group I had. With 13 boys and only 6 girls you can see how I almost lost it with that class mix. Thanks for asking btw.

  2. When I saw the scenc when she said she took the money and that Luke should be out of money by now I took it as if she had to take the money and not that she did it out of spite. The way she said it made me wonder that he told her or somehow got her somehow to take the money unwillingly. She definately was worried about him. IMHO.


    waving at QT!!!!!

  3. Ms. Q Awesome vid. I miss LuNacy. awww but there is always the blog and the Annals. sigh.

    I had a rough day today. I am so happy tomorrow is the last day of school. I had two kids with tantrums. UGH. I sure need this damn summer break. And I need them out of my room forever as I'm happy to see them go. WHooHoo!!

  4. funny, I finished reading The Forgotten Birth. Wonderful job. Loved the way you ended it. So, what's your next story going to be about? ;)

    Ms. Q Wow already want more. Believe me I'm working on it. ;)

    TL You've have a pm! :)

    Remos I aways enjoy your work. Can't wait for more. Will they get a proper goodbye?!?!?! :P

  5. Thanks, BSG! It's definitely been a team effort.

    By the way, for anyone who has missed reading The Annals of Luke and Tracy's Excellent Adventures by Remos, you are missing out! It's so, so good. Chapter 12 is a must-read to get the full flavor of where "Luke" is coming from in the latest blog post.

    Here's the link:

    The Annals of Luke and Tracy's Excellent Adventure

    QT she didn't put up Chapter 12 yet? Ot did I miss something?

    waving back atchu guys.

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